He’s doing exactly what the script is saying. We are seeing “Agenda 2030” just under a different banner now. Both sides are working together to bring about this one world system the Bible talks about.

Problem, reaction, solution. They created the problem and knew our reaction. Trump has always been their solution. It’s taken four years for the masses to forget the death shot he rolled out in 2020. Nothing has changed. The only thing that has changed is people are “fed up” with the democrats. So what’s their solution?? Disguise yourself as a republican and move forward with your globalist agenda at warp speed. God’s word explains clearly all that we are seeing today. The stage is being set and all the prophetic players are taking their mark.

But before the lights come on and the curtain goes up, the Lord will call us home with a shout (1 Thessalonians 4:17). We are in the season of the Lord’s return. DO NOT BE DECEIVED!

The foreshadows are all around us.

With trump all I can say is “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!”

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If you are a dispensationalist and hoping the Pre Tribulation Rapture is going to save you, think again. DO NOT BE DECEIVED! Fool you three times and it could be disastrous!

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One of the most unintentionally self-damaging things Israel could do is to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build the third temple. It would disprove dispensationalism, and Zionism's largest support base would evaporate, or at least be heavily diminished.

Remember, these heretics believe that as soon as the third temple is built, believers will be raptured (ie: disappear from the Earth). When this doesn't happen their only possible response is to move to post-trib eschatology, and 7 years after that point if the rapture doesn't happen, then the whole dispensationalist heresy has to go, or at least they have to BS so hard to continue it that most would change to a different eschatology.

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Can a resurrection be counterfeited?

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I’m all for a wall. They are biblical as you’ve stated. But what good does a wall do when they are all here. Walls have a dual purpose. They keep people out or keep people in.

As far as DEI and other things done away with, I say praise God. But be careful what you wish for. When you purge the govt and do away with the opponents agenda, what are you left with? We are seeing early stages of fascism.

At the end of the day, when you only have one choice, is it really a choice at that point?

It would be wise for us to study history and look at other leaders who rose to power on the same platform

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Especially enlightening would be to study the history of Germany in 1933. Could the Dems have been right all along when they said Trump was Hitler? I scoffed, but geez, it feels like he's more familiar with the Nazi takeover playbook than with the US Constitution. Squeezing out the legislature, the implied land grabs ("the US will own Gaza"????) and he's even got his own propaganda minister with the owner of X at his side.

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I am reading “The Rise of The Fourth Reich”

I highly recommend it. We are seeing the fourth Reich today.

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Great discussion. Thanks.

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I extended that: "fool me trice, and I am a fool." That's how folk heroes are created:


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The move The Prestige is a good example of who trump is. The pledge, the turn, and the prestige. We are witnessing the pledge stage. Soon he will turn. And this guy won’t be one bit surprised.

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That kind of reminds me of a cartoon which goes something like this:

"How do fairy tales start?"

"Some of them start like this, 'If you elect me...'" :)

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Where does the Bible say, this generation will not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. I’ve thought it referred to the rebirth of the Israeli Nation, and the end times! I still think it does! I believe we all need a personal relationship with Jesus now more than ever!

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Your absolutely right about that bro!

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But you have to realize some on here (commenters) are no where in the believers category or ball park! Their either Atheists or agnostics or new agers…believers in false gods! Definitely not true believers!

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Also reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. The Walrus leading the clams to their death

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I knew he was the snake. You know, the poem he loved to read to his adoring base? Yeah I had him pegged. 🐍🐍🐍

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Repairing the walls and borders is a biblical mandate in Isa.61. Trump is demanding citizenship, honesty, responsibility and is forcing honest government, by doing away with DEI and WOKE ideology. He is saying America is for Americans, apply to come in lawfully, that is Biblical. He is uprooting scams, plans, subterfuge, sedition and treason. Scripture must be fulfilled. Acts2, Gen.1, Ez. the rains., Greater than these, with demonstations of power, NOT HAPPENED. YET.

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All of those are legitimate political goals but they need to be achieved through legitimate political means. There's a reason the Founders created a Constitution with co-equal branches of government. Honest government calls for more than weeding out the wasteful spending. If these changes are going to survive the inevitable court challenges they need to be done legally, not through a blatant power grab. I'm all for the DOGErs shining a light into the dungeon and making the cockroaches scatter. I'd let the money go out the door and have them track it to see how much ends up back in the campaign coffers (and personal bank accounts) of our Congress cretins. Then we can really expose the fraud for what it is. But this slash and burn method is just going to give them grounds to bog the whole thing down in the courts, and by the time it works its way through the legal system Trump will be a distant memory.

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They were created by the executive and they can be put out to pasture by the executive. "John Curran - Retired at Federal Government of the United States (2013–present) Author has 1.6K answers and 972.5K answer views 5y

Originally Answered: When was the last federal budget passed?

:…in the four decades since the current system for budgeting and spending tax dollars has been in effect, Congress has managed to pass all its required appropriations measures on time only four times: in fiscal 1977 (the first full fiscal year under the current system), 1989, 1995 and 1997.” Congress has long struggled to pass spending bills on time. As you can see, our Congress is a bunch of argumentative morons. It is hard to gauge whether this is because they are lazy or stupid or both." I would say: it's a club, and we're not in it. George Carlin

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They are all Barnum Statements, the jews best friend.

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You may appreciate the following post, Toby, which more or less makes the same argument: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/on-the-end-times-and-the-antichrist

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2025 will be the big year of the “bait and switch”. Words will say one thing and actions will be another. First thing Jesus told us about the end times is: DO NOT BE DECEIVED!!

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Like 2020 only more so.

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Bird flu hype will likely increase. Moderna has the bird flu vaccine contract. mRNA tech. The newer flu shots likewise. Avoid all these. Keep pets inside or confined in fence. They can eat or kill animals w/ bird flu.

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and to come out of her.... which means you should know you are already in the beast or you would not need to come out.

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I am so glad that we aren’t in control and God is!

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Beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!!

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Yes. Though God does allow us to experience the consequences of our choices and actions.

I saw that AI generated image. What it says is horrible.

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Unfortunately I see Trump’s populist moves as surface level, designed to solicit buy-in back from the white Republican base that has been so turned off by American society over the past decade.

The clue and giveaway that Trump caved to upper elites behind closed doors in 2024 is that, other than the fact that he was allowed to win a controlled election, Trump’s criminal and civil trials disappeared, the elite-owned media stopped endlessly calling him the equivalent of Hitler and started treating him neutrally to even positively, and the shitlib NPC mobs were placed on idle-mode stand-down — this would literally not have happened unless they were comfortable and accepting of whatever role they now have for Trump.

I think he will be used either to start World War 3, to usher in central bank digital currencies (which will result in the greatest loss of freedom in human history), for the Greater Israel project, and/or the elites will crash the bubble they created in order to smear Trump and populism.

Dark days are ahead, imo, regardless of these surface level populist moves.

I delve into this more here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/fools-gold-how-trumps-populist-return

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The other clue was the selection of JD Vance, probably the most unqualified person put on a national ticket of one of the two major parties in my lifetime. Vance is Peter Thiel's boy and Thiel's wet dream is to have a full surveillance society. I expect Trump to be removed one way or the other in 2027 so they can get Vance in the big house for the last two years of Trump's term and then run twice for re-election. By the end of that time frame you'll need permission from the government for everything from buying groceries to driving your car to taking a piss.

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Vance is invested in mRNA vaccines.

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I think that vision is more than plausible. It's likely.

Thank you.

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"""By the end of that time frame you'll need permission from the government for everything from buying groceries to driving your car to taking a piss."""

You already do.

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IDK where you live that has that kind of control, but here in the US we still have a tiny window of freedom left.

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I live in the US, where you have to have a drivers license to go to the store and a social security number to go to work. I often wonder why people can't see what is obvious and right in front of their faces, but they believe fairy tales from government that have no resemblance to reality.

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All true. Thank you. Great insights.

I also think the press conference on day two announcing STARGATE was an obligatory action he had to take in his deal to regain the presidency.

That's why it was executed first and then he was set loose to wreck vengeance on his perceived enemies which also works conveniently as smokescreen to make STARGATE seem irrelevant.

When STARGATE is the mechanism that will enable digital currency, totalitarian control, to operate. Far from irrelevant.

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Dark days are ahead for those who do not know the whole thing is a scam. Once you know that, there is no more darkness.

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"Will closing the Department of Ed, USAID, and other agencies actually lead to less government intrusion in our lives? Or will they be replaced by something more intrusive?" Yes, it will be replaced with AI, Technocracy, and the bio digital convergence. Which is really already built according to the Agenda 2030 goals, now it is just a matter of implementing it.

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Lasting change requires congress. They need to cut taxes and de-authorize the agencies that Pres. Trump wants gone. If they fire all these bureaucrats and cut spending, but don't cut taxes, all of it will be back with the next president like the weeds grow back in your yard.

I am very happy he is taking these actions as it will disrupt many corrupt and nefarious schemes. I hope the popularity of what he is doing will scare elected republicans into taking action as well because they have never shown the slightest inclination to do any of the things they say they will in the past.

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The whole Trump thing makes me think of the Tar Baby rabbit story in which the rabbit asks not to be thrown into the brier patch which is, of course, is his means of escape from the fox. The unelected rulers have used the same tactic to install Trump. He can get away with AI taking over the world that no Democrat could have. Because God told us this is where we’re heading, we won’t change the trajectory, because in God’s timetable, it’s already happened.

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Trump was selected to convince his adherents to love their servitude. The MAGA faithful would never follow a Dem. It had to be Trump

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You're right.

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Many years ago, on a long international fight there was a scheduled overnight layover in Singapore, with a free tourist bus tour of the island provided. The Tour Guide stated that, "30 years ago Singapore was no more than a backwater port. And today it is the busiest port in the world! All because of the new country's leadership and his policy changes!"

America now has new leadership and new policy changes. Okay. So is that all is needed?

If you were God, would you just dismiss all the killings, thefts, lies, rapes, abortions, tears, etc.?

Luke 13:1 "There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices."

2 "And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?"

3 "I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish."

4 "Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?"

5 "I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." (KJV)

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When TRAITOR Trump says, 'We'll own it!'.......he is referring to his MASTERS; the Khazarian State (aka 'Israel')!

But WE, AMERICANS, are going to PAY FOR IT ALL!!!!!

WHY do you think 'DOGE' exists??

It is NOT to find 'waste'!!

It's to SHORE-UP $$$$$ to PAY FOR the Gaza/West Bank CLEAN-UP......

and THEN......

to GIVE Khazarian son-in-law, JARAD, ALL of the $$$$$ that he needs.......


One would THINK.....that 'FINDING' all of that (waste) $$$$$.......that WE TAXPAYERS would be PAID BACK??



WHEN are people going to WAKE UP to the fact that this is ONE HUGE CON GAME???

The LOCKDOWN of Our country, and RELEASE of the BIO-WEAPON DEATH JABS, in his 1st Term.....DIDN'T SET OFF RED FLAGS???????

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The jabs were released to intimidate masses, put them into a state of fear and lower/disable their comprehension. Walking Zombies,,,

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A Bull Doge r (bulldozer! )

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Keep shouting the truth from the rooftops. You're right.

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If people do not WAKE UP......SOON, we are going to LOSE EVERYTHING!


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I do believe that's correct and it seems most are ready to lose it.

I have no plans to go over that cliff with them if I can help it.

I hope you don't either.

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I was Red Pilled 30+ years ago; so I've known that 'this day' was coming.

And isn't it ironic......that the TOTAL DESTRUCTION of AMERICA will end up NOT being because of LibTards......but the FAULT of the Trump Cult?!

LOL (sorry.....GOTTA laugh, or I'll end up screaming!)

These newly, SUPPOSEDLY 'awake' Trump Supporters have NO FKN CLUE how the REAL World ACTUALLY works. CLEARLY, they don't.....if they CANNOT SEE what their Cult Leader is doing to them/their country!!

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They are so pitiable I can't find it to get mad at them. It's just sad.

Your photo has me asking you - What's up with the "hornuto" hand and the one eye? Inquiring mind and all that...

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That photo was taken at my local hang out; a Metal/Hard Rock bar.

I don't really like my photo taken, to begin with.....so I put my HEAVY METAL 'horns' up, in front of my face. lol

And I use this photo, online, so 'they' cannot use Facial Recognition on my photo. Why give 'them' 'ammo'?!

\m/ METAL \m/


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Rebuild Gaza for the wealthy? A Globalist mecca owned by billionaires? Paid for by the Americans?

You bet there will be civil disgust.

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I don't try to analyze whether what is going on is good or bad, on balance, because I refuse to balance, to analyze tradeoffs. It is apparent that any benefits delivered by Trump, like others before him, will be built on the backs of those who are slaughtered in Gaza, slaughtered in Ukraine, and who suffer injustice elsewhere throughout the world. This has always been the case, but now it is so blatant that I feel compelled to say something, somewhere. It is not about asking whether what is coming will be worse. It most certainly will be. For me, it is about standing on my belief, as a Christian, that it is wrong to benefit from the suffering of others. Let the benefits go to the rich, if that is what it takes to keep my hands clean, so that I don't benefit from the slaughter. Thank you, Leo, for the space to write this here.

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"Let the benefits go to the rich, if that is what it takes to keep my hands clean, so that I don't benefit from the slaughter."

This is what Jesus taught? As long as you got yours, to hell with everybody else?

As long as your hands are clean. Like Pilate? wowoowowowwowowow.

This is why I call myself a follower of Jesus Christ. The label "Christian" is toast.

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I don't think J.P. was saying that. I do believe he means to remember we're IN this world, but we're not OF this world. The "elite" rich will do what they will... live your own life as you know you should.

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That's not what he wrote. You can interpret any way you wish.

My point is - if we don't hold one another accountable for what we put out into the world then we may as well move to a mountain top and eat grass.

You can't have your cake and then say to hell with the other guy.

That's far from loving your neighbor as yourself. If you think Jesus meant forget about everybody else in the world because you aren't OF it, think again.

We love each other or we don't. To be callous about the death and destruction of others simply because I didn't kill them with my hands is not loving.

It's selfish.

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You could be right. I've reread what JP wrote several times, but it's not all clear what he meant. And from what you said in rebuttal... I don't find error, but there's part of the difficulty... Do you (we) actually love our enemies? I find i absolutely have a limit to that, tho i try otherwise. The death of those who chop to death young girls and cook babies in front of parents... I am much more than callous to the death of those perpetrators.

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One thing I've been thinking in the last few days is that we have to learn to look beyond Pres. Trump and think about who the next president may be and what these new policies will bring. It's not good to stay in the Ukraine but as long as we do then we should get something out of it instead of just letting them bilk us of all our tax dollars.

As for Gates and the other billionaires around the president, this is not good. bill gates is one of the most annoying creatures on the face of the earth and should be in jail. As for Elon Musk, I certainly don't approve of his views on h1b visas but I have to admit I've enjoyed reading about his venture into the treasury department and I honestly and truly hope they shut down usaid for good.

But I'm suspicious of Pres. Trump's proposal he and the Israeli PM announced yesterday. That sounds to me like Pres. Trump plans own that region. I hasten to remind him that God gave the land to Israel.

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God didn't give the land to Israel. The Anglo-American empire did in 1947, after almost 30 plus years of trying. Jews are Godless people that worship only themselves (don't take my word for it, read the Talmud).

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let me provide a bit of background to your statement (regarding the English give Palestine to the Jews)...for your benefit as I'm sure you know little or none of this. The area that has been called Palestine since Roman times (called so because of Rome's hatred of Judah and the Jews...naming the area after the Philistines - Falestina which eventually became Palestine - and who were not indigenous but invaded from Crete and Aegean isles) has been an area of the fertile crescent with varying dimensions over the centuries. It was a name denoting a geographical area (not a political, state or ethnic area). After Rome (who totally destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in 70AD dispersing most, not all, of the Jews in all directions, Palestine was conquered by the Byzantines, and then the area was controlled by many other groups...none of which were indigenous to Palestine (Inc the Ummayads, the Abbasids, the Seljuks, the Crusaders, the Mongols, the Mamluks and the the Ottomans). After WWI the British took control. In that period of around 1950 years not once did the indigenous peoples rule themselves, there was never a Palestinia state or entity. The indigenous people comprised of Jews, Muslim Arabs and Christian Arabs. Between WWI and the end of WWII Palestine was, bit by bit chopped up, the largest part was Jordan created in 1923. After WWII the world, via UN, decide the Jews should be given some land...a sliver of land on the sea- front. The Muslim Arabs of the area already had been given Jordan. Egypt then annexed Gaza and Jordan grabbed the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Prior, to the 1960's, the only people called Palestinans....were Jews and Christian Arabs. Muslim Arabs considered it an insult. Pre WWII, the Palestinan Philharmonic Orchestra was entirely composed of Jews, the Palestinian Post was an English-language Jewish newspaper, the Palestinian Brigade was a brigade of the British Armed Forces entirely made up of Jews.

In the 60's a Syrian Sheik suggested to Yasser Arafat (an Egyptian) they should start calling themselves Palestinians (prior to WWII the Syrians and Jordanians said 'there is no such thing as Palestinians...they're Syrians or Jordanians).

Nonetheless on no fewer than 5 occasions Israel has offered a 2-state deal which the so-called Palestinians refused. Remember, there have always been Jews there.

And don't forget the 1.5million Muslim Arab Israeli citizens who have full rights like any other citizen. Israel has been attacked 5 times leading to full-scale war. And over the past decades has endured thousands of missil attacks and terrorist actions from Gaza, inc Hamas, whose charter calls for, not only the eradication of Israel, but the elimination of every Jew on earth.

Perhaps, by your ignorant vitriol, you are one of those.

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You don’t know your bible. Respectfully, your post is ignorant of biblical truth and God’s covenant with Moses and the 12 tribes of Jacob.

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My post wasn't about the bible. And don't start with the "chosen people claptrap".

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You make a comment on God and Israel, and you say you aren't talking about the bible? My comment stands.

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Your comment is ridiculous on it's face. The "chosen ones" of the Old Testament did not keep the covenant and Jesus was sent to rectify that, while the "chosen ones" chose satan over Jesus and God.

Israel today is a LEGAL FICTION nation state. A corporation. God does not create or sanction corporations, nor make covenants with them. He does, however, judge them harshly as the criminal enterprises they are.

Instead of blindly following the misinterpretation of organized religions, perhaps you should look into the history of the bible itself.

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It’s ridiculous on its face to…drum roll…THOSE THAT Don’t KNOW OR UNDERSTAND THE HOLY BIBLE!

Read the Old Testament and then the book of Romans in the New Testament. Maybe then you will get an understanding of what God has to say about it, and not some religious institution.

Oh, BTW, I’m not referring to the Synagogue of Satan. I’m referring to a modern day remnant of the 12 tribes of Jacob (Israel).

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and that does NOT mean the "nation state" of Israel, and it does NOT mean to the fake jews of European decent that Jesus warned us of.

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Interesting, Darell. So many Christians have slid into Zionism, not knowing what the

New Testament (Covenant) says about the Jews. Galatians 3 says “those who are of

faith are sons of Abraham.” v.7. The chapter goes on to say, v.26-29 . . .”you are all

sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.” . . . .”There is neither Jew nor Greek, there

is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one

in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants. . .”

Remember, Bibi follows the Talmud ((which allows child sexual abuse . . .)and

Trump is a Freemason. Trump is tight with Bibi, as his daughter and son in law are

prominent in Israel.

Trump is running 99 mph through America. Why such radical changes so quickly?

I applaud many of his changes, but can’t shake the feeling that these are NOT

MAGA changes. And since we are in the End of the Age, one thing I do know, is

that these changes are not being done for the good of America.

Remember, the Noahide Laws have been signed into the U.S. And hidden in the

background of these 7 laws is: Anyone who Believes in JESUS CHRIST WILL BE


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Please Carol…read…”For I would not brethren that you should be “IGNORANT” of this mystery…”LEST YOU SHOULD BE WISE IN YOUR OWN CONCEITS!!!!”…that blindness in part is happened to “ISRAEL”…until the fullness of the gentiles be come in!”

“AND SO ALL ISREAL SHALL BE SAVED”….as it is written! There shall come out of Sion the “DELIEVERER… JESUS CHRIST”….and shall turn away ungodliness from “JACOB”…For this is my covenant unto them…WHO? Israel that’s who!! WHEN I SHALL TAKE AWAY THEIR SIN!” Romans 11:25-27


“And I shall pour upon the HOUSE OF DAVID…AND UPON THE INHABITANTS OF JERUSALEM…the spirit of GRACE AND OF SUPPLICATION…AND THEY SHALL LOOK UPON ME WHOM THEY HAVE…past tense…”PIERCED”….and they shall morn for HIM…as one mourneth for his only son! Zech 12:10

“In that day…WHAT DAY? THE LAST DAYS WHEN JESUS RETURNS…shall be a fountain opened to…WHO?….THE HOUSE OF DAVID…THATS WHO!!!…and to the inhalants of Jerusalem for sin and uncleanness! Zech 13:1.


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The New Covenant is God’s gift, through His son, Jesus Christ, to

everyone; that we all be one in Jesus Christ. He died a brutal death on

a cross for everyone’s sin, while giving those who believe in Him, His

very own righteousness. What an incredible gift to mankind!!!!!!!

This is the message everyone in the world should hear and believe.

Jesus fulfilled the law. At His resurrection the old covenant/testament

was fulfilled. Glory to God and Jesus Christ His Son. Amen.

God Bless You, Lorraine.

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Hi Carol…what you’ve just given me is a beautiful conveying of the gospel! Much appreciated! But God gave eternal promises to Israel as the Apostle Paul describes in Romans! The Deliverer Jesus Christ is coming back! Where? Back to Israel… to save a remanent of Jews! You have to deny and twist a lot of scripture to avoid this…to say God is done with Israel! You have to erase vast portions of God’s word to get to this mind set! The Church has not replaced Israel!! The scripture is very clear on this! May God open your eyes!

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Lorraine, God is not done with Israel. He is not done with anyone. It says in the Gospels that God wishes that all would come to salvation. But I cannot

cheer Israel on when Bibi has slaughtered so many people. Especially

children!!! He must repent and turn to Jesus for forgiveness! We all need

Jesus Christ. So what that he and Trump are talking about the U.S. owning

Gaza . . . .where are these mega-money people WithOut Jesus Christ

going to end up???

It is wonderful that Our Lord will bring Jewish people to Himself at the

End. But until then, there is work to be done . . . Prayers to be said for

Jews and any people who do not have salvation in Jesus Christ.

And this is a stern reminder to me to pray consistently and seriously

for the unsaved around the world. Thank you for the information you

provided, Lorraine. I appreciate it!!!! Carol

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What exactly are we going to get out of Ukraine? Be careful before you believe that rare earth nonsense he was mumbling about yesterday. From what I've read all those minerals are located in the Donbass region of Ukraine which is firmly in the control of the Russians. And they're not giving it up.

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This is delusional thinking.

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I believe Trump was selected as president both times to fulfill his role of paving the way for the Antichrist (I do not believe Trump is the A/C, however).

At the RNC convention, there, center stage. was an atheist, Amber Rose, and Harmeet Dhillon, a Sikh, invoking a prayer to one of her many gods. Don't think for one moment that the use of the term Golden Age (or the Age of Aquarius) is innocent either. This term is being repeated over and over by Trump and the media. It is a New Age term, part of the mystery religion. Although she has not been named to an administration position, Harmeet Dhillon is not the only Indian (or Indian-American) surrounding Trump. There is Usha Vance; Dr; Jay Bhattacharya, Director of National Institutes of Health; Kashyap Patel, Director of FBI; Vivek Ramaswamy, DOGE; and Tulsi Gabbard, DNI. As Toby Stevens states, Trump is doing exactly what the script he was given is saying. One world economy, one world religion, one world government - it is all coming into focus quite clearly now.

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If all of you pundits and learnéd persons are correct about Trump being a snake and moving us all to the very things we abhor, then it should be apparent that God's revealed plan is right on track. So how about thanking Him for loving us enough to offer His believers eternal life in His PERFECT kingdom. THAT'S where all this is going no matter what anyone's analysis may say.

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I thank Him and give Him praise every day, rejoicing in seeing in my lifetime the prophetic end-times Word being fulfilled right before our eyes. We "learned persons" as you call us (I claim no such accolade of being "learned") are those of us whom God has called to be a watchman on the wall, such as Toby Stevens and Leo and others. BTW, I present the Gospel to the lost wherever I go because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is LIFE to all who receive it by faith.

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I read the Bible. The talmud is false doctrine.

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Too good to be true? Trump's breakneck-speed executive actions remind me of the great Twilight Zone episode, "To Serve Man." Hoping for a better outcome.

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I’m watching the reactions of people in my own sphere while also questioning the purpose of some of Trump’s EOs and stated interests. He’s embraced AI, mRNA vaccines, and he’s introducing the concept of uniting the North American continent. These are all globalist dreams. We seem to edge ever closer to some sort of manufactured reality no matter who is in power.

In cleaning house, Trump is disbanding the established structure, but to a degree that will render us a strange new America, not just one devoid of corruption, but one that lacks familiar scaffolding.

I’m also not a devout worshipper of Israel, but rather favor a foreign policy that is not dependent on Israel’s favor or future.

Trump has also agreed to fund the Ukraine war in exchange for their natural resources, and wants to occupy Gaza, which is a bizarre concept until you realize his son-in-law has been spearheading development in that region for the past year. Gaza is ripe for development with an amazing port and geographical superiority, and so it fits perfectly into plans for a “new world.”

I don’t see his actions as perfectly aligned with MAGA, but more of a breakout to an outlier agenda that is most unexpected. Even MAGA folks are a bit wide eyed.

Trump is creating something that reaches way beyond our borders—a “new world” if you will. MAGA expected reforms that took poisons out of our food, the Fed out of our wallet, and corruption out of our government. And while he is placating us to a degree, he is also using his mandate to impose an agenda that seemed to come out of nowhere. Gaza? Greenland? Panama? “Will whole government agencies be shuttered, not to reduce the size and scope of government authority, but to replace that authority with a more efficient AI?”


I’m worried about the harms of vaccines, the takeover of AI, toxic food, and I have a long wish list of America-centered reforms. I don’t have a solid opinion of what’s unfolding right now, but I am watchful, as always. It is foolish not to be. If you look very closely at just about everything, it isn’t too hard to see the man behind the curtain. You can feel the system—-at doctor’s appointments, at your bank, your job. The system is already here and we are living in it. When you see it from that vantage point, it helps to put it all in context.

That system isn’t going anywhere.

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“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” 1 John 2:18

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I suffer chronic illness. Every trip to the doctor stresses me out nowadays.

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I hear ya! I'm type 1 diabetic. Insulin dependant. So when I don't buy or sell, I'll be depending on God to heal me right then, or I'm a dead woman.

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