I vote for just plain evil because I’m convinced that demons are dictating much of what is happening around the world, in furtherance of Satan’s goal to completely destroy God’s creation. The apparent stupidity and insanity are the result of specific human beings obeying demonic instructions. God has all this well in hand and will intervene as He wishes, so there is no need for those following Him to fear.

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Amen, He is in complete control. He's about to take out Sodomy USA which in its Satanic arrogance assumes to steal the land He gave to the Jews and reward the Arabs for their evil ways with another Islamic terrorist state. It doesn't get more evil for Washington.

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But it is the Israeli's who are exterminating the Palestinians. The photos I have seen are sick. This country is on the hook to Israel.

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Turkey Stuffing - My guess is you went to a US government school Thinking is hard for you.

Here's something for you to think about if that's possible ?

If evil barbaric, bloodthirsty, sadistic, killers for their Satan god had not attacked Jewish civilians on October 7th raped, butchered maimed burned mutilated them and kidnapped babies women men and children NOT ONE HAMASTAN, GAZA PAL WOULD BE DEAD.

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You are correct

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Fear not - absolutely. He is in control. However, we must be prepared to stand up for righteousness and come together as believers. Likeminded start speaking and collaborating. This division being created is to prevent that. When we do bond and bring a truly united force they will fall. God wants us to stand not shy away. No fear as Jesus leads the way! Joshua 1:9

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Let's not forget the great leader he has given us to lead us to...psalm 9:17 kjv.

It's encouraging to know we have a Commander in Chief who has 50+ years of Government experience to lead us. https://rumble.com/v4vjzkh-fox-news-radio-host-jimmy-failla-releases-keeps-falling-the-ballod-of-joe-b.html

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It is time for Europe to turn away from this crazy nation USZionists.

I have been listening and learning and I know that one false strike will bring us into Nuclear war.

Putin is NOT to blame and has shown admirable restraint while NATO encroached on Russia's Border/not to mention the Maidan Coup orchestrated by the USZionists.

We simply cannot go on like this but there are NO cool heads in the West.

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So diaper, dementia Creep Joe Biden who has come to the rescue of Hamas is a Zionist . You're beyond sick.

No doubt you are a Obama religion of Terrorism alumni.

Intentional, Stupid, or Just Plain Evil ? Read it and weep jihad t.

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Dearest Marcel 4 Zion

What has Obama got to do with this?

I am not weeping and I wonder why you are being so nasty and naive?

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While the Arab, Islamic world led by the US, EU, and UN work hard to rescue Hamas tie Israel's hands and help to wipe Israel out with their Two State Final Solution, you go after Zion, Jews, Israel.

Obama's sock puppet is leading the USA to it's destruction. Quit blaming "Zionists" you hack of hell.

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Marcal again.

What do you mean by a 2 state solution?

Does this mean apartheid to you?

DO you Zionists really think you should control the Palestinians?

IF you could answer one question for me I might think you are a REAL person!

Tell me something. Does it please you to have complete control over the Palestinians? IF so. Why?

Is it possible for Israelis/Zionists to live in one country with Palestinians or are you so racist that you cannot even think of this?

YOU live in a country given to you by the British......why is it that you cannot live in peace?

I await your answers.

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Jenny, Your ignorance is APPALLING. You have been brainwashed. The Palestinians are the Arab Front Line Jihad warriors against the Jews. ISRAEL LEFT GAZA IN 2005 for America's phony peace scam and all those years the evil Palestinians were preparing for war using the $ Billions sent by the US, EU, UN, Arab Apartheid League to build war attack tunnel's and import thousands of tons on weaponry from Egypt. They need humanitarian aid because they only worked to kill Jews not feed themselves.

It's never about peace with Islam, it's about exterminating the infidel Jews. Iran, Hezbollah,Turkey, Hamas and every Arab country have to get rid of Israel to save Islam's many defeats at the hand of the Jews. That is why Biden and the UN & EU work hard to save Hamas from defeat.

I have a picture of tiny Israel in blue surrounded by the Arab world in yellow.

OPEN YOUR EYES if you are about truth over lies from the 🌑 darkness.

The greedy Arabs have 22 Countries and the Jews have an extremely tiny piece of land that the followers of the false prophet will never allow them to have. That's because infidel Jews on land no longer under Islamic domination makes their god allah look like dementia diaper Joe. You see, Jews in control of tiny Israel reveals Islam for the fraud and lie that it has always been and is why they use extreme violence to keep their slaves and slave women in line.

PS I am a Christian from Florida who after getting out of the USAF at Holloman AFB went backpacking thru Europe and spent a few months on Kibbutz Erez right next to Gaza & walked into the filthy cursed place back in77" before the US led " peace process" when they only had toothpicks and stones. America's phony peace led to this GAZA war just as our evil leaders in Washington bringing Islamic terrorists into the US has led to the MUSLIM terrorists & brainwashed supporters marching on the White House today.

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"lies from the darkness."

You are clearly brainwashed and I offer you a hand of friendship but you won't take it because you are too full of vengeance.

Sorry do not want to reply anymore because you cannot hear.

Good luck.

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Few see that Biden is totally unfit to run for office, he has brain necrosis and a wife w/ same issues, otherwise she wouldn't allow him run. Biden has had embarrassing moments in public. Obama is in his third term and this country has been destroyed with wide open borders, ruined economy, and lack of younger generations willing to restore social order.

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It's really awesome to see God at work and how he sets up arrogant perverted evil Empires for their downfall. Sad that so many build their foundation in life on the sinking sand.

Fear God, it's the best health medicine for living.

"He makes nations great, and destroys them;

he enlarges nations, and disperses them.

24 He deprives the leaders of the earth of their reason; he makes them wander in a trackless waste.

25 They grope in darkness with no light;

he makes them stagger like drunkards".

Job 12

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IF you allow 'fairytales' to run your life...............heaven help you!

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Oblome has everything to do with any evil rising. He is the evil, personified.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

Hamas is an offspring of the CIA/Mossad. It's a counter balance mechanism.

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You must be a follower of the FALSE PROPHET & Religion of terrorism. They lie like you do.

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Lie, my behind. I's obvious and that's why Jews are hollering 'Antisemitism'. Everything always comes back to that; the shield to hide behind. Candace Owens declared an anti Semite because she proclaims Christ as King and so Ben Shapiro has a cow and sends her packing and because some Rabbi said that it's code for 'We want to kill Jews' Perhaps if that is what one wants to believe. I'll declare Christ as King from the rooftops, at the top of my lungs until the cow's come home or Armageddon; whatever comes first. The lies, of which you speak, are the one's fed to us by the Democratic/Communist party of the USA; the mainstream media who are in their hip pocket.

Just like it was perfectly fine for the FBI, under the watch of Merrick Garland, to infiltrate traditional Catholic churches because they were viewed as 'radical extremists'. Who is lying, now? He squirmed when a Senator was laying into him over this subject. Heaven forbid they've infiltrated a synagogue.

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I don't know that for sure, have heard it was under Mossad control. But I know Hamas is a new name for the PLO (same fabric worn w/ Hamas head coverings)and they are terrorists to the max, still holding hostages incl tourists. Not safe to travel anywhere overseas now days incl the '24 summer games in France. The PLO: also former name black September, and PFLP did this:https://www.britannica.com/event/Munich-Massacre hijacking, killing and destroying planes was also their former agendas see:https://www.unsunghistorypodcast.com/1970-hijackings/

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Laura. YOU are falling for the propaganda machine. Only Americans are fearful of travel!

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Fearful? Airline travel is busy long lines for summer trips. More Americans flying than ever. Some of the planes like Boeing have had mechanical issues reported. Now that is a safety issue even stateside. Both of us have travelled extensively since 1960's and now we do side trips to several states. Have no interest in travelling to overseas countries. There are plenty of nice beaches etc. several hours from us.

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There appear to be no heads whatsoever, just abnormally high levels of assholes.....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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The stage has been set, and the Good Guy (Zelensky)/Bad Guy (Putin) has been bought and paid for by the globalists, and there is no stopping them now! We must see War for what it is; it is a Huge Business! They must sell/market war to the public through the media so the sheep can lap it up and take sides to divide. In other words, it is all bullshit, and everyone loses except the people who have their hands in the till. Just like COVID and everything else that has been brought to us by our corrupt governments! They do not care about how many lives are lost, they just injected a bio-weapon into millions of peoples arms that killed and injured a large percentage of people. Do not believe anything you hear and only half of what you see! The game is rigged by a club that we are not part of.

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Wars have been faught in the 20th century onward for profit, no win type wars by the military industrial complex selling arms to both sides, (https://www.statista.com/statistics/267160/sales-of-the-worlds-largest-arms-producing-and-military-services-companies/) while the national debt goes higher and higher. IG Farben was bankrolled on Wall Street for example during ww2.

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I would love to see the stock portfolios of the Congressmen and senators holding stocks with defense contractors! I know of one Republican Congressman in my area who touts himself as an America First conservative who has a business contract with the military branches and appointed his wife the CEO. Hence, there is no conflict of interest on the way he votes on the Hill, and upon further investigation, his wife worked for the Obama administration! BTW, the so-called conservative voted for gay marriage. Such hypocrites in D.C. They are all full of shit!

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MTG bought a bunch of stock right before the UK war

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Bingo!! We need to standup to these treasonous bastards and hold them accountable before they do more damage!

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A nuclear war timed so that there will be no election. The evil deep state are willing to destroy it all to prevent Trump from being elected.

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I think we are nearer to Armageddon NOW. November elections may have something to do with it but I don't think so.

The more escalation the more we become closer to the end.

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The Election does impact timing. All things are possible for the Globalists under the Biden Regime. Under Trump, options are more limited.

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Who will stop it? GOD will!

I understand the threat is real and i suppose it 'could' happen given the fool globalists running the west,

but i see nothing written in Gods word that says there will be nuclear annihilation of the planet before He returns. May be a regional bomb or two, but not world wide. Thats just my thoughts from a biblical worldview.

The only thing concerning is that enough escalation will occur to delay the election indefinitely, due to so called war environment. Keeping the OBiden Admin in office, keeping Trump out. Although if God wants to end this nonsense now He will find a way to get Trump back in office.

And now Russia has made the latest chess move, sending 4 warships to Cuba.

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The Timing of US suicide and destruction falls right in line with it's evil plan to steal Israel's land and create another failed Islamic terrorist state in Israel's heartland. God is going to put the arrogant Empire in it's place among the ash heap of history.

Intentional, Stupid, or Just Plain Evil ?

Since the beginning of the year, the US has been leading a contact group of top ministers from the Arab anti Jewish Apartheid League, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian Terrorism Authority aimed at advancing a plan for the post-war management of the Gaza Strip.


A reunification of Gaza and the West Bank under the Palestinian Terrorism Authority, which will receive assistance from the international partners during a transitional period after the war until it is ready to fully resume governance in the Strip.

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Stop it, they're counting on it. Putin, Xi, and their KGB controlled 'NAtO' will see to it.

Oh, it will be a psyop, that's for sure, but not to the good people at ground zero(s), wherever that may be.

It's a scam, and sure to rush in greater controls over weapons, including your and your neighbors AR-15, while eliminating a good percentage of the population.

Welcome to World Globalism, or Communism, call it what you will.

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I believe WW3 already started…

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They planned three World Wars way back in 1897!

They started the first two and they will start this one, too!

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Good time to watch and share the 1984 film, Threads. This is probably the most harrowing and realistic depiction of what a major nuclear war would be like. Available for rent and purchase (only $4.99 right now) on AppleTV, and other online sources: https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/threads

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That one was very fascinating and disturbing. Also, see The Day After, Testament, and Countdown to Looking Glass.

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I just don't agree with the statement that these ego maniacal morons don't know what they are doing. The real question is why. The worst part is, is that all the citizens of these different countries are the ones that have to pay for this crap. With money and blood. The ppl making these decisions don't. I used to love my country. I still do. But I put almost all the blame on this current regime for this coming war.

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Why not? We have a 22.5 trillion dollar Country to exploit. To hell with the young men of Ukraine, to hell with the dire straights of the American citizens, to hell with the European citizens and because Russia didn’t buddy up to Obama, Hillary and the left and may have had a part exposing Hillary in 2016, to hell with Russia and certainly to hell with Anything and Anyone opposing us! We’ll drag y’all to hell with us! The insane have crossed the Rubicon.

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It feels like the stage is set for a false flag to get the American public on board with war against Russia. Biden isn't in charge. The people pulling the strings have no allegiance to a country.

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If we are heading to war it is

encouraging to know we have a Commander in Chief who has 50+ years of high level Government experience to lead us. Let's remember how our fearless leader handled Afghanistan after twenty plus years of war there.


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Ask why the nukes are not to go off. Ask too why the WE isn't to return to the conversations after that isn't to be heard. https://katherinebrannenartist.com/kitty-licks/962-the-reality-that-no-nuclear-attacks-since-the-1940s-trick-photography-created-them-is-the-truth-that.html

The world that is the lie machine in charge is the world where nuclear war is the distraction that the military men make. Not once has a nuke ever been made nor used. What happened in Nagasaki and Hiroshima was the same thing that happened in Germany and Poland: carpet bombing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_bombing_during_World_War_II, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpet_bombing

The need to scare people into using the money that the government produces to allocate most to "defense" was the decision to use actual mushroom clouds, images of fungi growing, to amalgamate with burning images and loud boom noises to show off that tricking the people for nearly 80 years has happened. That wins the threat of "going nuclear" isn't real. But the fear is.

The WE, the Elohim, the beings that are there in Spirit have written that. Believe or not.

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When it comes to nations I am not at war with anyone nor will I be. In any capacity.

God is in control and it can only happen if He allows it.

According to Rev., it appears that there is a nuclear war at the end before the return of Jesus.

There may be a lot of ramping up to usher everyone into the AC world 'peace' agenda as well. I simply will not fear either.

The bottom line is there is nothing we can do either way. Pray, that's about it. You can protest but it's not like they incline their ear to our requests as has been obvious as tyranny encroaches. If we die, we die. It is out of our control.

Honestly I see enough of WW3 just by reading the comments of so called 'Christians' on this public square platform here. That is the sad truth. And they can 'like' my comment or not, I truly do not care in the slightest. I might not 'like' their comments at all either.

Oh, and "peace" to the "brethren"!

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