Trump is bringing in the NWO--he's the masters of bait and switch. 2016 campaign was on vax safety, but we got the deadliest shots ever!! And he brags about them when they have killed MILLIONS!!! He's been their puppet for decades. Rothschilds bailed him out in the 90s- front man for Resorts casino where Mossad/CIA were laundering $$$$


Trump's involvement with Resorts International is an interesting part of his story. Resorts International was used a front by the C¡A & møssād to launder profits from drugs & arms sales. Trump stepped in as front man of Resorts International in 1987 & became famous from there.


In 1990, when Trump's Atlantic City Taj Mahal casino was about to put him out of business, "Wilbur Ross, then an investment banker working for Røthschild Inc, helped bondholders negotiate with Trump," ultimately saving his business Doesn't talmud tell jevvs not to help goy? 8/?

https://x.com/TheResetSniper/status/1814509118104785358 David Rockefeller when Chair of Chase bank kept his failed casino & property 'Empire' going with a bottomless overdraft. Those that dont see it are stupid.

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1,000% here. What we're seeing is the development of the new "Corporatocracy" that's going all in on AI. AI is the new enemy and it's time we stop it!

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Beats me why the average person would place their hope and trust in AI or cryptocurrency. That stuff will result in nothing more than additional enslavement, suffering and poverty for 99% of humanity. Nothing more than high tech slavery and oppression in my book. The ruling class continue in their wickedness as they have done for centuries.

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Get a life Sandy. Take off the tin foil hat and join the real world. The fact that you believe these sources are laughable. Did you vote for Harris?

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Its always the fault of the Jews who run the world. Would that they had that much power!!

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Let’s not forget Trumps hand in digital currency either. He is gonna speed up the beast system being put together, not slow it down. Jesus first warning of the end times was for us to not be deceived!! Be interesting to see if he pushes for Israel to rebuild their temple!

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Don’t recall Scripture ever stating when the temple would be rebuilt, but for sure Antichrist at the half way point of Daniel’s 70th week will commit the Abomination of Desolation; claiming to be God and putting an image of himself in there.

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What does Jesus say about the "Temple" ?1 Corn 3:17 -6:19 2Corn 6:16

Wasn't it destroyed after he died? Did it not have the Holy and the most Holy drape ripped apart showing we need no other priest but Jesus after he died? Mar 15:38 Luke 23:45

So if that be true why need of another temple? Did these same people reject their messiah Jesus? And still do since they are going back to temple worship and blood sacrifices? Which the Christ was for all mankind ?( It's a plan to deceive you.)

Jesus told us himself who they are it is way time the church heeds his words HIS WORDS not mine...John 8:44-Rev 3:9

These ones are from Edom(which God hates) they admit it when speaking to Jesus they state they were NEVER enslaved. ALL Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. You know the Moses story? So who are these ones who claim to be chosen? They are imposters! Hell bent on killing all who worship Jesus.

FAR to long mainstream Christianity has been deceived

scriptures are from the KJV.

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Yes the temple was destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans. Most of the Jews do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah and believe they are still under the Law. Believing that, they still think they are to be doing sacrifices for their sin. We know one will be built because Daniel tells us that the man of perdition(Antichrist) will enter it and desecrate it at the half way point of Daniel’s 70th week/Time of Jacobs Trouble/7 year tribulation…these are all names given to the period when God pours out His wrath on this unbelieving world before Jesus 2nd coming.

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See Daniel 8 for temple information. It shall be used for 2300 days. Da 8:14. It will be built for 220 days. Day 1 to day 220. The Temple Institute has confirmed to me it shall take 220 days to build. 2300+220=2520 the # of days in Daniel's 70th week. The false prophet has the image put in. Re 13:14. False prophet is clay, man, 666 Re 13:18. anti-Christ is angel, son of Satan. Ge 3:15, Re 9:11.

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Trump's appetite for money, power, and fame enables the archdeceiver, and those more intelligent than he, to deceive him, and play him like a puppet on a string. Trump will never go against the billionaire elites, the true decision makers.

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The 3rd temple begins construction day #1 of Daniel's 70th week at the 1st trumpet after the 7th seal for 220 days. 7, 360 day lunar years for 2520 total days. Last day Armageddon. Rapture day 1335, Da 12:12. 7th trumpet 1Cor 15:52, Re 7:14, 10:7, 11:15,16:17. Covid seal 1, Satan crowned Nebuchadnezzar's 4th world king by Jesus who opens the seals. Ukraine war seal 2 and famine now seal 3. At any moment is the 4th seal, Re 6:8. 1/4th the earth killed. You go Trump! Who did NOT put his hand on the Bible.

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As to timing…

Rev 11:18 holds a secret per 10:7.

As well as 16:2

So few account for the two resurrections.

Each destroy doctrines of men.

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The Rapture is Re 11:15. The saints to heaven, the lost to hell. Re 16:17 the Holy Spirit is Raptured with the Saints and Jesus to heaven. That's the 3rd woe because now the earth is without God.

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Was pointing to the hidden things of 11:18 and 16:2.

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There will be nothing left from it!

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This is not about cancer. From researchers I follow it's about hooking every human possible to AI. Which would need massive computer banks. When they tell you the internet of "THINGS " YOU are the "things". The illuminated Ones use word salad and symbolism to communicate to each other and deceive you. When they tell you "we must reduce carbon" they are telling you YOU are to be reduced. You are a carbon based organism, which they see as useless eaters and need reduced to their specs to control you. They want a world back to the reign of kings and serfs. Do not be misled Trump is not who he pretends to be.

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You right Lady Tess. None of those glowing promises we keep hearing about everything have nothing to do with improving anything for the 99%. All of that high tech black magic will just enrich the ruling class with more power and more wealth. The rest of us won't be any better off thanks to their lives. Many people would probably be better off now if certain people never existed. Or still be alive and well.

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Thank you for sharing your last 3 articles, Leo. They are so very much appreciated, & I appreciate your insight! May God bless you.

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This troubles me greatly.

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I watched an interview that Tucker Carlson did with the mother of a whistleblower at Open AI (Sam Altman) and they say he died of suicide. She has proof that he was murdered. Here is a young, genius, that supposedly shot himself in the head from above and there was blood all over his apartment. She had pictures and she has secured her sons apartment so the scene of the crime has not been desturbed. This was over a year ago. She has gone to everyone and no one will help her. Tucker said he gets a lot of people with all kinds of stories but this story was the most convincing of all and he said just looking at what she had and the autopsy report there is no way this kid killed himself. STARGATE........gee is that like Elon Musks STARLINK???? WHY do we need AI except to get rid of people??? Whitney Webb does an expose' on JD Vance and his association with Peter Thiel (another creep) that is a real eye opener too. My happiness over the election is starting to fade. Better than Kamala something is just not right. He is getting sucked into all the wrong people.

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Maybe the joke was on us last November. Our choice may have been between a Cuban-style takeover and a fascist one.

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I saw that interview as well. Although I voted for Trump and consider his victory a temporary reprieve, I believe nothing can stop our progress toward Armageddon. We are too far down the road of altering God’s creation irrevocably, which He will not allow. No election can change that. I’m still on the fence concerning the degree of Trump’s actual understanding of what he’s supporting and thus unwilling as yet to say he is a deliberately bad actor. But he is the most powerful single person on earth, and that alone concerns me. He exudes power in a way that he didn’t in his last term. Some people are calling it charisma, but I believe it is power.

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Altman's sister says he was f..king her from age 3. Peds control the world.

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Trump is helping to fulfill bible prophecy. I doubt he knows the bible well enough

to know this. P Trump has made some great promises and very grateful satanic Biden is gone however already deeply concerned about his relationship with Musk, Zuckerberg, Gates and his great love for AI, and he has never said he regretted Operation Warpspeed. Praise God none of my family bought into the bioweapon!!!! Come now sweet Jesus. Eyes wide open.

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I am the only one of my family who did not get the clot shot. Even the children got it. (My brother's. I have no kids of my own.)

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"Surely I come quickly. Amen. Come Lord Jesus." Revelation 22:20.

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This is very concerning. No way it can be controlled or vetted. Can’t see anything good coming from it. He is either being played or is doing the playing.

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"I told yall so" seems so petty, yet, what's left to say ?

He told us that he was a snake and that people knew it when people coddled him.

Many of us pointed out that he is a high end Freemason. A highly decorated Kabbahalist. He converted to the Chabad Lubavitch cult of Judaism's strange gods.

He openly worshipped at Snake Rebbe Schneerson's tomb on October 7th !

I left the kingdoms of men for the kingdom of God, where Christ is King, a ways back and don't regret it for even a split second.

Trust King Jesus.

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I can't seem to "like" so I'll tell you thumbs up!

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You simply can't trust most people these days. That's just the way it is. I've never had any concerns about God stabbing me in the back. He's always around when you need Him too!

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Amen, sister ! ❤

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What evidence do you have that Trump converted from Presbyterian to Lubavitch, and is a mason?

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My appointment is delayed, here is some more open source:

trump is a Freemason — Yandex:found 1 million results


Trump's Freemasonic (Satanist / Judaism for Non Jews) Initiation Ritual?


Trump's Freemasonic (Satanist / Judaism for Non Jews) Initiation Ritual p2?


Trump and the Masonic Jewish Tag Team (Left-Right, Communist-Zionist) - henrymakow.com


Donald Trump the Freemason


Is Donald Trump a Freemason? Is Trump Tower in New York a Satanic Temple?


Donald Trump is a Freemason/Jesuit-Illuminati, page 1


Patrick O'Carroll - Trump Prepares Goyim to Die for Israel - henrymakow.com


100 Percent Proof Donald Trump Is a Freemason..


trump Freemason coat of arms — Yandex:found 96 thousand results


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Hello David. I'm just here for a couple minutes this am. I'll bbl. You deserve more info. This is ‘trump chabad lubavitch’. His secret conversion and Freemasonry is just as easy to find. At least it used to be. I'm late for an appointment. Hint: read henrymakow.com going back weeks, months and years. These areas of research are in my wheelhouse due to life experience.

Cursory search:

trump chabad lubavitch — Yandex:found 77 thousand resultshttps://yandex.com/search/?text=trump+chabad+lubavitch

Trump Visits Lubavitcher Rebbe's Grave With Ben Shapiro for October 7th https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64683

Trump had received Jews' blessing at Chabad-Lubavitch BEFORE being elected again!


Is Trump a Crypto Jew in the Chabad-Lubavitch Cult? https://biblescienceforum.com/2024/10/10/is-trump-a-crypto-jew-in-the-chabad-lubavitch-cult/

Trump visits grave of Chabad Lubavitch rebbe to mark anniversary of October 7 attack on Israel - YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx4pexT6pks

Trump, Putin and Zelensky Are Connected To Chabad Lubavitch https://davidicke.com/2024/11/30/trump-putin-and-zelensky-are-connected-to-chabad-lubavitch/ https://fitzinfo.net/2020/09/19/trumps-soviet-chabadnik-co-conspirators-parnas-fruman-indicted/ https://fitzinfo.net/2020/09/19/trumps-soviet-chabadnik-co-conspirators-parnas-fruman-indicted/

Donald Trump visits grave of Lubavitcher Rebbe - Chabad source - The Jerusalem Post https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-823582

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Larry Ellison is Tony FAUCI on AI STEROIDS! This is not only INSANE, it’s SATANIC! AI MRNA BIOWEAPON DEATH SHOTS! Now We know how quickly they’ll be able to DEPOPULATE and MURDER BILLIONS of HUMAN BEINGS, instead of just Millions with the C19 BIOWEAPON Depopulation Program! HELL IS COMING!

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Get the COVID shot, get cancer, get the cancer shot. Ingenious.

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Leo.....Elon Musk's maternal grandfather was one of the original founders of Technocracy, Inc in 1930. Joshua Haldeman.......look him up. They created the Technate (North American Union to also include Greenland) and Urbanates (we call them 15-Minute cities today). They also gave themselves names made up of numbers and letters........sound familiar? Elon's little son's name is numbers and letters. We all thought it was odd but when you look at where he came from it doesn't sound so odd anymore. Is Trump this naive or is he compromised like all the others?? I am beginning to think they never even tried to steal the election because they wanted him in office. mRNA for cancer has been tried by Moderna for years and never worked. Even Malone who supposedly created the mRNA platform said it was not safe for humans.

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This isn’t good. Dang man, come on.

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It is not good. I agree. The Technocrats are not bringing us new faster inventions... they are using Technology to cull humanity and control what's left of humanity... all through their demonic devices. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. This is demonic Nazism in full bloom.

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It’s as if the satanic agenda is still being pushed on, but with a different leader at the healm. As long as people like us keep calling it out, we won’t be deceived.

SN: Elons grandfather was a founder of technocracy: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/elon-musk-the-great-charlatan

This satanic agenda has been in place for a while too: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/are-we-under-satanic-attack

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I'm thinking the satanic agenda is part of the strong delusion mentioned in 2ND Thessalonians. No doubt that truth haters already are and will continue to drink from the cup. Proverbs Chapter 1 perfectly explains what happens to people who continue to wholeheartedly reject the wisdom of God.

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And they all sat right behind him during the Inauguration. Very concerning. Right in plain sight.

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Carol it's not nazism it's the tiny hat folks. It has always been them down through centuries. They were called out by Jesus and they are being called out today but most of us are being censored under their crybaby antics and labels of anti-Semitism. There is to much proof to be ignored any longer.

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Amen Carol! The bureaucrats and the technocrats have chosen death and curses for the rest of humanity. I'll take life and blessings from God. And if it means escaping to heaven sooner to live free from the reptiles. So be it.

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“And I think that while there’s a lot of opportunity, it also presents significant amount of risk, which is today unclear, because the technology is moving so fast and we’re all trying to catch up as much as possible.” Said the politician/businessman from Abu Dhabi. I think they may have said that about jet airplanes and the automobile. There are risks with everything. I would rather have AI diagnosis my malady than a doctor who has failed to keep up with the latest research.

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Good luck with that. I’ll take a real human honest doctor with real-world experience any day over the “protocols” of some AI template.

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An unbiased source with access to all information is far superior. There is no way a physician can work on patients and also stay abreast of current research no matter how many hours of continuing ed they attend. Physicians will be relying on AI in the future as a method of protection from malpractice suits. It is a done deal as they literally can’t keep up with things as it is.

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What be this 'unbiased source' ye speak of? AI?


has just delivered a crushing blow to your precis.

Care to comment?

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Another aspect of AI being unbiased is that Medical Schools are financed to a large part through funding from Pharma. AI overrides the problem of bias created by Pharma propaganda.

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There are already very effective cures for cancer, natural cures, that do not damage a person's internal organs, but these cures don't profit big pharma and don't achieve their medical genocide.

Trump's suggestions about AI being able to detect a particular strain of cancer and develop a vaccine in 48 hrs to inoculate you are lies. We are not asleep to what happened during covid, and we should know by now that vaccines and drugs are developed first for profit and second not to cure a person but to subject them to toxic substances in the medicine, which result in cancer being induced, eventually leading to unnatural and premature death. Vaccines are the cue for achieving their depopulation agenda and medical genocide.

Trump is a bribed and blackmailed deep state operative who pretended he would dismantle the deep state, as he alleged he would do during his first tenure as president. He will also keep big pharma in business with vaccines and the 48 hr "miracle vaccine" for cancer. His claim of being the father of the covid-19 vaccine, which he swore was safe and effective, despite the millions it has already injured and killed, is a claim that he has never recanted.

Besides the favours he obtained to make him the billionaire he is today, those favours come at a cost. Trump is extremely compromised, and like every billionaire who has chosen to make mammon his master instead of Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:24), he has sold his soul to the devil, who promises the kingdoms of this world if you serve him (Matthew 4:8-10; Luke 4:5-8). There is a video circulating where Trump openly claimed he was not a Christian and that his presidential election would be the last one.

When Trump was sworn in at his inauguration a few days ago, he took his oaths without placing his hand on the Bible. This should be a very telling indication of what possesses the man.

Trump has surrounded himself with the billionaire warmongers, big pharma operatives, eugenicists, technocrats, and cryptocurrency specialists (like Musk's DOGEcoin which is incidentally also the name of the newly established department Musk will administer). Other billionaire vultures have also surrounded Trump for a piece of the pie to finance not only the medical genocide and wars but also a high surveillance apparatus to keep dissenters from freely speaking and writing about the murderous onslaught against us and from rocking the proverbial boat. Dissenters against rogue governments are game changers.

Have we reached a point of no return, and is what the Book of Revelation warns us of coming into effect? It sure appears that way, especially Revelation 13 with the buying and selling options that will lead us into an environment of high surveillance, 15 minute cities (Lahaina and the LA fires to ascertain that development), and AI robots policing and detecting our every move (audio and video devices monitoring every conversation and movement). Or can this be stopped if we campaign hard enough to prevent it?

I believe we can campaign against this dystopian assault. The Lord always gives us options. We can go into what Revelation 13 says, but the Lord can also rescue us if we are determined to campaign hard enough against it. If this situation had been addressed earlier, like 25 years ago, following 9/11, things could be very much different today. Perhaps the government then, after 9/11, could have been completely dismantled, and today there would now be a new government serving the interests of its people. If there had been a new government serving the people's interest, then neither would we have had the covid pandemic. What we have today is a far more advanced effort by the cabal to subjugate not only the people of the US, the UK, Europe, and Russia, but the world. It is going to take a far greater effort from, not just some of us, but all of us in a huge concerted effort to reform back to a normal world and environment.

The writing, so to say, has been on the wall for a long time, for all of us to see. Why have we not been able to interpret the situation? I believe we have known that things are not right for a long time, but most of us have only been spectators, sitting in the grandstand watching while others have been hard at work trying to defeat the cabal. If we have not woken to the attempt to enslave us during covid, then we are doomed to enter further into the abyss that awaits us.

It is also going to require all of us to call upon the Father of Jesus Christ our Lord to help us in this dire moment of need, otherwise, we are going headlong further into a similar dystopian environment worse than what George Orwell wrote about in his book, 1984. Orwell predicted that 1984 would be the year of dystopian enslavement, but what we are presently witnessing unfold today is exactly what he said. We certainly have had enough time to respond but have left it with very little to challenge against it, and we are almost at the midnight hour of total enslavement.

It's time to engage now, or there may not be another chance.

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Crime Syndicate most certainly manipulated the insanity of the last fraudulent Administration of Puppet Slaves to allow this Puppet Slave to appear and sound SANE when both were merely


Guess we now know the reason NOBODY acts to eradicate the TREE OF EVIL from Earth since they've purchased all choosing evil, themselves.

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rolling out prison planet via emergency order



the data lords know know who caught a bad batch or a hot lot. and those who didn't

if there's any upside to this sad situation, it's that apparently the money for this wasn't available from western sources. conventional wisdom is that the sheiks of araby are a funding source of last resort

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A blood test already exists for CSCs. And getting a vaccine fur cancer out of it? This is all Hollywood stuff. They've tried this and it's failed. Musk did warn about ai but said there's no stopping it.

Well, we could certainly limit it by not going to drs, not taking pharmaceuticals... but with majority of nation on some meds already I don't see very many opting out. Still, we must yell louder.

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