Scary stuff. Losing the world’s reserve currency will be massive for us. The people in the U.S. have no clue. The death of America, as we know it, is upon us.

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And a needed re-birth. The devil is in the details

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Yes 👏. Praying for positive outcomes in the future and preparing for the coming bumps until it arrives 🙏

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Yep. I live in a conservative community. Most people assume getting Trump in the WH will fix everything.

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We all know Trump cannot fix all things. Lots of problems are still wide open. But don’t forget the fact that it’s going to be a cataclysmic debacle of the whole nation and the world if Trump supporters cannot secure the victory over the frauds.

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Not everything. But a righteous leader is blessed as are the people.

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None of them are righteous. That's the problem. No, I'm not pushing Biden or Kennedy.

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Yes. Eventually the US/UK/Europe will have NO money to implement wars and we will not 'bow down' to the US.

What really amazes me is their is no talk of this in the Mainstream Media!

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Why would that amaze you? The Giant Media Machine is no different from the Medical Industrial Complex... They're all bought & paid for, the tools of the US Clobberment. They don't want us to have freedom, they want to crush us into slaves, foolish slaves that do as we're told and cower before them.

THIS IS PLANNED, all this, from decades ago. Maybe longer. The Muckities that own MOST of the world's wealth don't LIKE us, they want us to DIE, mostly, and they want to enslave a tiny little number of us that are left. Sound crazy? It IS crazy. And it won't work. But until we can all figure out what's actually going on, they will wreak havoc... like playing Nuclear War games with Russia! MADNESS.

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I think we've been watching and living in a slow death that started right after WWII, in a serious way, and really, we've been working toward this since we started our Quest for Hegemony and began battering every country we could batter... This is now Karma coming due, it seems.

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I don't have any Diplomatic experience but I do think it would be beneficial when the Biden regime sends out it's officers like Secretary of State Blinken, Sullivan and the rest of the Titanic crew to visit world leaders that they be dressed as clowns.

It would have helped immensely if Confused, Creepy Joe had dressed up as a Clown at the G7 in Italy today.

The clown show from the collapsing US would be more fitting and bring a smile to an otherwise hopeless and depressing situation the fool Empire that forsook God and all His blessings finds itself in today.

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LOL. I'd watch that.

But while yes, I agree it's depressing, I don't think it's hopeless! We need to be tough and start thinking about how we're going to dump these clowns and bring our own power back, and start afresh with a BETTER WAY. That's assuming the other countries don't just get fed up and Nuke us all.

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The most we could hope for would be world leaders to laugh themselves unconscious. Even then, the FJB regime would wear that squinty eye stupid face and do nothing. America is purposely paraded as a ship of fools. Make no mistake. We will turn this ship around.

Thanks for the smile Marcel. Great composure and restraint.

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I'm with you. Clowns are fine for birthday parties, but... enough.

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deletedJun 13
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Pride & arrogance, the downfall of America.

"We have heard a report from the Lord,

And a messenger has been sent among the nations saying,

“Arise, and let’s go up against her for battle”—

2 “Behold, I will make you small among the nations;

You are greatly despised.

3 The arrogance of your heart has deceived you,

The one who lives in the clefts of the rock,

On the height of his dwelling place,

Who says in his heart,

‘Who will bring me down to earth?’

4 Though you make your home high like the eagle,

Though you set your nest among the stars,

From there I will bring you down,” declares the Lord.

Obadiah 1

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It's not "America," it's our fucking GOVT. Pardon my expletive.

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Yes. It's ALL the demonic, poisoned world GOVERNMENTS. We are the last bastion and we must fight. The battle is lengthy. Our children and our grandchildren will fight...and they will win.

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We don’t have TIME to wait for children and grandchildren… unless they’re already grown. This is happening NOW. And we WILL win. The youth all over the world stood up against the genocide of the Palestinians… WE, the elders, need to stand up with them. We outnumber these skanks by the BILLIONS. 🙂🤠

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If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV

God is Faithful.

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That ship has sailed and sunka long time ago.

No repentance in the land America has only become more evil and rebellious against God. Going so far as killing 60 million+ babies, mutilating boys into girls and with Satanic led arrogance stealing the land he gave to the Jews to reward His enemies with another failed Islamic terrorist state in Israel's heartland.

Cursed & Doomed


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Nonsense. Why would our Creator just abandon us? After we've been lied to, abused, drugged, bullied, denied healthy foods, taxed unmercifully (and illegally), treated as worthless, poisoned, set upon, our lands absorbed... It's not "America," it's our rat bastard "leadership," pretending that they're righteous, and leading us down the garden path. Time to FIX THAT MESS.

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In all the land of depravity, Lot and his family were spared. We are fed up with haters, Marcel. Don't be one. There are no real Jews any more.

You are preaching to the choir.

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You doing like Lot's wife did. Don't be a truth hater !

Is your blindness incurable ?



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Thank you Leo for always keeping us updated. It must be so incredibly difficult for you to continually report on these matters but I appreciate the truth! I know this sounds like a dumb question but how do we prepare? I have some areas I’m working on but would like more info.

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Linda. The US is not reporting on anything worthwhile and when it does it is lies.

Look up BRICS

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There are SOME good reporting and outlets, they're just censored. But that's starting to be undone, as well. We're not stagnating. Things are coming along. Maybe it's time for us all to get OFFLINE a bit more and start some community planning...

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I feel helpless. This knowledge paralyzes me. I don't know where to start. The stress has ruined my physical health. I already was chronically ill and in poverty but hoped to find a way to bootstrap my way out somehow. 2020 happened. I've kind of given up.

The strong people surrounded by other clever, skilled, strong people will have a chance at survival. The sick, weak, and already poor will be crushed underfoot and left to die in the time ahead. Married people with families and homesteading communities to bolster them will fare best.

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Not sure where you are at spiritually but the Bible talks about the coming one world govt and all it entails. God has let us know ahead of time. It’s still quite frightening how this will change everything but He constantly encourages us to draw near to the Lord Jesus, “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.”

‭‭Titus‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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Linda. You can quote God and Buddha/Christians/Zionists etc all you want but they are a fairytale. Nothing to do with real life.

The US people have been duped.

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Oh ye of little faith. God has everything to do with real life. You are a lost soul.

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What if they're NOT fairy tales, but they're also not literally what we've been taught? What if a lot of the religion we know about is CODE for something we don't quite understand?

You have to remember that the Bible was taken up by the ROMANS. Those guys were not exactly the Friendly Neighbors, they were dominators, warring and conquering for hundreds and hundreds, maybe thousands of years. Do you think they'd take a bunch of sacred writing and just leave it?

Just consider this: Maybe Jesus was a real guy. Maybe he was an amazing teacher and healer. And maybe he was just a little bit too rebellious, and the Romans didn't want that kind of trouble, ongoing. So they had to tamp it down a bit... All that "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" -- think about it. They were willing to let the early Christians have SOME goodies, but NOT THE MONEY. Doesn't that sound kinda familiar? Well, what if those Romans' descendants are the people NOW running the world from behind a curtain? Ever heard of the "Black Nobility"? Check it out. I'm NOT trying to end Christianity, but I think all religions miss the boat in some ways, and it's maybe reasonable to think about some new ways (or maybe old ways!) to think about SOME of it. I like Jesus just fine, but it's the CHURCH, they're like a whole nuther GOVT., doncha know. Anyway, no offense intended... xo

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Not fairytales. Spirituality is just the other side of the material world. Two sides of same coin. There is the material and then there is the non-material. You call is 'real' because you can feel it with your sense, but your thoughts are not matter, and yet they are very real, are they not?

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Somewhere in the NT, Jesus says something like, "When you pray, go into your room and close the door." I take that as, it's personal. It's PRIVATE. We don't all have to think the same way. It's about our HEARTS, isn't it? And why do we have to have all these rules so that everyone has to agree on alllll these details that really quite often miss the point. I suspect that religions are/were sort of tampered with, by the Muckities, to keep us all either unthinking, or fighting with each other... I mean, there's been a LOT of fighting about religion, no? Seems to me what matters most isn't what we THINK, it's what we DO. Especially what we do to and with others. Yes?

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Right you are, JennyStokes. Fairytales they are. Some don't want to face reality.

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They're not fairy tales, they're tampered with wisdom and other stuff. It takes a LOT of study to even break through all the "code" and poetic license... Things are generally NOT what we've been told, but that doesn't mean everything is WRONG. Reality is pretty subjective, I'd say. ^_^

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Sending love and prayers to you, RE. Don’t despair. When we crossed the sea the first time, we did not lose an elder, a baby, nor the ill who could not keep up. Everlasting…

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RE Nichols. I am not in the USA but I see the problems.

Are you not 'left to die already?'

You who fought Socialism which could have brought you housing/decent healthcare/care for the elderly?

Now you are really going to suffer because you did not pay attention to your nefarious Govt. You did not vote after Reagan and just assumed the US would go on killing people in other countries?

MY advice is: Move into the countryside and learn what you can live on from bountiful nature?

Be safe.

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Thank you for your kind wishes, Jenny.

America has had a form of socialism in place for decades now. Few realize it. Free housing, free medicine, free income because I was prevented from working or having a family by the state. It was horrific.

I really wanted to lead a normal life full of work and love rather than exist on welfare, but the socialist state prevented me. The state funded treatments which I was coerced into going on are what crippled me, ironically. Damaged my health so badly early in life I couldn't become gainfully employed or start a family. Forcing me to be trapped in a system that I believe is a blueprint for the coming New World Order. The State does not love.

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So why do we see old people on the street without housing and no healthcare?

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RE Nichols

Complete bollox.

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My advice to you, pray and may you open your heart to receive Christ.

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You Kelly are talking to an atheist who has lived in many countries spouting religion....so please keep God to yourself.

How is it that God exists when we have never seen him.

IS he still coming???????????

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Yes he is still coming. So that's what's wrong with you, an atheist. That's why you are so angry and unhappy. I pray you find God. You have no hope without him.

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We've been told he is coming for eons...........he sure seems to care when thousands of people die. Such a great man.

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She already has a god of sorts. The Government. She looks to it to supply all her needs.

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You don't want to hear about God anymore? You want socialism with a strong centralized government to supply everything? Be careful what you wish for.

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Thank you for the post. Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott says that the Federal Reserve will try to print it's way out the fiasco, but the armchair economist in me says that will only worsen hyperinflation.

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The Fed. can do what it wants it will not solve the problem.

BRICS will be the new currency and the dollar will be worthless.

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Thank you. Our only half a chance would be to drill our own oil, starting yesterday.

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GO ahead it will make NO difference to the USA

There hundreds of countries so sick of the USA.

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I suggest we all bug our Congress critters and demand that they pass emergency legislation to restart US oil production.

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FRANK. Throughout most of the world we have FAST electrical trains without using oil.

Get in your old truck and ........get with it.

YOU have never cared one iota what your country has been doing!

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Great Post.

Few on SS or in the country even know this just happened in the past few days - or what it means.

Let this be a lesson to all...rolling your eyes, scoffing, choosing netflix, doordash, social media, worshipping hollywierd propagandists, sports and every other created distraction will not save you from the agenda and ideology you choose to ignore or put off till later.

I've been asking - how will you know when you've lost your country - will it be the tyranny you've seen your government turn into; will it be the rise of the surveillance state and lawfare; will it be the regime stripping you of your job, freedoms, liberties and medical care for refusing a health mandate; will it the death of your monetary system and currency; or will it take something akin to the fall of Venezuela - eating zoo animals, because that's all that's left?

Bannon has been saying this for years - "See what you see". Stop listening to the happy talk.

The ship is slipping below the waves and you are standing on the decks, that are a wash.

Now, like him or not Trump is your only choice, if you want a 4 year respite.

No, at the point he can't turn this around in 4 years - especially given the road blocks the obama regime will work relentlessly to create, during that time. However, it will slow the sinking and give you time to gather the life jackets you can.

When you allow a system, regime, bureaucracy or tyrant to grow beyond your ability to control or kill it, you've effectively signed your own death warrant.

Ask yourself, just who in D.C. today, is working hard or even worried about you and your families welfare, in the months and years to come.

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I’m trying to tell people & they must be listening to FOX because they are taking about “they hate our Freedoms”… fool me once .. I can’t believe they using same exact propoganda as after 9/11 .. (which I totally fell for )

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JP Spatzier. What freedoms you are now owned by Zionist money.

I suggest you look at BRICS

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The truth will known at death, however at that time it will be too late.

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Now is a good time to check your survival necessities. And, while you're at it, bump up your munitions. Ammo for self-defense will become increasing more important as the economy starts seriously tumbling.

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I suggest you find gallons of water because with out water you cannot grow anything or live.. Considering water companies in the US are private good luck.

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It goes without saying, water is at the top of the list, unless you have a private well (and power source in case power is shut off). Nutrition is next.

And, don't forget the ammo. Having survival items does no good if you're dead.

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Speculating: could the migration allowed to go on unchecked be expected to act as an inflation-brake?

Import (tens of) millions of unemployed/unemployable dependent on semi-permanent welfare and tax funded projects to have something to spend excess money on in a way that funnels said money into businesses (consumtion of goods, services), to try to curb expected inflation, sharply increased interest rates, and to artificially inflate the housing/property-market?

I wonder, because that is part of the reason some european governements have allowed replacement-levels of migration; rather than allowing for a politically suicidal (but financially/economically natural) reset & rebuild-phase.

When the USSR collapsed, people up North over here traded toilet paper, canned foods, cigrattes and condoms to the russians in exchange for diesel, AK-47s, ammunition, and whatever the russians had a surplus of. No money, no gold - just goods changing hands. That, and Jugoslavia, are the hardest resets of economy I have ever witnessed. I don't think the US is in for anything like that, you have a lot more resources to draw upon for rebuilding, if your elected leaders have the will to use it for the common good.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

"No election and no politician is going to save us. So let’s get on our knees and pray for peace, while preparing ourselves and our families for hard times ahead." Absolutely Leo!!

All trump talks about is how great he is, has he even given any thought at all to this. Doubtful.

June 9th. A little surprised there was no big fall in the stock market? Apparently no one is too

concerned about this. But then again how many of them are living in reality? Or do they know

something we dont, probably that too. But i wonder how long it will take before the shock waves

hit us. Unless some sort of new deal was reached and is not being announced yet, but I doubt that

this is what 'they' probably want. Just seems a little too quiet.

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Thank you for this article Leo.

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absolutely! It was just a matter of time... but... it doesn't have to be tragic in consequences. After all, if ONLY one was to replicate what Russia has done since 2022... ie.: turn inwards, and allow for MULTI-polar world... all WILL BE fine. The Corporation of US will have to be dissolved... bankruptcy declared... monetary system changed... but... all of it is doable! cheers!

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I think that Europe too will become entangled in the mess. They already have and maybe with some divine intervention (I pray) the colluders will be destroyed as they were in Babylon.

I dislike Russia, however, I a despise ERO NATO and its partnerships too.

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Mr. Leo, your comment section has been busy lately. Either atheism or little knowledge of the truth.

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I agree with most of this, but WHY would Americans want to go to WAR? What can we possibly hope to gain by allowing thousands of our young men, and women, to die in a war we cannot afford, and cannot win? Maybe we need to work on dumping this load of idiots in DC, dump the Central Govt altogether, go local, to local communities and maybe a very limited State govt. system, until we can realize we really don't NEED to be "GOVERNED." Anarchy is NOT "chaos." We could learn to live similar to the first Peoples we genocided, the Native Tribes, and learn from their ways, which were pretty damn cool, a lot of them. We are not BOUND to have this stupid system foisted on us by the rich guys coming from England back in the 1600 's. FFS. Let's get something BETTER going on. Stop the damn destruction of our farmlands, take them away from corporations (they pushed all the family farms deliberately into bankruptcy-- DELIBERATELY, what a coup!). We'll grow healthy food again, and that will be a big start. Turn our water back to clean and healthy. If we can start that way, and explore these various (kept hidden) ways of cheap, or virtually free, energy, we'll be fine, soon enough.

I think we can navigate this trouble and come out, sooner than later, in a BETTER place.

So saith the dog.

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