International law doesn't count for much among lawless "authorities". Lawlessness seems to have increased.

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The love of many will grow cold as lawlessness abounds.

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Another example in Aurora https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtgeQ_4-1Bw why isn't anyone standing up for the apt. owners?? Theya re being terrorized.

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Because any Dem run city will not protect American citizens anymore. There priority is to Destroy America and Americans. It's going to get worse. The Idiots we have in DC have done nothing to stop it.

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for everyone a must see first two articles:https://steelcutter.substack.com/

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Time for the 'Machete Culture' to take off their masks as they CERTAINLY WILL when the Laundered Taxpayer Dollars quit providing them their free lives.

May be some impetus for people to use some logic instead ADDICTION TO VOTING ONE WAY FOR THE UNIPARTY NAZI DEMON WORSHIPING PEDOPHILES leaving the Southern Border open to REINSTALL THEIR MODERN DAY SLAVE MARKET AND FOREIGN OCCUPATION WITH ENEMY FORCES to take down this now armed Constitutional Republic once and for all.

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Redacted had a retired border patrol agent, J. J. Carroll on their show. He says that is exactly what might happen. He said he talked to several people in Chicago, where the migrants are doing as they wish and police do nothing. The citizens there are armed and ready and fed up.


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Carrell is a warrior.

The Ukrainians in our SC county are living off of government welfare. I bust ass to keep gas in my pickup. If they need more money, they just have another kid. Should I be concerned? What happens when the bucks stop?

Michael Yon and JJ Carrell believe we have crossed the event horizon and much blood being shed is inevitable. What thinketh ye?

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Coffee.............answer me one question why are Western countries having an influx of immigrants Is it your policies or is it global warming.?

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It’s the UN pack .. One World Government. Cause chaos/provide the solution.

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Order out of chaos (what happened in the Russian communist revolution against the czar)

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In the vision of John the Apostle, a seven headed beast--leopard pelt, bear's legs, lion's mouth--rises out of the sea. The crowns were on its 10 horns rather than the heads. The sea is a symbol for chaos. Chimeric monsters symbolize systems of governments.

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From what I have heard this is all coming from the UN, with our tax dollars of course. I don't know if you know that no one in the BIden Admin. has an oath of office. None of the secretaries, or even some governors. Who did they swear allegiance to? This is per Todd Calendar (spelling?) at VaxxChoice.

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It is to take down the west for the one world government.

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the State Dept. is actively operating & funding the immigrant processing camp at Darien Gap - pushing thru aliens from all over the thurd world and terrorist groups, according to reliable and documented sources. Why is that?

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The state dept has been exposed as a Marxist org. in the 1950's. and can't get any worse. HHS is involved w/ child trafficking (see J.J. Carrell on Redacted interview last week.)

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Granted, it was sort of a rhetorical question, as in why is it being allowed to continue,? ( Which is also a rhetorical question, long term corrupted govt operations which run themselves.

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Illegals will be cannon fodder along w/ UN troops (assisting UN) because armed citizens will fight back. Illegals in military for cannon fodder overseas. Americas will not comply to a draft for no win wars other countries start with each other. more info on this:https://www.infowars.com/posts/top-economist-martin-armstrongs-computer-warns-2024-will-probably-be-our-last-election/

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Everyone needs to get on his substack mailing list J.J. Carrell (free and subsc available.)

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The school principal told the bus drivers to leave the children there with the unknown strangers and go to the next stop.??!! First, all the parents may not walk their children to the bus. Second are they really going to take on grown men? Third, obviously more investigation is needed before any children go to any bus stops. And most important- HOME SCHOOL!! no matter what the cost. I did, and it cost a lot, but it was worth it.

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It will cost some women their jobs unless they can work form home or part time job @ home, but they also can find another mom who may take on her kids, paying them a reasonable amount to do this.

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I did work from home, and took two other moms’s children, neither of whom paid me.

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Didn't they pay for lunch expenses? A lady I knew charged for one child and her own two were also taught at the same time. I think then it was $20. for one school week and furnished lunch in the late 1990's.

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Sorry but any Human (White) who doesn't have the balls to stop the ruling Foreign Nazis deserves all the crap he gets!

"Cowardice is the greatest sin!"

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Alpha men and strong women are very rare nowdays here and in the E.U., Canada. Cowardice prevails as those in authority refuse to speak out incl church leaders. Congress is uniparty pro agenda 2030.

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Not only the world power USA has this problem, the whole of Western Europe is becoming more and more dangerous to walk on the streets because of the invaders. In large cities, some neighborhoods have to be avoided because Gangster Clans have become dominant and the police are in the minority.

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Here is a good example (other than an emergency) not to run the streets after dark.

Warnings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFo9hbxvWI4

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Yes I heard about that Aurora situation over on Patrick Humphrey's channel, he always has good intel. Hadn't heard about the school bus thing yet, so glad I don't live there anymore!

As several have commented, it is betrayal from within just as has been happening in Europe. Part of the beast system rising. Don't blame the citizens. Some were ignorant, gullible, and leaning themselves over a barrel for the migrants, but most did not ask for this, do not want it, and are now seeing that albeit too late. Not much you can do about it now. In the UK the rulers are siding with the migrants. The police stand down and let it happen in various parts of the West. In our neck we still have the 2A and related supplies but in some parts of the West that has already been confiscated. Now we see the results, their hands are tied and their mouths are muzzled. But as the saying goes; "What could possibly go wrong?" (Famous words from Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch site).

It is a controlled demolition of Western Civilization, the twilight is here, dusk has fallen and soon it will be night. The End is Here. Waxing prophetic, I knew this over a decade ago when the skies were clear but the Lord revealed it to me. I warned about it a lot. Sure, no one listens as the reply is "oh sure, we've heard all that before." Yeah, but it has to happen some time and just because they heard it a million times before does not mean this can't be it now.... at a million and one. What is my biggest burden is the little ones. I have no offspring (thank God!) but many were still starting their families and now they have little ones bounced on their knees and now they look around and their knees are knocking over the forecast for the future and the wise ones know there will not be an early rescue.... sorry. If you are at all in the valley of decision: 1. Turn to Jesus, and 2. Do not start a family now. I hear it all the time: "I am willing to die but I only worry about my....______(children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc. etc. you fill in the blank)." I studied history books of when things took a bad turn in different countries over the last century and trust me.... you will regret it if you don't listen.

Be ready.

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Agree, starting a family is xxx high risk at this point as country is being taken down. People I know concerned about g kids and gg kids.

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I know, I hear that all the time from people. There are so many concerns now, even before all this new collapse began. Yet some still don't see it. My heart goes out to these people. So many people think they are invincible, or that it won't happen to their family, that God will stand in the gap just for them because they are so special. Yet when you read history books like the Gulag Archipelago you know what can happen. There have been Christian martyrs from day one and it hasn't stopped yet nor will it in the immediate future. Some of the examples are: They arrest suspected Christians who have an underground church or rumors of one. They interrogate them about the whereabouts of other Christians or the location of the church. (I use the term interrogation loosely here). Many did not betray their brethren. Yet when the KGB threatened to hurt their children (grown or not), it was another story. That is people's weak spot. Yet Jesus said that in the end times false brethren would betray one another (perhaps for self preservation?). It is a serious thing. No one wakes up in the morning thinking 'which brethren should I betray today?' We must reflect on if there are any circumstances under which one would feel tempted to do such a thing. Like I say, now is not the time to start a family. Thank you for seeing eye to eye here, so many are in denial. Blessings.

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here is a video of the apts. and residents are moving out:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K3iu-BIG1w It is obvious law enforcement (if any exist in Aurora) are standing down allowing it. Anarchy in that city and others with school bus incidents reported.

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Flex is correct just to see if there is any pushback.

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I am so sick and tired of hearing about immigrants. In all countries including Europe.

IF we hadn't fucked up their countries this would not be happening.

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N-t true on this case. European countries were betrayed by their governments (sound familiar?) to let these “refugees” in to take down the countries from within. Muslims want a global caliphate. They are just temporarily going along with the global elite.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_PLLDcYWwY We are second class citizens now, school buses in this area are handed over for illegals. Kids without transportation. Parents are taxpaying working and expect buses for the school.

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The law of Sowing and Reaping applies to all real man living souls, not just Americans. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=224068

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Yes, it is past time and our government and police will do nothing to stop it. Europe has been the beta test. Our only recourse is the second amendment for self defense. Learn the firearms laws in your states, arm yourselves, and practice at firing ranges.

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You mean the gangs, the prisoners released from other countries that are extremely violent already? The ones who have been given thousands and thousands of dollars to live a great life here while the gangs take over, we defunded the police and they find these criminals? It’s obviously part of the plan… so it gets bad enough we beg for outside help… UN military aka Chinese.. Marshall law ( Walmart is martial law wal =law. Mart =martial law. Walmart…they are training with their support… and then the UN military will never leave… new world order takes over

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Asylum my ass! Load them on C-130’s and let them “asylum” with sharks

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We are at that weird stage in societal devolution where words no longer mean anything. To wit, asylum, as the article points out. That is the left's talking point, even though no one can point to a single group of illegals from a single country to whom the term would apply. These are not political refugees escaping persecution, or racial/ethnic/religious minorities under assault. It's statistically impossible for that to be the blanket explanation. It may apply to a rare few but that's how the Pedros of the left operate.

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