Many of us lived through one or more of those six decades with no idea of what was really happening. Now more and more are gradually waking up. We are still relatively few because it’s so difficult for us to fully comprehend that our governments—federal, state, and local—have been lying to us assiduously. We cannot comprehend that our elected representatives serve interests and an agenda that is completely destructive to the American people. When you do fully realize this, you enter a different state of being that is painful to reach. And once there, you realize that practically everything you thought was true about the secular world has been a lie, for a very long time. I don’t think most people are capable of making that leap. If they are not Christians, they’re left with no hope, and humans weren’t created to live without hope.

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Even those with hope have a difficult time taking these things in. It's a grieving process.

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Yes, indeed it is a grieving process. I felt like I’d been hammered, and although a cheerful person, was down in the dumps for a couple of days. And then it’s a continuing sorrow.

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This is what God's judgment looks like on the proud nation that abandoned Him. The blindness of the majority is part of it.

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We’re screwed!

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Only if you keep your eyes closed. Spread this story as much as possible-and wake up others. Long live the resistance!

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Why is it that the US cannot understand?

YOU went shopping while YOUR country waged wars against soverign countries.

Now you come here and tell us you did not know what was happening! IN YOUR NAME.

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Some of us were against the wars, but we were told to shut up. Especially after 911

Now, all of of sudden democrats love war and republicans are against it. I’m 61 and had to grew up in the seventies. It was a terrible awful time to grew up.

To find out that the government brought us the counter culture and rock n roll, and all the drugs that went with it blew my mind, yet it all makes sense now.

Everything we thought was true is now a lie.

Hell, I’m really starting to wonder if the moon landings was real. Crazy messed times.

Meanwhile, everyone around me acts like everything is normal and their children have bright futures as lawyers, educators, and doctors. I’m literally watch rural folks send their kids of to the city for their education.

I left the city because I saw what was coming, and these rural people are sending their kids of to be slaughtered.

I’ve stopped worrying about it. At the end of the day… it’s every person for themselves, and that is how it’s gonna be.

After Katrina, I saw it all. People will connect to their immediate family and will tell everyone else to go to hell.

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There won't be a draft because people would protest against fighting other country's wars. I would hope people see V. Nam and Afghanistan as a good example of failure. A.I. weaponry and drones are being used by other countries in warfare right now. It is less than five percent who are informed about agenda 2030 and related issues, they are too busy w/ video games, sports and social media and can't be bothered because they think/or tell you: "some politician (s) will "fix stuff" if needed.

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You got it - almost - what potential US Navy recruits (future draftees) "protest" is no internet access on deployed war ships - therefore: US Navy is looking at a near catastrophic shortfall in recruiting. Story the other day: US Navy Officers (officers!) busted for deploying secret wi-fi network/satellite access on board a ship so they (just the officers) could stream Netflix and sports.

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SO.....you DID "shut Up!" Why. Too happy in your American Dream which was always a crock of shit!

You have 'blood on your hands' as do many people in the Western world hanging onto the coat-tails of American hegemony.

How many lives have you murdered?

I have been in a Civil War and I can tell you that families 'lie' to keep the peace. You are on your own.

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Jenny, have you converted a lot of people by condemning? Does ranting do any good? You need Jesus. Faith in Christ is the only way to have peace in these times in which there is so little we can control. We are in a spiritual battle and the real enemy is satan, not people.

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For the Biblically literate, we, (humanity), were forewarned in Biblical prophecy these current events would come to pass centuries before we began seeing them on a daily basis. For those who still believe "we can fix this" through politics, no, we can't; because it's not a temporal battle. It's an on-going spiritual war that began long before any of us existed, coming to its climax in our time - right here on planet earth. We can only choose a "side" to support and work with in that battle. But there is no "fence sitting" now or “do-overs” later. We must each actively choose the side of light and good, of YHVH God; or we default to the other side of darkness and evil and Satan. Therefore, if you haven't actively chosen Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God...then you are in default. For each of us, today, there are no other options; I have made my choice and His name is Jesus (Yeshua); I pray each of you who read this Leo Hohmann Substack comment will make the correct choice. Eternity is a very long time to regret a wrong choice.”

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with that person, and they with me. To the one who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with Me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” [Revelation 3: 20-21]

FYI: There are two (2) sins Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) will not forgive: (1) Denial (blasphemy) against the Holy Spirit. [Matthew 12:31] and; (2) Receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST. [Revelation 14:9]

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Oh dear another 'god botherer!'

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How interesting that I visit your substack and you have not written one essay.

But you do post links to what appear to be globalist propaganda.

You are excoriating other readers / concerned Americans as though you yourself are not an American.

If you did not live here during the 6 decades of psyops, then you cannot understand perspective nor can you legitimately attack others for failing to live up to your presumed righteous standard.

You fit MY DEFINITION of a fed poster: paid for by the US Gov for the purpose of furthering the psyop via negative speech and selling: NO HOPE IN SIGHT / WE ARE DOOMED TO TYRANNY.

We've seen you before elsewhere. Change your name, it matters not. If you are not an American then you cannot understand who we are and if you are not a Redeemed One, even more you cannot understand what is hope.

IF God did not have a plan for our nation then there was no need for HIm to lead Leo Hohmann to research Technocracy and the globalists' agenda that we might all be aware and choose life and to stand up against tyranny.

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Then, Jenny, put your money where your mouth is, sweetheart. You want action? What do you suggest? Because the real cause of American hegemony, in which most citizens do not participate nor enjoy the rewards, are the privileged 1% who augmented their billions with even further billions in their last escapade, the Covid Scam. This system was installed in the U.S. in the 1800s. Like Rothschilds. Like old European bloodlines. Like the Federal Reserve presidents and chairmen. I would think someone serious, as you evidently profess to be, could take appropriate measures. BTW, Jenny, I marched against the war in Viet Nam. Many of the demonstrations were massive in a time when the population was far less than today. Like these: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49893239 What was the result? Since you lived through a civil war, do you recommend, then, physically overthrowing the existing government? How well did that work out for you? Ever hear of the Jacobins? Their "Reign of Terror?"

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A civil war of the population with the overthrow of the government

as happened in Romania, will not happen in the US.

The military and police would first have to switch sides, which

will not happen. The ruling powers have already

preparations to nip such a thing in the bud.

The armament against the population is almost complete,

financed by the financial elite.

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Exactly, Charly. I agree with each point in your post. One has to have eyes to see (truly see). We are wrapped within a python stranglehold. I sourly laugh that people still don't understand the Titanic change which occurred with the Covid Caper. Not only the test to determine how many would blindly follow but also the largest transfer of wealth in our current history. The most telling detail is that the populace has become accustomed to electronic communication in the form of social media, and I believe they have no idea how manipulated they are. Those in power don't need a physical revolution because they're committing revolution right now with their visible and transparent attempts at global censorship. The war this time has been within the minds of men. People look to the trans-humanist future as a time mankind will be without free will or free thought, but I would say look at humankind now. Factions already exist who believe that censorship is actually "correcting" mis-, dis-, or fake information when, actually, censorship is simply censorship. If they ever read "1984," they failed to comprehend it.

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How will a Govt. change without Civil War? Admittedly it is a HUGE step to take but it's better than doing nothing and hope things will change.

You are correct, even WITH Civil War it might not work.

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I'm neither for nor against civil war. I only note that many violent revolutions in the past haven't worked to the average citizen's advantage. One totalitarian regime replaces another.

I honestly feel more an observer. I don't know why. Perhaps my age? Well into my 70s? I'm not deluded. I would say that my reading and investigations for nine years (since "red pilling") have been beyond extensive. I'm not lulled with anything resembling the "American Dream." I don't think America exceptional except in its founding documents. The current nation belies its promise and has succumbed to encroaching tyranny.

I don't feel like I'm caught in this drama. I simply don't have any other words to use. I'm watching and observing the times and wish everyone the best possible life they can live. If they feel civil war benefits them, then they must, indeed, proceed in that direction.

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Jenny, think of it this way: America and the rest of the world's Nations are locked in a box, and "The Real Controllers" are standing outside of the box, poking one Nation to fight another Nation, or have a group of Nations fight another group of Nations.

People standing outside of the box are making super money, and watching happily as we, little people, die.

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Because 90% (probably more) of adults are ignorant as to what is going on, know nothing about agenda 2030, WEF, or wars for profit. Which is why I am fed up w/ trying to inform, like talking to a tree- they are not interested.

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Don't get discouraged, just keep on informing people, keep it simple. It is hard for average people to envision - there are "dark hands" behind it all.

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Unless there is a committed group in the community who band together, are willing to protect and fight if needed, we are on our own for ex: pillaging by illegals or other criminals, UN gun confiscations using foreign troops.

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If you aren't living remote, if you don't trust most of your nearest neighbors, it's time to move, post haste.

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We are in town in a retirement community and will stand and fight if necessary. I am tired of moving ( his military moves, moved for a job during Reagan era after discharged. Women have to do most the work on moving getting ready for the movers,boxing stuff, downsizing, etc. I don't interact w/ neighbors if I can help it, not here to make friends/socialize (been there done that).

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Unfortunately there are many who see what is happening, want to move, but are for various reasons, unable. May Yah have mercy on us elderly without means to relocate to a safer location.

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Jenny, You have not heard? Get with coming future programs, girl!

Borderless, Nationless, and Depopulation, are the newest hot agenda worldwide!

Because, our world currently has 8.2 Billion people, and the real world leaders (way above Nation Leaders) think there are way too many people. So, ..... "even more interesting time" are soon ahead of all of us world citizens.

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We can't stop it now anyway, too much power not enough left to resist (most patriots are RIP nowdays.)

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It's much bigger than that. America is no longer blessed but cursed because it abandoned God.and judgment is here.

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Cursed indeed like cities in old testament under judgements (famine, war, etc)

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It is unfair for you to condemn all Americans. I am not even an American born.

In recent world history, WE HAVE ALL BEEN USED, some Nations were used as "invaders" and some Nations were used as "victimized Nations".

Wars have been a staple happening throughout human history. But, in recent years, you need to ask " Who are the real benefiters behind these wars? "

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Unfortunately, the majority of people's thinking has been taken away and now the population looks on paralyzed at what the elites are doing.

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Seems more evident everyday this is the reality, not just of the USA, but also for all the rest of us, in what remains of Western culture nations.

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Yes, this is where we are headed. No more time to complain. Get ready body, mind, and soul. Mat 10:28

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Please share practical tips as to how to get ready.

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Buy canned meats and veg., spices coffee, tea and various condiments (hot sauce, A-l, etc) ammo, generator, batteries.

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one item I would consider for the Christian witnessing the great shaking. The Lord is preparing the world to see the Great Tribulation seemingly soon. Whether we are here or we are spared is in the Lord's mystery. God is providential and will protect His own children via the covenant of the blood of Jesus regardless. Get your heart and mind in total place of submission to His will on a daily basis--He will take care of the rest.

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That's THE most important thing, ArnoldF. We need to be telling the non-believers how they can be prepared for eternity, as well as whatever happens here on earth.

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Gospel of John is good for people to read, the Holy Spirit convicts. Romans 1:20-21 KJV, people are without excuse. Rom ch 9 election and reprobation before the foundation of the world.

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Show Father God's Law, share King Christ's grace...

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This is a free audiobook called Resilient prepping by Mike Adams. You can download the book too. Very good to open your thinking to the USA in collapse. He talks high tech, low tech, and no tech and how to prep for each level.

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The last thing Leo mentioned was Technocracy. Research that subject https://www.technocracy.news/. Also, research the bio digital convergence. We can't defend or escape the technology. We will become synthetic. It is in our air, water, soil and we are breathing and consuming it.

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Prepare to defend our family and property? We here are in our 70s, single, childless, and having enough trouble just getting about. I don't at all deny the situation we're in, and I can feel what's coming. Prepare, yes, but not to defend one's own stuff of this life.

This is what happens when a people rejects and denies God, many peoples now, and we're not going to stop that. The conversation that needs to take place is the one about salvation. Perhaps more will listen as it becomes ever more evident where we are headed.

Watch what is happening, noticing the trends, and compare this now with what happened in the fulfilled prophecies of scripture. There's little difference.

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and Amen.

I won't be passing along, alone. FYI

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Much in the Old Test. about cities being judged and destroyed, people killed invaded by other groups, flood or famines, crop failures.

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The OT cites the true causes for "climate change" and other disasters-in-progress happening now. Many will read it out of context simply as "wrath" (from a wrathful God), but we can also understand wrath to represent the inevitable consequences of rebellious human behavior.

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Many of us suspected we were living under a 'Shadow Govt.' since life SUDDENLY changed in the 60's with the JFK/RFK/MKL Assassinations, Hippies, Drugs, 'Free Love Culture' and Feminism making dirty people thumbing rides on the highways and byways a common observation. Then, there was 'Watergate' and the first 'Oil Crisis' in the 70's and families had less and less predictability with planning for the future.

Some Grandparents and parents discussed 'Current Events' and many suspected the actual enemies to be the union of International/World/Central Banks with conglomerates. Few knew of the ROOT OF EVIL to be with London's Fabian Nazi's, Monarchs, Peers, as well as those openly suspected as the origin of all the evil in the world. Nobody suspected them as the diabolical evil perpetrating the horror for hundreds of years. All were clueless about the reported PRIVILEGED and HIGHLY INTELLIGENT graduating as 'Rhodes Trust Scholars' to be ENEMY AGENTS for THE BLACK NOBILITY.

Nobody considered this same group fought in the Revolutionary War to continue to be those long salivating over a dream of a One/New World Nazi Police State based in SLAVERY with themselves the Masters. While we knew their tactics of old with controlling even air, water and food THROUGHOUT TIME to CONTROL THE MASSES, allowing many millions to STARVE through the centuries, we didn't view those same tactics to be useful in the modern world; especially on the farms and ranches feeding so many in the world. Disease, mostly unheard of as pandemics in our time but used often in the old world for population control as is now known widely around the world.

THERE WAS NO JUSTICE BEFORE THE UNITED STATE'S CONSTITUTION, and the people of the United States have only BEGUN to observe the actual PAST UNDER THE DEMONS in the modern age. The United States Govt. is now in OPEN ANARCHY and even Unalienable/Civil Rights are again addressed in QUESTIONABLE COURTS with Judges CORRUPTED AND FILTHY in their greed and addiction to power, It's now common for reports of Prosecutors and Judges to CREAT CRIMES OF CONVENIENCE TOWARDS GRASPING POWER WITH THEIR TALONS, sharpened well with the dole from LAUNDERED U.S. TAXPAYER $$$ as well as the SLAVE MASTERS IN THE CITY OF LONDON'S CENTRAL BANKS AND THE BIS in SWITZERLAND.

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Legal system is corrupt. Judges bribed by gov. Medical system corrupt controlled by licensing boards.

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When the Uniparty Nazi Demon Worshiping Pedophiles declare 'Democracy is in danger,' what they're really saying is, "THE INSTITUTIONS IN THE U.S. ARE IN DANGER."

THAT is what they deliberately MISDEFINE DEMOCRACY to be.

Few know of or comprehend this change and the ramifications in changing the definition of 'Democracy.'

The ENEMY changed the definition to fit their narratives and memes created at The Tavistock Institute in Sussex, UK to match that of the past under Kings/Queens/Emperors now called 'Dictators' up to the time of the activation of the U.S. Constitution. There is a vast difference between Human-Given Rights and God-Given Unalienable/Civil Rights.

The Constitution, GUARANTEEING PROTECTION of Unalienable/Civil Rights is that in danger.


This is the enemy...It's far more diabolical than what we are speaking of here.


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It's not too late, to buy a gun. Think carefully, and try to get more than one box of ammo!

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And get, at least, some basic firearms training !

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A prepper said 500 rds or more for each handgun, several thousand for rifles, also have 6 large capacity magazines.

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and maintenance items !

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Rifles can carry into other houses when houses, a hospital and strip mall, and other buildings are all around your residence. People may be looting for food if there is a grid down. handgun or a shotgun w/ buckshot for close range.

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Any possibility you would join me on a podcast?

We think a lot alike.

Ken. SC


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I want to refer you to Sam Andrews, he does interviews for Doug Hagmann, Quayle and others and is sharp as anyone on defense. watch: https://rumble.com/v4626x6-ep-4601-sam-andrews-joins-doug-hagmann-jan.-9-2024.html:// well known among patriots.

also: freedomtrain.net/contact

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Thanks so, so much and I’ll sure follow up.

You are always welcome too. Any lady who knows what a 7mm bolt action is, is a friend. Nothing like turning ammo into noise!


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War sucks. People need to understand their role when shtf.

I use shotguns, pistols, a 7mm scoped bolt and a nifty AR15 platform, myself.

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The tension in my gut is stronger than I wish to admit after reading this post.

Thank you for your work and your writing , Mr. Hohmann. Continue to keep us informed, please. Life is going to become a lot more serious in the next 4 months.

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I hit that knot after 9/11 when I saw everyone go along with it.

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We have been living from one emergency to the next ever since 911. Leftist incursions into the life of the United States have been picking up acceleration especially during Obama and then moved into high gear once Trump was elected in 2016. No one can deny the that the afterburner switch was thrown into the ON position in 2020 and that a state of global authoritarianism is now in effect.

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I know there are very dark times ahead. But they are necessary. Who wants to continue with a system that is based in deceit? And we all know how deeply rotten it is. What exists needs to break down, for something completely different to emerge. Keep your faith strong, the sun always comes out from behind clouds.

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We certainly are on the threshold and if we simply walk the plank then all is absolutely lost. Got King Jesus ?

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The final switch is waiting to be pulled by Kamela.

Its so obvious now why Obama didnt endorse her right away. He waited so people would think he wasnt her puppet master all along.

At this point we have been down this deep state rabbit hole for over 100 years now, 4 years of Trump wont do anything but delay [maybe, he does have a way of sneaking in some things just to keep the ball rolling down hill] the inevitable.

We the people are being played on both sides, and its our own damn faults. Not enough if any people stepped up and confronted what was happening. "the moral majority" with their mouths shut could have been a huge force but instead chose to keep their heads in the sand. why? because they arent

really moral nor are they arent real bible believing Christians. They are a bunch of phony hypocrites

more interested in themselves and their own well being then that of others. Thus the feel good gospel,

the prosperity gospel, the social gospel, the name and claim it gospel, the ecumenical gospel, but NOT the gospel of the Christ Jesus.

Folks this is Gods judgement on us, giving us over to what has been and is now happening. The only reason God has not totally destroyed this nation is perhaps because He still has a remnant of believers who are His body the true Church. He will keep us strong and make us Bold to keep preaching the truth. A voice in the wilderness, to reach those who may still have ears to hear while there is still time.

But as things devolve we may have to pay for that boldness with our lives. Are you willing to do that?

People are doing this everyday in many Non Christian countries. And dont kid yourselves if you cant see it coming to the West very soon God Help you.

And dont count on the rapture to bail you out. Jesus makes it very clear that we [disciples, believers,]

will see tribulation and persecutions. Its happening everywhere except the west, and that is changing and changing quickly. You better be ready or you will become an apostate just like 90% of the western church right now. If you fall away from the truth, you will Not have eternal life. Remember Jesus said

"if you deny me I will deny you before my Father". In other words "depart from me I never knew you".

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Endure, to the end. There are things worse than physical death.

A friend, an honest-to-Father God-believer, told me, decades ago:

"If your price isn't death, then you have a price (where you will sell out)."

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Find some people you can talk to in person willing to listen. A good litmus test is whether they approved of the lockdown fascism.

Send out a newsletter that can be printed offline. Keep in contact with other indie journalists through sites like this and short-wave radios after the internet becomes unavailable.

Being able to communicate outside their control system can make a huge difference in the time ahead.

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TBPH, it seems as though the jibby-jabbed are a complete write-off.

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Seems their brains have been scrambled by the vaccines. Unable to use logic.

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I use the "Do you know and understand what is going down, right now, in the 'great reset ?".

I used to get dear in the headlights and some conspiracy theory barbs.

Now, they want to hear it.

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Also ask them what they know about agenda 2030 (that incl the great reset and digital currency).

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yup, Agenda 21/2030 (which is actually AGENDA 2025 !) and digital hell (mark of the beast, Revelation) always gets mixed in.

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The first part of your editorial was good and I was about to subscribe.

BUT: I do not agree that this is a Bolshevik revolution!

20 million Russians died in the 2nd WW fighting on OUR side.

How do we repay them for their sacrifice?

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But was that really our war? Why were we at war? Why couldn’t Europeans defend themselves?

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Wall street and the city of london ran both sides of ww2.

They sent trotsky from nyc and lenin from london, to Moscow

With a train load of gold.

Even old Ford, the Freemason, was in on it, funding and

boosting industry on both sides !

Both sides !

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ah, sheesh, soviets vs nazis, another contrived dialectic.

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Everything we have witnessed since Obama pried his way into office with his illegal birth certificate, we are witness to a globalist/communist coup here in the United States. Covid vaccine enforcements, media lying nonstop about Trump, George Floyd riots, the stolen election, j6, Jews being hunted on our college campuses—what do expect a communist coup to look like in a once free nation? Do you know the Weather Underground (marxists) in the 1960/70s said when they took power, they would likely need to incarcerate into concentration camps 25 million resisters. Read about the FBI informant Larry Grathwahl who infiltrated them. These people are now the leaders who are running the education establishments, the lawyers and activist leaders of the nation and many are in government. I encourage you to read any of the recent books by Diane West.

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Russia was also defending a German invasion.

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Yes, operation Orwell is almost complete! For the last few years all I did was watch people hypnotized by the trance emerging from the media. As I said I tried to wake people up but over 90 % of them fell for it and looked at those like me as some sort of conspiracy nut. I knew that with those statistics, it was hopeless. After reading all the comments up until now, many see the same things. Now it is funny how often times we read things and see that so and so gets this, but not that; and the others are the other way around, that and not this. It is impossible to peel back all the layers of deception that have been going on in so many areas. You find one who is all squared away on 99 items, yet then he is still gung ho and all in for trump and does not see that layer of deception. Examples abound. The fact is that we need to keep in mind how much duping has been going on.... and question EVERYTHING. Not the things of the Lord of course. But pretty much everything else. Don't get hijacked into all these other agendas as if that is the golden ticket. That's when people fall apart, when they find out they believed a lie on their special item too. All that I know for sure is that the Bible is God's Word and I am His.

Is Trump for real? Is Israel purely innocent? What really happened at 911? The JFK thing. The moon landing. And on and on. There are so many things and if we are honest we must admit that we do not truly know. We can know things after much research, retrospect, evidence, being an eye witness, etc. I have an opinion on these items and probably the same as yours. But many things we simply will not be able to know for certain. I am okay with that. I don't hang my hat on any such thing. Therefore I won't be disoriented and lose my bearings if I find out that it was the other way around. We can get grounded in the Bible. We can pray. God can give us discernment to see what is really going on, reveal to us secrets of what is going on behind the scenes, and lead us in which way we should go. That is my compass. Besides, most of those things won't make one ounce of a difference for us today. Puppets on strings will do their thing either way. Even when it comes to the outcomes of civil war, there is another bubble I must burst. Some assume that after that we will have reclaimed our republic and some new American utopia will emerge out of the rubble. But we are in the end times and all that is going to continue to emerge is the one world beast system. Whatever form of governments the nations will take, they will all be under the global tyranny. I am not trying to say do not fight against it. But just keep in mind that the end result will be the same, with the only exception that a different banner may hang over the tyranny in your neck of the woods. But a tyranny by any other name is still the same. The main thing to focus on is the state of your soul and of those around who will listen. If you are not in the right place spiritually, you are not in the right place. Nothing else will matter. At the end of the day we may all be in the same camp anyway regardless of how many battles were fought and won; the camp for resisters. At this point people are only drawing up borders, arguing over flags, and rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. On another note, definitely do NOT give up your guns and such. It is our right under the 2A. I saw a sticker on a truck that read "The 2A IS my gun permit," and I could not agree more. Only a moron would trust these villains and turn in their last physical defense against that enemy. Pray and see what the Lord would have you do, it may be different for each one.


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The USA has reached the point of no return, and no elections will help to stop the exodus. The population in Western Europe is experiencing the same thing. Only a 3rd world war will solve the problem and the survivors will be

start life anew from “0”.

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The problem won't be solved by world war, but, it will provide an opportunity to course change from where we are and where they want to take us.

I was born in the 60s, in the Midwest. The Good Life.

The Republic of the united States of America was long dead and buried by then. Little did I know, until NWO Iraq1 and Ruby Ridge.

H.L. Mencken’s observation more than a century ago that “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” seems about right.

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The upcoming generation was born stupid, lives stupid and dies stupid! There won't be a revolt because people have crawled into a warm cozy corner. The few who go to demonstrations do so purely as a leisure activity.

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Dumbed down, brainwashed, mind kontrolled.


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...and some of them will end up in government...

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Americans are gutless, spineless, ball-less cowards

who gave their Homeland away!

Americans will NEVER fight in any “Revolution”

or “Civil War” or “Freedom Fight”!

Americans LOVE their Nazi Masters, their Judaic “gods!

They would NEVER fight them or the mass-imported

Chocolate Fudge Criminals their “gods” brought there

to replace them!


And they DESERVE to be homeless SLAVES!


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You said what many know to be hard core fact, sorry to say.

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• 9/11 was an Islamist terror attack by 19 cavemen operating out of Ashcanistan, the Saudis probably orchestrated it, there were 5 dancing Palestinians on the roof nearby celebrating when it happened, a plane hit the Pentegram, not a cruise missile, and WTC7 definitely wasn't a controlled demolition.

• On July 13th, 2024, the "deep state" conspired to assassinate Donald Trump and shoot his ear, miraculously and narrowly missing blowing his brains out. It definitely wasn't WWE - Hollywood stagecraft to consolidate support for the gentile Jewish Moshiach amongst his ardent supporters under a Kabbahalist spell.

Did I miss anything ?

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The irony is subtle

And needs a rebuttal

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