Thank you for posting this. I know this comes from your heart. I agree 100%. This is the message I’ve been telling my friends and family. But they can’t see the bigger picture as in terms of what is really happening based on prophecy and reality. Reality confirms prophecy. This whole thing has been planned since the turn of the last century. Nothing has stopped it and nothing will. Hang onto your faith and your belief in God and be prepared for the storm but keep your eyes on Jesus.

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For the Biblically literate, we, (humanity), were forewarned in Biblical prophecy these current events would come to pass centuries before we began seeing them on a daily basis. For those who still believe "we can fix this" through politics, no, we can't; because it's not a temporal battle. It's an on-going spiritual war that began long before any of us existed, coming to its climax in our time - right here on planet earth. We can only choose a "side" to support and work with in that battle. But there is no "fence sitting" now or “do-overs” later. We must each actively choose the side of light and good, of YHVH/God; or we default to the other side of darkness and evil and Satan.

Therefore, if you haven't actively chosen Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God...then you are in default. For each of us, today, there are no other options; I have made my choice and His name is Jesus (Yeshua); I pray each of you who read this comment will make the correct choice. Eternity is a very long time to regret a wrong choice.

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with that person, and they with me. To the one who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with Me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” [Revelation 3: 20-21]

FYI: There are two (2) sins Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) will not forgive: (1) Denial (blasphemy) against the Holy Spirit. [Matthew 12:31] and; (2) Receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST. [Revelation 14:9]

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For all those who are in this moment of history and prophecy, now must make a choice. It is as you said. This is a spiritual warfare that has been raging since the beginning of time for men. Satan‘s end is near. Satan knows that he is about to be defeated. This is why he is so intent on taking as many people with him to hell as he can. You have spoken the truth again about biblical prophecy and where we stand in man’s history at this moment and time. We are living and seeing in real time all the moving parts that are coming together to set up The return of Christ. So shall it be! AMEN!

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“… strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God.”

Acts 14:22

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AMEN!! Brother in Christ Jesus!!

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This will happen in the next couple of months if not sooner!:


Please listen to this central bankster tell us in 38 second video embedded in this link that to enter the NWO everyone will be required to have a smart phone, bank account , and upload their digital ID:


Please do NOT upload your digital ID as that is you giving your mark to the beast to buy and sell:


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If I'm required to have a smart phone, then someone other than me better pay for it.

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and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not accept the love of the truth so as to be saved.

11 For this reason God [m]will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be [p]judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

2 Thessalonians 2

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So there is a line…that if crossed…no one comes back from! It’s in those who love not the truth… that they might be saved! It’s those who have a clear understanding of the gospel…but reject it! They are the deceived ones! Sad! As many… if not most… are in this category! God has a remnant!

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11 And therefore God shall sende them

strong delusion, that they should beleue


A deluding influence, or a strong delusion? The truth you get from the bible is somewhat dependent on the version you read. Romans 13 is a classic example of switching a couple of words and turning the meaning upside down, as it goes from speaking of "souls" and the Creators "higher powers" to "persons" and "governments".

Look into who owns the publishing houses and you might figure out why and who is doing it. If I told you here I would be censored.

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Many who think they are on the narrow way and follow politicial agendas pushed by Trump and his appointees because a preacher says this or that, will later find they are travelling on the broad way. Much deception ahead is planned incl vaccines for bird flu.

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Absolutely true!

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The Bible is Satan's book, his plan.

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Hello Ed. Over forty-four years ago, I was given a personal revelation of the Deity of Jesus Christ as the Son of the Living God. I was stunned to learn that God had become flesh and in the Spring of 1981, I asked Jesus for Salvation and I have been studying the Bible since then. In fact, presently I am on my fourth Bible because the first three wore out their pages and bindings from overuse.

Therefore Ed, based upon my four decades of reading/studying the Bible, I can state unequivocally and without ambiguity, that your name was not written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world.

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You are a liar.

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Ed, get a grip on the facts of your eternal destination. Ad hominin words of hate will not change the fact that your name was never written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

According to John 6:44, Jesus states that “no one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.” This means that God the Father must first invite or draw an individual before they can come to Jesus. This divine drawing is described as a one-sided affair where God initiates the process, and the person responds to this Divine invitation by surrendering to Jesus as Lord and Savior. The concept is further emphasized in John 6:65, where Jesus reiterates that no one can come to Him unless it is granted to them by His Father.

In summary, Jesus emphasizes that coming to Him requires being personally drawn by God the Father, indicating that Divine invitation and a surrendered heart are necessary for a person to truly follow and accept Jesus of Nazareth as Lord and Savior and soon-coming King of kings.

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You are still a liar.

You know nothing of Jesus or our Father, you only know lies.

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The ones that trust in certain leaders may go along w/ CBDC leading to mark of the beast. I have decided to keep my distance from certain people, keeping it casual. Watch and see what Trump does staying informed.

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Plan began in earnest at the defeat of the War of 1812 in 1815.

Eugenicist Fabians, as a small clique of the larger International Crime Syndicate, viewed the U.S. necessary for 'World Colonization' now known as 'One/New World Order/Police State' and loss of the resources (both human and those of North America) created terror of death of Island Nation, Culture and loss of eternal dream of 'World Colonization'.

Satan/Lucifer's only goal has always been the theft of God's creation inclusive of humanity...

THAT REMAINS THE GOAL OF THE DEMONS HIDING IN HUMAN BEING SUITS planning, manipulating, supporting, funding all occurring in the last 210 years towards thieving all of Earth. The very warnings they openly and directly give is indicative of the origins of the spirits behind this threat on Earth.

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Actually, you are not incorrect: "Satan/Lucifer's only goal has always been the theft of God's creation inclusive of humanity...". Satan knew if Adam/Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, man would surely die and Satan would live.

Fast forward to 2025 AD and there are a few Biblical scholars claiming the events foretold @ Revelation 12: 9 will shortly take place. Revelation 12:12 states, "Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”

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As much as I am not happy about certain kinds of truth, this article by Leo is unfortunately true. Having just come to the end of a 2 year study of Revelation, I must keep in sharp focus the reality that God must put down the Genesis rebellion by destroying evil forever. So in spite of my desire to have life return to the 'normal' I have known for 73 years, I cannot argue with what scripture says is so.

This article drives the message home with clarity. Whether the scenario plays out exactly like this or not, God's got 'the whole world in His hands" as the song says, and because of it no amount of wishful thinking or indulging the desires of the flesh will change the outcome.

The sooner people realize this, the better. Especially Christians, who are largely unstudied and naive about what the final chapter of the story says. Turn your eyes on Jesus, look deeply at His wonderful face. For there is where true peace is found.

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I predict that Musk will be able to buy TikTok at a discount, enabling him to set up a monopoly empire like nothing ever seen. Bezos bought a newspaper. Musk bought a president. I guess he's learned the art of the deal.

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I believe musk will be the anti-Christ.

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No it will be someone from the Jews

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Actually, the Antichrist/world ruler will be a gentile of the people who destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple (70AD). See Dan. 9:26 The False Prophet will be Jewish since Rev. 13:11 says he comes up from the Land (the Land is always a reference to Israel). But again, in Rev. 13:1, the Bible says the AC will be Gentile since he comes up out of the sea (the sea is a reference to the sea of humanity/gentiles).

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What about “Rome”…the elephant in the room? She…. according to history is drunk…with the blood of the saints! 57,000 of the Waldenses Christians were slain… in one day… in France!

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Musk is a tribester. Just saying.

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I am wondering if Musk is one of the 10 kings. Daniel chapter 7:23-25. Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry is a great series. I love it from #4A on in that series but maybe good to go in order if not super familiar with it. Those Noahide laws make ms wonder if that's whose going to be doing the beheading of those who become Christians after the rapture (during the 7 year tribulation, the tribulation saints. ) I don't know but I do wonder. Although at the midway point Israel has to flee for safety. Also The Footsteps of the Messiah by Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum is a great resource and contains almost every verse, old and new testament, pertaining to end times. Tons of verses.

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IN a way he is... IF one Denies Christ , then they are an Antichrist ! The Elites Want to be GOD. Remember, GOD ,will NOT be MOCKED. This is His ,World and He Made No Mistakes...Our Free Will enables us to make MISTAKES. ,

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There are no mistakes in Gods world! There are no maverick molecules running loose! He’s in control of everything!

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Not likely - he’s too old.

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I'm afraid you are 100% correct Mr. Hohmann on your thesis that what I've long believed; these parties are merely the left wing and the right wing of the very same vulture, eating all of us while barely alive.

And yes this MAGA bs is just Madison Ave marketing and this "new" old president will sell us down the river in the end as the slave dogs he sees us all as.

Sorry to be so negative, but I fully agree with you here.

Thank you for giving God His due glory and to His Son Jesus, the only One willing and able to save us from demons such as Klaus Schwab and Billy Gates. Very suspicious indeed.

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An Gott zu glauben ist nicht vernünftig....

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Donald is for the CO2 pipelines, that's enough bad news for me. His appointees, other than a handful are Leftists in Republican drag. Dual citizen with Turkey and friend of Erdogan, Dr. Mehmet Oz, who has sold quackery on his shows, will be in charge of Medicare/Medicaid for all those over 65. Heaven help us.

Kristi Noem, Tulsi Gabbard, Scott Bessent, Marco Rubio, and tons of others are not on our side. Leo knows it, and so do a lot of us. We're in just as much danger if not more because most of the Trump voters have already gone back to sleep thinking all is well for four years. We have a deliberately dumbed down electorate, and things are already looking nasty.

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I have said for sometime that in the eyes if the public they take roles as Republican or Democrat but that behind closed doors they are one fraternity; bending elbows with one another and yukking it up because they believe they have it over on the masses; which is true to a large extent.

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I witnessed that first hand in the 2019 election when VP Mike Pence bumped elbows with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi…durning the election review…in the Chambers! Like they were the best of buds! They are quite fond of each other behind closed doors!

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"They are quite fond of each other behind closed doors!"


Could most likely can be said of a great many.

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Remember that snake poem Trump recited at his rally. Some are starting to believe the snake represents Trump that will come back to bite those that trusted in him.

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Believe it is called.." The Snake " . Heard this on "Rush" ' radio show. You can listen to it on YouTube. Bet he is watching this .

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Completely concur. The only genuine, trustworthy "reality" is in Christ Jesus and in His Lordship and our belonging to Him, governed by His Holy Spirit, and exhibiting/transmitting Jesus to those in our circle of contacts so that the One to Whom all Glory is due is exalted and seen for His amazing love, provision and care for us....while the opportunity still exists for those seeking real answers for this life's toughest questions. Our faith is in a person, not a system, in eternal life, not temporal existence. In the assurance of His love and care and not in the fickle ways of fallen mankind or Luciferian systems of dominance, deceit and abject slavery. Thanks for stating it so plainly, simply and accurately.

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Nach einem empirischen testreichen und demonstrierenden Protokoll besagt die Wissenschaft, das Gott nicht existiert! Die verschiedenen Götzenbilder und Religionen

belegen, dass sich die Menschen Gott bzw. ihre Götter selber schaffen. Zahllose streng gläubige und gottesfürchtige Menschen sind sogar in Kirchen und Moscheen, durch Erdbeben, Terror, Kriege, Pandemie und sonstige Ereignisse ums Leben gekommen.

Kein Gott hat sie beschützt!!!

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Leo all I can say is you are spot on. This is exactly how it’s going to go down. I’ve seen all the red flags popping up. This has all been a big show. All the build up…all the fanfare…when will people get it? And Trump holding court with the likes of Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg etc. And let’s not forget Musk is in the mix. What could go wrong? And you’re right, Trump will make good on some promises. Just enough to string along his staunch supporters. They are so invested that they will never see it coming. I’m not a Trump hater at all but I see the writing on the wall. He’s working for they who control the world. That simple. He’s all in. Agenda 30 is coming and he’s not going to stop it one bit. He’s a good actor though. All those rallies, speeches etc. I got played for a bit because I thought why would someone put himself through all this, and boldly lie to everyone? It made no sense. Why run for President? He’s rich and doesn’t need to do it. Is his allegiance to Satan that strong? What’s the payoff? That thinking had me wondering if I was wrong. But I’m not wrong. And you’re right.

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I’ve been down the same road myself. But I’m a person who sees patterns easily and I started recognizing what was really going on a few years ago.

1. It is said that the Satanists must show their hand from time to time because it infers permission from the public. Trump has been showing his hand quite a bit lately with his cabinet picks and his friendly conversation with Obama at the Carter funeral. His meetings with the evil ones—Gates, et al, was a big reveal. People like Gates should be in jail, and yet Trump openly met with him and others and wanted us to know it.

2. Trump’s campaigning and trials were so over the top, it’s hard to believe he’s that good of an actor. Normally, actors get tired from time to time and they stumble here and there. We can see behind the mask. But he really didn’t falter. That’s what confuses people—the incredible effort that had to be made and his willingness to do it. That’s next level evil!

3. Many years ago, Trump, as a private citizen, started tweeting about Obama not being a citizen and about his phony birth certificate. This is how long ago he’s been in on it and has been waiting in the wings. He initiated the great division between Americans from that point on.

4. His daughter went to the Young Globalist Academy run by Klaus Schwab and attended by people like Trudeau and Macron.

5. They are paying Trump for his services by way of his lawsuits. I think it was CNN who just said they were going to settle with him on one of his suits against the press. He won another suit somewhat recently. It’s a crafty way to pay him without writing him a check.

6. Since the Bush funeral, where cameras were perfectly positioned on our leaders, both past and present, they know we watch them interact, to the point where the New York Post hires lip readers to interpret what’s being said. Trump and Obama were perfectly scripted. I could see the acting in the rest of the gang, pretending to ignore one another. It was ridiculous.

7. Keep in mind we could be wrong. Never pretend to know exactly what’s going on. Only God knows that.

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His come back…is to hopefully…bring along… the rest of the stragglers…who opted out of the Cov deception! I believe that might be one reason! There’s sure to be another Plandemic!

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Great Reflect, you laid it out perfectly. These are some of the red flags I noticed as well. I’ve been conflicted about Trump for a long time. There are other reasons I didn’t touch on. Israel being one. Zionism has very deep roots. I’ll leave it at that. Today should be the day I was rooting for but instead I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Have we all been played? Yeah I’m afraid so. I keep thinking back on those Illuminati cards from years ago that foretold all the events that would happen in the future. Well one foretold Trump would become president years later. They plan all these events for years down the road.

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You know, this does not mean that God is not with Trump nor us.

Let me explain. "I set before you life and death. Choose life, choose it abundantly." This election was one such orchestrated choice. America chose life, as in not open totalitarianism and self destruction.

Now another choice is laid before us: worship Trump and trust in him as God's Replacement OR hold Trump accountable for when he is also making moves that do not align with the vision of a righteous, free nation.

I do believe that Father God has brought our nation to this place in time and that we will see Him bring us to our knees for our ongoing idolatry....even within The Body of Christ.

I do not hold that our Heavenly Father is setting about to destroy our nation but rather to re-esatblish Her in holiness and righteousness that His Gospel be sent out once again over the globe for the salvation of the masses.

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Thank you Leo spot on , unfortunately when I share the similar obvious perspective and facts and thoughts with Christians and Conservatives they are more intolerant than the left recently in considering this perspective and are hostile and unwilling to have an adult mature honest thinking discussion and excuse and defend Trump and the GOP no matter what and I am shamed attacked and shut down it's so sad Jesus said many times do not be decived,God bless you stay bold and keep sharing, awesome God bless Maranatha Lord Jesus Christ TITUS 2 13 Acts 5 29 John 3 16 John 14 6 John 5 24 Psalm 2 Psalm 9 17 Psalm 33 12 Psalm 97:10 Psalm 118:6-9 Jeremiah 17:5-7

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Lot of DECEPTION ! ! All this Stage Deception has Cost America, I would Think Billions. All these Staged Legal Issues that were for Not Lawyers got paid left and right. Monies were Wasted ....None left for North Caroline, Tennessee, Hawaii, California ! TRAVESTY !

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Amen! Trump is just part of the system. I don’t believe there will be another election, as Daniel’s 70th week will have begun during Trumps term. I believe 2025 will be a year like no other! Thanks for your insight Leo!💥

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Excellent article Leo. In my humble opinion and estimation, I believe you are absolutely correct. Since the election, instead of feeling elation and a sense of relief, I have been experiencing something strange: an increased foreboding that is accelerating in intensity and the sensing that our time left on planet earth is much, much shorter than many realize. The rapture is at hand! Evil hasn't diminished nor has the One World desire lost any steam. Quite the contrary. Like you wrote: "I can feel it". And...under this incoming administration it is accelerating. Thank you Leo. I'm on board with what you expressed. Maranatha. Keep looking up. We are flying soon. Very soon!

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I don't know if the mechanic of your arguments are correct...but your bottom line is spot on! The beast system is emerging, it will ultimately rule for 7 years as per Daniel's 70th Seven, at the end of which, Jesus, the Messiah returns, binds Satan, destroys the beast and his false prophet in the lake of fire and destroys all human government. Then the LORDJesus implements His righteous rule for 1000 years. And I agree time is short, turn to Jesus and live! I believe Jesus will be meeting all believers in the air soon and we will thereafter be with the LORD forever!

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They need Trump, too, because he can get away with moves, the populace wouldn’t have accepted from Harris.

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Exactly. And vice versa when it’s the democrats’ turn.

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Yes, amen! What a time to be alive! It's almost time to meet the Lord in the air it seems (to go away while the 70th week of Daniel also called the 7 year tribulation takes place.) 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

The dead in Christ rise first, then we who are left will meet the Lord in the air and so we shall be with the Lord forever!!!🪂

Every day I think, maybe today Jesus, maybe today! 💝

So wonderful you can see this with Mr T. It's concerning how many cannot. 🤦‍♀️ I remember reading your article when Trump chose JD Vance and you pointed out the connection Peter Thiel, and it was like wow wow wow, the rapture is getting closer!!! Our blessed hope, the glorious appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! 🥳

I do think it might be the ufo cover up story for the rapture, all this ufo talk. 🛸

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Its all about Agenda 30 and they are ALL in lockstep.

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