Target put those 'gender-bending' chemicals in their baby food......so that IF these babies grow up, they can then buy Target's GENDER-BENDING MERCH!

If people haven't figured it out, BY NOW.....your Globalist Masters HAVE HAD a 'PLAN' for YOU, that starts (PRE-) 'CRADLE TO GRAVE', for DECADES now!

In a nut shell......



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Bill Gates's father was a founder of Planned Parenthood.

"You guyzz, there's too many people alive on the planet."

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So very sad! And Target supports Planned Parenthood too? I will NEVER shop there anymore even tho close to me!

There is such evil in our world; the DEMS just wanting to kill everyone! They have to answer to God someday cause we will all die; no matter what! It’s whether you are with God or with Satan! You cannot get out of this world without dying; you choose to go to Heaven or Hell! People think they are getting away with evil; they aren’t!!! I know who I am with and who loves me!!! You choose where you are going! Going to Hell is complete separation from God!!!!

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"we will all die", Unless you are alive during the 5th trumpet...Rev 9:6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

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I am more than half dead now physically so is hubby, but better than being young now as we were young during the best times. (We can still fire a gun tho', retirees since '04 and '09)

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I know, so glad I was young when I was, would not want that now, everything is so much worse now and was so much better then. Don't get me started on that list again now.... ! Lol : D

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I agree. Im from the good old days when our mom cooked meals for us. No internet, no cell phones and so on. Heck we even were disciplined. And we were taught to respect our elders, teachers, and everyone we came into contact with. Politeness was a must. Our parents actually had control of us. If we got out of line, we were discipline. Today you would think the kids are in charge. I too could go on and on about the good old days and how things are extremely different and chaotic today. Heck, they can’t even educate the kids today. That’s why the youth graduate from high school not even being able to read and know nothing about history. I guess they’ll have to depend on the government because they’ll have no skills to support themselves. I’m so glad I grew up when I did and had to actually study and learn something so I could be who I am today.

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Kids rule the parents now days, kids not taught responsibility, values started going downhill in the '80's I noticed this with military families and others near me. Growing up we all had weekend house /yard chores before we could hit the bowling alley or movies.

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Well yeah but that's for the unrepentant. Not going to say anything about the 7th/Last Trumpet. ; )

I'm on the waiting list for martyrdom so that's my ticket.

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They won't get to some of us, some will be hidden (maybe won't bother to look under bed or dense shrubbery) but they do keep records of gun owners. Behind us empty lot are storm drainage pipes lg enough to hide in.

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I rarely go into Target anymore, it has gone downhill anyway. Some baby food is listed as organic in grocery stores. Moms need to make their own babyfood w/ a food processor, boomer parents did by mashing the veggies and bought Gerber meats. Home canned too fruits, veg.

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Ha, that's what I just said too up there! I'm a gen X'er. ; D

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Yes, and continuing in connecting the dots... WE are their Target!

Their logo is also a bull's eye. There are usually hidden things symbolized by such logos of big name corporations. One can do a search online for this. One place I found this was on a website called the New Jerusalem Chronicle (if it's still out there) and on a list of links at the right is one called Wolves in Sheep's clothing or something like that and he does an outstanding expose of many things including symbolism. Well worth looking into.

And oh! I pity anyone young these days and I mean under the age of 45ish, but especially babies and children. They are in such danger now from the moment of conception onward. If you have a baby, the best thing is to get produce as fresh as possible, organic, from your own yard, etc. and put it in a food processor or blender with some good clean water. You can also use milk, cream, yogurt, bananas, any fruits, etc. and make your own baby food. That is what I would do. Who knows what junk they are putting in these jars?!

Be safe.

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As Ronald Reagan said, "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help." Government, of the people, by the people, for the people, here to help-- sicken you, kill you, destroy your future generations. When the enemy is rapidly approaching, pull the trigger-- you will have only one chance.

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Agreed. You have to be either woefully ignorant or completely selfish to bring a child into this world now. They will never understand absolute freedom & happiness growing up in a third world banana republic like the US

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And who purchases baby food at Target? ..... Mostly the low income who can not afford organic. They are also the least desirable people group deemed so by the "elite" whose plan it is to eliminate them, one way or another.

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Evidently America is no longer a blessed nation. Psalm 9:17

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