1. Three (3) very conservative areas of 3 crucial swing states, plus Tennessee, were heavily damaged just a month before the Presidential (s)election: (a) Florida's panhandle is very conservative, (b) eastern Georgia is very conservative, (c) western North Carolina is very conservative, excepting Asheville which is not, and (d) eastern Tennessee is conservative, though Tenn. is not considered a "swing state."

2. Naturally occurring hurricanes usually peter out after landfall. *** But NOT THIS ONE! ***

3. It is to me inexplicable and EXTREMELY STRANGE how the forecasts (a) failed to warn the people how SEVERE Helene would be, (b) failed to issue EVACUATION WARNINGS in time for people to escape, and (c) failed to predict the HUGE 2' FEET of rainfall in North Carolina, and (d) failed to predict the SUDDEN TURN TO THE EAST sometime on the night of Thursday Sept. 26 night into the early morning hours of Friday Sept. 27, taking Helene outside the stormpath modeling consensus. > This IMO = evidence of steering/geoengineering.

4. The land under the towns destroyed by Helene has huge lithium and quartz to be mined, just as the land in Lahaina was prime real estate for development, in both instances blocked by the presence of ordinary Americans who lived there in modest homes.

It's getting more and more in our face that government is run by TRAITORS who have sold the U.S. out to the global banking/NATO cabal. BILLIONS of U.S. taxpayer money go to Ukraine and to Israel. But Only a $700 or 800 check to North Carolina and Lahaina residents!?!? This is EVIL.

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All too suspicious!!!!!

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Israel needs all of our money 🤑. What the the hell is wrong with you? You must be an antisemite. Go to Hell

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This is sarcasm, right???

I mean, no one is that dumb!

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Any country buying arms and equipment from companies need to pay for the stuff. If I place an order to a dept store , I am expected to pay when I pick it up. Businesses have payrolls and taxes and other expenses. Countries need to fund their own wars with taxes collected, and buy from anyone they want. No one/ no gov. is entitled to free stuff.

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Ha, I left my comment before reading yours.... and it looks almost as if I had read yours first and copied it... LOL !

: D

Yes all the way, and I had mentioned that swing of the hurricane path also in an earlier comment on his last post... lol.

Well we are noticing the same things and paying attention and connecting the dots and that is good!

: )

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Not fond of the government but the lithium is not that far west. It is in Kings Mountain which should not have suffered damage as did Asheville, Biltmore, Boone, Chimney Rock.

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I first heard it was in one town and then that it was spread more around up in those mountains. But I have no clue myself.

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Oregon has a huge deposit of Lithium. It is one of the largest in the world. https://www.techspot.com/news/100117-potentially-world-largest-lithium-deposit-has-found-us.html

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I continue to support Israel, but not the Ukraine! If we don't destroy Hamas, we will be over run in no time and you better learn to speak their language.

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Indeed, all that support going somewhere else demonstrates what the usurping US "government" thinks of Americans, although that hasn't been a secret since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. People are nothing but government assets for a government owned and controlled by an occupying force:


I can't see how voting would matter. The Uniparty has been playing good-cop/bad-cop forever.

The lithium mines, along with other variables like water quality, however, do matter:


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its just funny that the fed agencies slowness to responding to this Katrina apocalypse. it must be just a coincidence to the immenient election. God willing there will be a new sherrif in town this January.

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The people need to be able to vote him out.

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Vote the puppets out; Joe & Kalala aren’t calling the shots. Vote them out & puppet master go too.

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if we had any shred of a constitutional republic left and even a handful of decent senators, the Feds could drive mobile powered voting machines to every town and county affected here. they will have had 5 weeks to do so. Elon and Trump should figure a way to make that happen.

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Exactly. I’m so beyond upset at all that’s taking place. Nefarious and just plain evil. These bastards knew because they planned and executed it. It’s called treason. Yet where’s the justice? I can’t believe they are so in our face about it! Not even concerned. I’ll bet they are all sitting around smirking and clinking their glasses… God’s watching.

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He’s more than watching!!!! You watch… it won’t be long now…TILL HES GOING TO STEP IN AND DESTROY ALL THESE EVIL UNGODLY PEOPLE! They’re getting by with nothing…zero….broko! “Not one jot or tittle shall pass till all shall be fulfilled!” Matthew 5:18! PAYDAY IS COMING!

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all Elon needs to do is get his Starlink satelllites into action.

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Where is Congress (when they’re actually needed)??

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They are bought and paid for by the military-industrial complex. That’s why they’re more eager to aid Ukraine’s war effort than they are to help suffering Americans devastated by natural or man-made disasters.

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I wonder about the local officials who behaved badly. Even if they did not get bribed directly, they could be following orders from someone higher up who is.

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Paper Ballots

Hand Count

Works every time

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Exactly what they wanted.

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All according to plan. IMO and all that.

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But God can over rule!

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There has to be a way they can extend the election time

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Solution: Take the population count that used to be in the affected areas. Whatever that number is; make that number of votes Republican and submit them for the people. Problem solved. If anyone complains that this is 'voter fraud' then kindly remind them that they never had a problem with that before, so why now?

My feeling is this. They can rig elections and I feel that they have been doing this for a long time. Way before voting machine fraud in 2004. The elitists behind the curtain just pop their heads into secret societies like skull and bones and pick their most loyal puppet and the ticket is his. That's how it actually works, sorry to burst your bubble. There is only the illusion of democracy and fair elections. So it is rigged either way. They don't need to manufacture a storm in order to eliminate voters. But I also do feel that these are being manufactured. Why? For a number of reasons.

1. Depopulation.

2. Conservative areas can be breeding grounds for patriot movements that can put a serious dent in their globalist agenda. East TN is one of those places. Lots of 2A folks over there who believe in a militia. I will leave the dot connecting to the reader. And don't think they are not all working together with the globalist agenda, those in power, and that goes for whatever the color of their team.

3. Lithium. People have been saying that there may be another land grab due to the mining of this as it is needed for technology of various sorts. People have also mentioned that this event has been similar to that of Lahaina and that includes not only the devastation but the aftermath efforts and not allowing the aid in, etc.

4. This is just a hunch but I heard the Appalachias have a lot of poverty and that usually includes welfare issues. I recall during 2005 with hurricane Katrina, president Bush declared a 'war on poverty,' and that hurricane just happened to hit an area with a lot of welfare recipients as well, poverty, black folks in that area, others as well. Is it not convenient to eliminate the poor from the list of those who receive funding from federal aid? I'm not saying it is that for sure, that I know this for a fact, or accusing without enough info. but it is just a bit suspect is all I'm saying. Nor am I excusing all welfare recipients as being honest all the time. But I just see a lot of funny coincidences when I connect all these dots.

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A number of local officials need to be voted out. Along with FEMA obstructing others from helping, there were 4 or 5 grassroots bureaucrats making things worse. Getting Trump in the WH won't make a difference in situations like this. Remember 2020 and how lesser magistrates made a big difference.

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Many dead beyond 227, refrigerated trucks used as morgues.


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Republican Committee People NEED to be in the air in Helicopters to get to 'THE PEOPLE.'

THESE ARE THE PEOPLE ACTUALLY REALLY NEEDING TO VOTE; especially since the Nazi Uniparty Governor is placed to swing a RED/REPUBLICAN STATE into the purple column. So many from DESTROYED Blue States have stolen into the state bringing their Uniparty Nazi politics with them to make another state as evil and unlivable as the ones they left.

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Fair enough. I left out voting, because voting will matter only in order to create chaos.

What else is there?


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Of course they do!!!!

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Guess I would finally have to agree with the Democrats for 'ONCE". Should be able to vote ahead of time with mail-in ballots. But in this case, I'm sure they would probably demand IDs!!!!!

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Actually, we finally got a Voter ID law in place in NC. The Democrats fiercely fought against it and it was in the courts for a long time, but we finally got it. I proudly showed mine when voting in the March primary.

This is the latest instance I've seen of the stupidity we're dealing with from FEMA. They have prevented rescue and recovery work; even preventing Elon Musk from getting Starlink in place. https://nypost.com/2024/10/06/us-news/fema-abandons-residents-of-devastated-nc-town-because-of-road-closed-sign/

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Thanks for the link.

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Of course it will be! The timing is perfect. That storm was deliberately manufactured by those evil goons to interrupt election integrity! Plain as day!

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