Americans have already been conquered and still haven't figured it out yet.

I've been calling it the evil empire for quite some time and the dumbed down sheep headed for slaughter are all July Fourth and whoopee USA.

The truth that the US created the UN for only 1 reason hasn't waken up the stupid voters in 70 years. We're toast.

The worthless Republicans did ZERO the 8 years Obama was laying the groundwork for America's destruction. You can't stop God from giving US what we are long overdue in getting. It's here and it's undeniable except for those who drink the Jimmy Jones Kool-Aid by the gallon.

"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." Psalm 9

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America is a fallen empire and maybe 3 percent of adults know this. Trump or anyone else cannot fix it, the damage is too great. Will people resist soon to be UN troops going from city to city, town to town arresting dissidents and shooting them before they move on to another town? Only very few will it seems.

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You should read Ezekiel 9 carefully and prayerfully.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."

Not much of that around these days.

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Most will comply and believe the lies to evacuate to detention centers for safety from Russian drones or anything else to scare people. Yup, America will see it's destruction because it's a pagan nation condoning anything like child trafficking, and how many pastors speak out about child and drug trafficking and demand gov. do something? Few maybe. Many LGBTQ parents push kids into drag Q shows (one last week in a church up the road!,) and transgender surgery.

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... and demand gov. do something???????

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I can't figure out why people want to vote for anyone. Nothing will ever get done even if more people are murdered like mom of five in Maryland on a walking trail (raped /killed by illegal). People remain silent (or just don't care) knowing likely nothing will be done about lawlessness, like police who stood down in Texas while school shooter killed 21 kids and teachers.

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I could have not said this any better! It is sad to see people who turn their backs on God but in Matthew 24 Jesus Predicts the Future!

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America is Fascist by definition because its current form of government is corporatism (a.k.a "stakeholder Capitalism") which is DEFINED as a form of fascism. Nazism is another form.

This should not be followed with a question mark but rather with an exclamation mark...or a full stop at the very least.

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Yes. , and it is the WEF's Private-Public-Partnership which relegates individuals to slaves (until they can be eliminated (killed). Now the dilemma is how to stop them, because if they are not stopped, that will be curtains for humanity.

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Like all oppressive type governments the elite leaders need slaves for various menial work.

(room board and a little spending money for pay) like 1984 movie, Stalin. HItler, Chinese leaders, others thru history, the workers were under total control, workers had no rights. If the draft is implemented will people resist, not comply or go along without Q.? Fighting wars for the military industrial complex must be opposed by parents and local, state leaders.

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Initially, slaves will probably be needed until there are enough robots to do all the tasks that humans do now. Prior to that we have been told that the population of earth must be reduced to 1/2 billion from more than 8 billion. We are not told specifically how they intend to achieve that reduction, but we can infer from their words that they will use a number of methods - see my post below that starts with "The tracking is not merely...."

This is a worldwide movement, not just in the USA and the globalists have infiltrated many institutions in many countries. Just refusing to comply will not be enough. How many millions have signed up for ID.me which assigns digital IDs to everyone? The government is working on a behavioral scoring program much like ESG, and if they can link it to the digital ID and then to a centrally controlled digital currency, that will end freedom and privacy for every human involved. Search for CBDC at Congress.gov, like H.R. 5403. There are many anti-CBDC bills introduced by the GOP but the "Democrats" (aka communists/globalists) will not vote for them, which tells anyone that they want to enslave and them kill 7.5 billion people.

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I totally understand that, too, Al. The conversion to digital monetary system is the end of all freedom and all power for all humanity. Once established, only those who comply with mandates will be allowed to live. And no one, out of fear of same treatment, will want to help the non-compliant.

Account ON/Account OFF

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Actually my post was in response to

Laura McDonough.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

I resisted the draft to Vietnam in 60s because no one i asked could give a cogent explanation of "why" i should go. Right or wrong, at age 18 it made zero sense to me to kill as many men, women, and children as possible with napalm etc if i didnt at least agree with the "WHY".

Maybe i should have gone, but like the covid shots.. I'm glad i didn't. On the other hand, i do support a couple years required service as preparation for war if needed. We're just too quick to wage war. (And leave women out of any draft.)

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Privacy, what privacy ???

Everything we do from A to Z someone is watching and making notes.

The only consolation is we are learning about their methods to confirm our suspicions.

Thanks Leo for doing just that.

Excellent article and work on your part. !!!

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Deeper and deeper we go. We've been told by many who have lived thru it elsewhere, that the ruination and socialist/communist/dictatorship take-over of any country can happen and can happen very fast. We were all warned to be eternally vigilant and to never allow even the smallest part of unAmerican or unConstitutional political/judicial activity to get a toehold in our govt.

We may have heard the warnings, but i don't think we really believed it. But now we see. Now we know with certainty. We are definitely in the deepest quagmire of trouble on every front than ever, and only a massive and popular trend back to conservative values is going to stop this, if even possible.

Surely,Trump is not the Lone Ranger. Out of millions of American citizens there have to be other masterful, smarter than average, freedom loving constitutionalist, highly energized men and women who will sacrifice love of money and power for their country that we can lure into govt leadership. We desperately need more such in every position from President to dog catcher.

I've been an Independent voter since 1965 when i could first vote. For years, I'd go out of my way to hear what oppositional positions had to offer, believing we can all learn from each other, and knowing there were potentially good ideas on all sides. Well, the liberal dems have shot themselves in the foot on that one. I no longer care what dems have to say; i now see it's a gross waste of time trying to have an intelligent and civil conversation with any lib.

The only way to win this existential war may be to greatly out number the enemy (and the libs ARE most certainly "the enemy"), move as aggressively as possible to oust libs from positions of power and authority, to disallow any ownership of US real estate by foreign countries, and end any heavy dependence on any seriously critical products from foreign lands. There's so much more… like building stronger military and cutting out the evil cancer from our own govt., and not taking ANY crap from foreign govts.

It's a lot, but we CAN do this. Christians.. we all need to fall onto our knees.. lie face down in the dirt, if necessary.. and call out to the Creator

with total repentance. If you're not a believer, call out to the God you don't believe in anyway and see what happens!

My sincere apologies to you, Leo. This is your forum, not mine… and I've taken advantage of it. Thank you for continuing the push to inform and point out the critical issues.

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Too many are waiting for a "somebody" to save them. Super rich and famous. But the Bible says God uses the foolish and the weak and the nobodies. American evangelicals would turn their noses up at a young man who only knew animal husbandry and strummed an instrument in his spare time. They'd rather have a hot shot rock star than a man after God's heart because "let's be realistic and pragmatic..."

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You are right, of course. It's actually a thrill to read how some "nobodies" have done the "impossible" when called by God! It seems to be our Creator's joy. 😊

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And what will happen? With each new expose, the main conclusion I draw is that this sort of lawless behavior is becoming increasingly normalized. Otherwise, there would be some reaction, some pushback, something beyond the usual manufactured outrage of Congressional committees. Instead, there is nothing. The few remaining reporters commit an act of journalism and the rest of the profession ignores it. The people who make the rules ignore it. The govt officials involved justify it. And nothing else happens.

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Get the Flock outta here! Glad I am old

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The problem with these Flock cameras is that they are relatively cheap. Any municipal or county can slip a few into their budget (such as, Misc. expenditures) without anybody knowing. We have to wait until they are up and running to complain. As for private companies (like Fedex), there's not much that can be done.

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What I have also seen as an enemy to anything is complacency. People resting on their laurels. If I had a dollar for every time someone said, "Oh, that will never happen here! That can't happen here because we have the Constitution.... that guarantees freedom of (you fill in the blank)... for crying out loud! We have nothing to worry about!" I'd be rich myself. I still hear them as our way of life is being disassembled brick by brick and beam by beam. They just won't get it. By the time they do it will be too late and it already is. I see it in so many areas. People take things for granted and then the thing is gone or whatever. I see so many who claimed to be or even were fired up Christians and they get lax and rest on their laurels and little by little they lower their guard and what they staunchly opposed they start to let it all slip in again and they slide all the way back down again to their unsaved condition, the same state they were in before. All these things don't happen overnight. It all happens slowly, bit by bit, little by little. That is how tyrannies wrap their tentacles around a nation until the grip is so tight and strong that there is no way out of it anymore. The people wake up and every word is censored, every move is monitored, everything is recorded, and it's all tied to their survival via a bank account, a social credit score, etc. If they choose to protest they know it will cost them everything. Most just go along to get along because they have their children to consider. Their little mini kingdoms will crumble. So they censor themselves and hope for another day when another generation will rise up and resist. Eventually all those dictatorships have fallen but it was also not without cost. Yes, some new ones are still intact. The global one will be for a while too. My question also is; how many more signs of a dictatorship do people need to realize what we are living under?

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Oh my goodness! FedEx at my home won't come inside my garage door, but rather's to keep it outside and expose my delivery to the elements...rain, snow, etc! Then you have the person who does nothing but complains! I am one that says, come on in the door is open! Nooo won't do that, says the delivery person and cowards to the door that we don't use! Seriously, I do 😂

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You missed Kaiser Permanente also participating, as part of that article. Which isn't surprising, given the liberal leadership of the organization and their heavy partnership with the covid shot racket.

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The gov. would be awfully board tracking me and others I know, since most of us are introverts and don't attend any functions or group activities. With A.I. there is no telling what they can do if they so choose.

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The tracking is not merely to determine who might pose a threat to them. It is also a means of forcing the "boring" people and everyone else not in the clique to comply with whatever orders and directives the controlling powers wish to impose. Did you use 1 Kilowatt-second more than your quota today? That might result in your bank account being confiscated by the state because you are causing too much global warming (which is another one of their hoaxes) . It might result in eliminating (killing) the people who use more CO2 than they are allowed to. Many globalists are Malthusians - they hate people nd want to eliminate as many as possible. Their reasoning might seem ludicrous, but when everything is automated, those in control do not have to make excuses. And without financial means you are as good as dead, which is likely the real objective of all this. The surveillance is to catch people who think they can somehow beat the controls. Billions of spy cameras, drones, our smart phones and neighbors who think they are saving the planet will report every move we make. Now the globalists are talking about controlling the oxygen supply. https://slaynews.com/news/wef-pushes-plans-seize-control-oxygen-supply/

People will no longer be individuals. We will all become programmed like zombies or ants, and disposed of as easily. We already know some of the methods they can use to depopulate the earth, i.e., bio-weapons like fake (but lethal) vaccines, geo-engineering, 15 minute smart cities (aka concentration camps),, force people to eat harmful food by decimating the food supplies (No farmers, no food), fomenting wars, gender confusion, etc,, etc.

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Our social circle are up in years, but concern for younger relatives who remain uninformed. Majority lacking critical thinking and uninformed will go along with anything just to live. Some of us hope to be raptured as taught by our parents generation and some churches some sixty years ago as kids.

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