Remember, some of the African Presidents 'were dead," after submitting guavas, other fruits, to be tested. Somehow, they came back +. then they were dead.
Satan/Luciferian Worshiping Pedophiles, Cannibals, Vampires in their Ritual Torturing/Raping/Murdering methods to feed their Adrenochrome Addictions
and to hurt God as the innocents of the world are closest to God.
THE TREE OF EVIL, the trunk, branches and Puppet Slave Fruit installed into Govt, Conglomerates, Philanthropies/NGO's, City of London Central Banker Cover...
ALL ARE COMPLICIT and have infiltrated to saturation allowing domination.
If he really cared about the people in Africa (which he does not) he would take that $40 million and start providing clean water and sanitary living conditions for those living in squalor.
It makes sense: "Gates is driven by profit and by his insatiable desire to depopulate the world. Only a government that truly hates its own people would unleash Bill Gates and his poisonous death jabs on them." But how can we explain that international laws, the Nuremberg Code, human rights, and crimes against humanity seem incapacitated in this instance and others across 194 countries? We already have tough laws against the crimes committed by Bill Gates; no judiciary in the world takes action against this billionaire. On the contrary, they collaborate. []
Because of Operation Paperclip, as one reason. The top Nazis were brought HERE. Hitler was shipped out to a large farm in Argentina, where he lived his life out to the end.
Since you brought it up, here is what I saw. One day, Gates was on stage doing a Ted Talks. Acting like a normal person. The next day, he was in a small venue or interview, don't remember. What I do remember, is that his eyes were flipping left to right like a lunatic. Widening his eyes, sliding left and right. He looked like an alien on drugs. Or as you say and we both know, demonic. He is absolutely infested.
WHY is anyone listening to or allowing Bill Gates to be anywhere near their Country, their people or the Health Industry? Why hasn't this psychopath been arrested and tried for crimes against humanity?? Please, leaders and citizens of Africa, DO NOT LET BILL GATES NEAR YOUR PEOPLE!!
Why is this evil disgusting piece of rot allowed to exist let alone be the largest farmland owner in America where he is allowed to poison our food sources, air and water.
So, why doesn’t Africa unleash a group of commandos on Bill?
Because just like the rest of the world, it's 'leaders' are CORRUPT and get BOUGHT OFF.
Remember, some of the African Presidents 'were dead," after submitting guavas, other fruits, to be tested. Somehow, they came back +. then they were dead.
If their leaders are bought off by Gates then people need to rise up and refuse anything from Gates.
Because their Leader’s are A paid off.
Omg someone needs to take care of Bill gates , he’s destructing the world w his bio weapon killing people. Is he the anti christ?
Satan/Luciferian Worshiping Pedophiles, Cannibals, Vampires in their Ritual Torturing/Raping/Murdering methods to feed their Adrenochrome Addictions
and to hurt God as the innocents of the world are closest to God.
THE TREE OF EVIL, the trunk, branches and Puppet Slave Fruit installed into Govt, Conglomerates, Philanthropies/NGO's, City of London Central Banker Cover...
ALL ARE COMPLICIT and have infiltrated to saturation allowing domination.
He may not be anti-Christ, but maybe he is just not into religion at all ?
Religion...? Yes satanism IS religion.
Yes they call themselves:
He is the spawn of Satan
I don't know, his wife (now ex) was photographed wearing an inverted cross.
Chelsea Clinton always wears one
He’s a Population Controlling Eugenicist Parasite. Playing his part in reducing the Population.
just deppllationagent. it makessence to many useless eatears
Too ugly…
He is one of them. AntiChrist spirit can be in more than one. But one will hold that position. And God's title of THE antichrist.
If he really cared about the people in Africa (which he does not) he would take that $40 million and start providing clean water and sanitary living conditions for those living in squalor.
Clean water ( the non Fluoridated Type) and Sanitation it what is required by these people.
When will the people give Sick Bill a few of his favorite Shot Concoctions?
He’s a Big Pharma protected Species.
My initial thought too!
Poor Africa. Always targeted by these predators like Gates.
EXACTLY! And why to the leaders of Africa allow him near their people?!
$$$$ ???
Leaders of every country basically hate their citizens and are sellouts.
Bill Gates needs to be arrested immediately!
IMO, he deserves to be tried and executed. But he won't.
The Lord will hold Gates accountable though.
Not good enough. Permanent is needed. He is far too influential.
It makes sense: "Gates is driven by profit and by his insatiable desire to depopulate the world. Only a government that truly hates its own people would unleash Bill Gates and his poisonous death jabs on them." But how can we explain that international laws, the Nuremberg Code, human rights, and crimes against humanity seem incapacitated in this instance and others across 194 countries? We already have tough laws against the crimes committed by Bill Gates; no judiciary in the world takes action against this billionaire. On the contrary, they collaborate. []
Because of Operation Paperclip, as one reason. The top Nazis were brought HERE. Hitler was shipped out to a large farm in Argentina, where he lived his life out to the end.
Yes the US repatriated the Nazi Scum and the Rank and File left in Germany took the Punishment for their Crimes.
A big surprise is that United Arab Emirates – 90.19% vaccinated.
$$$$$$. Bribes fix everything.
Best stay away from anything he is altering. His evilness is thicker than mud.
Bill Gates is a menace to society!
Hate when a story has to have BIG photo of Gates or Hag Clinton, Soros or other globalist SCUM.
Yes, he is so ugly. They all are. Maybe it is the demonic presence inside of them.
Come soon, Divine Lord Jesus, please!!!
Since you brought it up, here is what I saw. One day, Gates was on stage doing a Ted Talks. Acting like a normal person. The next day, he was in a small venue or interview, don't remember. What I do remember, is that his eyes were flipping left to right like a lunatic. Widening his eyes, sliding left and right. He looked like an alien on drugs. Or as you say and we both know, demonic. He is absolutely infested.
Copy, Paste, Print! New dart board target!
I can’t stand to look at Clinton
Ditto for Biden.
Mosquitoes - Flying Syringes to Vaccinate People
Bill Gates is throwing millions at a plan to use a “mosquito army” to vaccinate people.
WHY is anyone listening to or allowing Bill Gates to be anywhere near their Country, their people or the Health Industry? Why hasn't this psychopath been arrested and tried for crimes against humanity?? Please, leaders and citizens of Africa, DO NOT LET BILL GATES NEAR YOUR PEOPLE!!
Why? BRIBE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Because Billy has deep pockets and pays the Corrupt leader for their Complicity.
May God find the final solution for this sick piece of $hit and execute it immediately in a world wide live event.
Sadly, the best hitmen are loners and very private.
EVIL Bill Gates HAS BEEN targeting Africa, for DECADES!
Why is this evil disgusting piece of rot allowed to exist let alone be the largest farmland owner in America where he is allowed to poison our food sources, air and water.