Because the FACT IS.......that these mRNA BIO-WEAPONS have already been UNLEASHED upon the NATURAL WORLD. And as we all SHOULD KNOW, by now, that any 'UN-vaxx-ed' individual CAN get INFECTED via the SHEDDING of the WALKING BIO-WEAPONS (ie those that HAVE been injected).
Not to mention that they are putting these BIO-WEAPONS in the 'Chem-trails', the 'Mystery Fog', our Water, Food, and so on.
These WILL wipe out ALL Natural Life, on this planet!
We need REAL Doctors, and REAL Scientists working on how to IRRADICATE mRNA OUT of US, AND Our Environment!
Your panic is justifiable and understood. But the fact is I'm surrounded by jabbed and am not afraid. Even if you are around the shedding it is far less affective than the injection straight into your bloodstream. More importantly I believe whole heartedly God in his wisdom will not let mankind be completely wiped out. Or what was the whole purpose of his sacrifice?
The number in Revelation of the 14400 I believe is not a literal number but the number of chromosomes of the human genome in other words the unvaxed as they STILL have 7200 from mama and 7200 from papa and shedding cannot change that. I could be wrong but I'm putting my faith in Jesus.
"a sudden change of heart"? How about a sudden change in the script. 'Brain dead patient suddenly awakens.' Remember, it's theater.
Limited hangout? It's so limited that all I can do is laugh.
"Makes you wonder who called up the Daily Mail editors and gave them the green light to start dribbling out the truth..." Yes, like I said.
"Let’s pray that other media join the fray and also start to catch up with real journalistic sites like this one, which have been giving the news to you straight right from the beginning of the whole Covid scam." Well, miracles are still possible, and it's fine to pray for them. My prayer might be more in the realm of "may they lose all their readers". I truly would like to see the people wake up.
i first "met" you years ago, with Tony on AMTM; I enjoyed you back then, and I enjoy your writing style and wit even more today!! Thank-you for being bold enough to share the real Truth, which is SO much better that the main stream media (which I totally ignore!!). Keep up the good work, and please, keep the Faith, too. Thanks again for choosing to be on the front lines.....ScottMac.
It's terrorism on the population and it's not by chance. It could be terrorism on a pilot scale to be followed by terrorism on a mass scale or it could stay on a niche scale. Since the uptake of the shot in Western populations is high, this is information is being released not to enlighten but to terrorize.
I have read Daily Mail articles. I see how they will tell a truth but with subtle implications to steer minds to believe a false narrative. I think they get paid under the table. All them half naked women they show to attract viewers tells me they are harlots.
Perhaps releasing the truth after the fact is a 'clue' for individuals to transform fear, denial and ignoring the truth into self empowerment b/c power is knowledge applied. The truth also prompts questions about long held beliefs about government and other fictions of law, after witnessing 5 years of betrayal and brutality against their fellow man.
When you summon the courage to face evil in our midst, its frequency is weakened and you become better equipped to protect yourself and loved ones. Courage is a defining moment in the life of every human, and that moment is upon us.
"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." Frank Zappa.
I don't think they're doing this for our benefit. I think it's another way of tracking the results of the effect on humanity. The World is one giant petri dish and they need to see how effective their bioweapon is. I don't trust ANY news source that isn't independent and even some of those are suspect.
“Is it not also written, ‘The words of His mouth will smite the Earth forever, and, for the chosen among men, there will be a guiding light for the rest of their days’?”
All of this is actually MOOT!
Because the FACT IS.......that these mRNA BIO-WEAPONS have already been UNLEASHED upon the NATURAL WORLD. And as we all SHOULD KNOW, by now, that any 'UN-vaxx-ed' individual CAN get INFECTED via the SHEDDING of the WALKING BIO-WEAPONS (ie those that HAVE been injected).
Not to mention that they are putting these BIO-WEAPONS in the 'Chem-trails', the 'Mystery Fog', our Water, Food, and so on.
These WILL wipe out ALL Natural Life, on this planet!
We need REAL Doctors, and REAL Scientists working on how to IRRADICATE mRNA OUT of US, AND Our Environment!
The Clock is Ticking Down........!!
Dr. Mary Talley Bowden says IVERMECTIN is helping patients overcome damage caused by COVID jabs
I know all of the treatments; thanks.
But apparently, there are those that do not comprehend that these Bio-weapons change the GENETIC MAKEUP of LIFE, ALL life, on this planet.
It started with the GMO 'foods', decades ago, and no one batted an eyelash.
Your panic is justifiable and understood. But the fact is I'm surrounded by jabbed and am not afraid. Even if you are around the shedding it is far less affective than the injection straight into your bloodstream. More importantly I believe whole heartedly God in his wisdom will not let mankind be completely wiped out. Or what was the whole purpose of his sacrifice?
The number in Revelation of the 14400 I believe is not a literal number but the number of chromosomes of the human genome in other words the unvaxed as they STILL have 7200 from mama and 7200 from papa and shedding cannot change that. I could be wrong but I'm putting my faith in Jesus.
I am not 'panicked'.
People just need to GROW UP and WAKE UP!!
I've been 'AWAKE' for 30+ YEARS.......and I am SICK OF THIS SHIT!
"a sudden change of heart"? How about a sudden change in the script. 'Brain dead patient suddenly awakens.' Remember, it's theater.
Limited hangout? It's so limited that all I can do is laugh.
"Makes you wonder who called up the Daily Mail editors and gave them the green light to start dribbling out the truth..." Yes, like I said.
"Let’s pray that other media join the fray and also start to catch up with real journalistic sites like this one, which have been giving the news to you straight right from the beginning of the whole Covid scam." Well, miracles are still possible, and it's fine to pray for them. My prayer might be more in the realm of "may they lose all their readers". I truly would like to see the people wake up.
i first "met" you years ago, with Tony on AMTM; I enjoyed you back then, and I enjoy your writing style and wit even more today!! Thank-you for being bold enough to share the real Truth, which is SO much better that the main stream media (which I totally ignore!!). Keep up the good work, and please, keep the Faith, too. Thanks again for choosing to be on the front lines.....ScottMac.
They can withstand an overwhelming, unrelenting tsunami of truth for only so long.
It's terrorism on the population and it's not by chance. It could be terrorism on a pilot scale to be followed by terrorism on a mass scale or it could stay on a niche scale. Since the uptake of the shot in Western populations is high, this is information is being released not to enlighten but to terrorize.
Does this mean the flood gate is now open ?
I don't think so. FYI: Chris Matthews on MSNBC is advocating for someone to "take a shot at Trump".
Poor Trump, just wants to fix our Nation. Elon too.
Good hearted hard working guys.
They “woke up” to the fact that their funding from USAID is cut off and they may actually have to tell the truth to stay in business. What a concept…
Even though they are late to the party, it might enable more article's and MSM outlets to tell the whole truth and wake up the remaining sheep.
Who knows, when all the sheep awake they may be so mad and angry that they will demand heads to roll.
Maybe ???
I have read Daily Mail articles. I see how they will tell a truth but with subtle implications to steer minds to believe a false narrative. I think they get paid under the table. All them half naked women they show to attract viewers tells me they are harlots.
Perhaps releasing the truth after the fact is a 'clue' for individuals to transform fear, denial and ignoring the truth into self empowerment b/c power is knowledge applied. The truth also prompts questions about long held beliefs about government and other fictions of law, after witnessing 5 years of betrayal and brutality against their fellow man.
When you summon the courage to face evil in our midst, its frequency is weakened and you become better equipped to protect yourself and loved ones. Courage is a defining moment in the life of every human, and that moment is upon us.
"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." Frank Zappa.
I don't think they're doing this for our benefit. I think it's another way of tracking the results of the effect on humanity. The World is one giant petri dish and they need to see how effective their bioweapon is. I don't trust ANY news source that isn't independent and even some of those are suspect.
check out a page called the expose/dr vernon coleman
I watch him such a wonderful honest straightforward doctor. He's a true gem.
Straight outta the SPARS playbook
When Biden was asked about what he wanted his legacy to be, he said something like, " I want to be remembered as the guy who gave everybody a shot."
I was like, that's honest!
Biden always told the truth when he went off script or rogue.
“Is it not also written, ‘The words of His mouth will smite the Earth forever, and, for the chosen among men, there will be a guiding light for the rest of their days’?”
So you must oppose vaccines and evil high-tech.