Many of us that still a functioning brain knew this from the start. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what COVID was all about. COVID was the flu that went untreated so people would die so they could spread the fear that would force compliance. The real experiment was they proved fear will drive people to do anything they are told no matter how ridiculous in order to not die.

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We all need to be really careful who we can trust as friends ongoing, especially after reading Leo's article. Casual bartering intereactions w/ people you know are not necessarily close friends. There will be many snitches later on for profit of some kind even those we thought were honest. America has fallen to gobalism making voting useless at this point since leaders must comply to UN mandates via chain of command. This proves we are done as a nation: https://alt-market.us/time-to-rebel-we-are-now-entering-the-total-censorship-stage-of-global-tyranny/?unapproved=35847&moderation-hash=f319aee4c705a7be4f17fc60cb75e67b#comment-35847


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Let's not let a spirit of fear trip us up, nor trap us into fear

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Nope. No time for fear

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We must be ready and prepared, and "do what is necessary" if and when the time comes. If any fear at all, some concerned for their children, g' and g'g' kids, and others in their family.

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You are absolutely right. I’ve been following Brandon for years now on Alt Market. He’s always been on the money with his information.

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Well, we really aren't. Certainly, they believe it woukd be good if we just rolled over. But Americans aren't built that way. Our freedoms were hard won, and we don't just give them away. If one can't handle that, go ahead, go to sw it z er land, where those ollies live peaceanly and without intrusion

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I have followed globalism since '78 and agree w/ Alt-Market.us article. He is informed and keeps up better than most people. Open borders is a good example since we are now under UN dictates as is the E.U. for illegal invasions 24/7 most come in won't work incl gangs many released from prisons south of the border. Keep up w/J.J. Carrell on substack on the border crises which is never reported on mainstream news. Most Americans are nihilists and don't care about anything except their own hobbies and social life. Younger generations were not taught about the countrys history or values unless they were home schooled or went to a good private school. People rolled over for the Covid scam for untested vaccines and lockdowns causing bankruptcies and they will do it again and again. Civic and church leaders remain muzzled cowards, a tiny percentage speak out and less do as time goes by.

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Most Americans rolled, at least part way

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Snitches get stitches and end up in ditches. Walz was a big supporter of rats.

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Better to fight to the last and even die than to become a slave, said Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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Physicians were required to comply with rules designed to manipulate convid19 "deaths"

Montana physician Dr. Annie Bukacek discusses how CONVID 19 death certificates were/are being manipulated


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I found her testimony in 2021 about the fraud and pseudoscience applied to death certificates in the COVID era very enlightening.

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Luckily she was in Montana , had she being in NY or a blue state shithole they would have revoked her license and sentenced her to death.

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Not just fear of the sniffles. Fear of losing your job in certain (comfortably paid) professions. Fear of being laughed at.

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Yes, that is double-speak. They say it was a test, but don't admit it was an intentionally created "emergency" to test us, but rather they let that truth sink into the subconscious. If you challenge them on their statement on their own website, they will claim the "pandemic" just happened, not intentional, but the test refers to how everybody did the "right" thing to be socially responsible and follow orders to save us all. That is the mind games and subconscious social engineering programming they put everywhere, billboards, ads on TV, music, social media videos, news broadcasts, newspapers....unless people wake up to their games, things will get more difficult. I don't even watch TV anymore.

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The test, part 2, was to cull the population as well. It was a win-win for the Deep State.

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Well said Dennis. I agree these are all mind-control strategies.

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You know why it's called T.V., right? Because they are telling you a vision... Television 📺.

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>>>>>>They say it was a test, but don't admit it was an intentionally created "emergency" to test us,<<<<<<<

A MANUFACTURED "emergency indeed:


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Gotta keep ya under their spell!

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"Spell". Absolutely the right word

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The new and prolific brain drain f I z e r commercials are out...peddling their wares

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Yes, but unfortunately, they want to go beyond simple commercials and FORCE people to take their poison, whether you like it or not, for the "greater good". When cigarettes first came out, doctors recommended cigs for relaxation (shows how much doctors know) and there were commercials regarding this too, on billboards, magazines, and such. But they didn't try to force a cigarette into your mouth, if you didn't consent to it. But in today's world, they are changing the International Health Regulations, to basically light a cigarette and push the hot end of poison into your arm, burn that crap into you, whether you want it or not.

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Psychiatric drugs are another example. Evidence was suppressed for many years that the school shooters were influenced by SSRI drugs. Yet the experts kept saying that mass shootings were committed only by the untreated mentally ill. These medical science guys needed more to be granted more legal power and immunity to incarcerate and forcibly drug people with "safe and effective treatments." The very drugs that Erik Harris was on. For the greater good. For public health and safety.

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Poll conducted in Canada during Covid scam: 70% complied. 30% did not. I was in the 30%. And horrified at the similarities with the Natzis strategies. I can’t list them all here. But snitch lines were particularly alarming. My whole life I wondered how the Natzis convinced the Germans to engage in or accept genocide. Now I know. Wrote a letter to the paper outlining solidarities. Not published.

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I noticed the similarities too.

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And we the informed don't need these sheeple in our circle. Can't be trusted because they follow the gov. dictates.

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I know. I try to alert people but what good does it do if they won't listen and may turn you in for having a pool party in July! One story I have is one male friend (and that was really all it was) I had at the time came along with me to a dog park at the beach, he had no car so I took him and the dog. Well most there were not wearing a mask and neither would I and he didn't either and made a comment about 'I guess it's okay here' or something. He was highly brainwashed by the news and it was stomach turning. Well on the way back when a few blocks away from dropping him off he starts talking about how he isn't ready to die yet (he was 60) and that if "he gets sick" because "I don't wear a mask," then "he will beat me up." I promptly informed him that "no one is going to beat me up," but rather that "I would beat him up for trying," because "I have a black belt in Meekikyohass" and just for saying something like that to a female. Later he apologized but still acted like I was overreacting and that this is just a saying you throw around for fun. Well, not in my circle pal! He found that out quick. But so it goes with the sheeple. I think he also said something about 'bending a knee' during those marches too and I educated him on how the only one we are to bend a knee to is the Lord. Imagine he claimed to be a Christian?! You find all kinds. Yup it was high time to get outa there down in CA. Plus, a few months later he died anyway due to poor diet and vices so his organs failed. Me? No mask, in my early fifties, and still going on hikes.... LOL

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And kikes, with big 👃!

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What exactly does that mean?

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The jewnited Snakes Of Israel government(mind-control) dictates! It's the jews, silly!


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Did he get the vax?

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This was before that came out.

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Agreed. To be fair, it’s always a shock for people in Western “democracies” to face the fact that govt and MSM lies. Took me a week to get over that shock three decades ago. Yes. I saw the lies then when I attended a political rally govt/establishment didn’t approve of. We went on to gain Official Opposition status in Canada.

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Good for you. Funny how freedom is an illusion until you do something they don't like. Sort of like freedom of speech. It's all fine... until you say something that doesn't agree with them and their narrative. It's a glass wall.

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Oh yeah, you couldn't talk about anything on there. I got booted off a few times over it. I looked into it and their headquarters is in San Francisco CA. Enough said. Woke as can be.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

My other friend in the area and I both had comments deleted as well from that site. We were simply replying to another gal who was asking for help, as the FB group she was in was deleted (of those negatively affected by the jab) . . . our comments to her were deleted. She was then even upset, as she was attempting to reverify a comment, when she found it was deleted. We then privately messaged, as we felt bad she was rather coerced by the nursing school she was in to get it. I was later removed when I decided to use my initials and last name as here, only (after other weird comments in some posts) . . . oh well.

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Yeah, the suppression of truth has been off the charts everywhere. They just didn't want any negative publicity to deter more people from getting it and dropping dead. The biggest purveyors of mis and disinformation were accusing the truth tellers of that exact thing. The fact of how widespread this was just showed how in cooperation they all are in the globalist agenda network. I am so grateful for alternative platforms like Leo's where we can talk freely in what was supposed to be a free country! Thanks for sharing.

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Interesting. How so? I really thought it was local...not so though

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And s0r0s and the fam took part. Later revealing he felt like a god. Damaged his brain. Nothing good about that serpant.

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Took part in selling put his neighbors and community..

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70% seems like a "magic marker" ?

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As an old person, I just pray for peace for all.

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Well, history shows that only less than 30% of the population can successfully launch a revolution. As I recall, only 25% needed. That gave me hope. Ps. Great respect to our Canadian Freedom Convoy who started a worldwide movement. Still being persecuted, they paid much for our freedom. From Canada. Honk! Honk!

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2021 News: Biden To Push Global Leaders To Get 70% Of The World Vaccinated By 2022


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Yeah, here's the thing.. I don't think they made their quota...maybe in selected countries Singapore, Japan, Phillipines, ?, Northern Europe (their strong hold), and that by design it was mainly the affluent white dominated or highly compliant societies...

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Oh, and in the US of A of course. Lots of 'blackmailed' jab or no jobbie. If everyone stood pat, it woud NOT have had any success. Sheep, mindless sheep and blinded by a strong delusion which grips them even now..

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They may be favoring " non-whites, not-opinionated, not-human right fighters ", for their planned future ?

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Yes. It thought this also. Pesky white people believe in personal autonomy and freedoms.

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Not Anglo here. But, Without white peoples' version of life and society, why even live ?

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Yes. And Western “democracies”.

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Third COVID Wave Will Kill Or Hospitalize 60 To 70% People Who Took Both The Vaccine Doses


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Sixth booster this fall will be in pharmacies and clinics. Best to avoid crowds as RSV, flu season soon. COVID in my area also. Good reason to quit group activities and live low key anyway, church online, quit civic and vets meetings and run errands early. People in these groups: how do we know they are true patriots?

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I won’t live in fear! And having a healthy, robust immune system is my reward!

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That is no way to live..."quit" stuff that makes life worth living? How did you deal with "coughs, sneezes and aches" before 2020?

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I'm an introvert anyway, and never attended civic groups, they are useless. hubby quit vets groups permanently in the '90's, a waste of time accomplished nothing like most groups. Besides we have computers and on them for hours, better than shallow interacting with boring people. Church online like others I know do who are fed up, and want real sermons. (incl zoom meetups) because it is convenient . Nothing near me worth listening to. Apostasy is rampant today and most are on the broad way (social centers and shallow sermons prevail, also a business to get more members).

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Oh I know, I could talk about those problems for hours. That crept in around the year 2000 and since then they have become shallow entertainment centers. Even down there I could find nothing. I would try but find nothing. By the shutdown I wasn't even going. I was going to check out one in an outskirt town and then it hit so I went at Easter just to park outside out of defiance. Later when they opened again I tried it but nope. Everyone wants to hand out free passes to sin. Anyway just the fact that all the churches were in lockstep too through the 501c3 stuff and shut down too spoke volumes. Besides all I need is my Bible, NKJV, and my brain. No mediator necessary other than the Lord. ; D

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You have a sad, myopic life. I’d rather be dead. Sincerely. I’ve thought about people who live lives like you. It’s like having a blanket of tar thrown over your head. I’d rather be dead.

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Are you serious? Or is this a joke? Sincere question.

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You are being sarcastic, right? Funny though.

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I’m not familiar with substack much. But I assure you, I’m never sarcastic. I state the truth as I see it. Always have.

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You're still brainwashed by the numbers told by the tribe that can't be criticized. Yes, there were crimes, but at the scale you and many have been brainwashed to imagine. You could divide that number by 20 easily. That's why you're not allowed to search it.

I would recommend a book, weiten and audio, The myth of german villainy. You'll find things relatively easy to verify.

Also, the book Virus Mania, especially the latest version, should enlighten anyone on the real "viruses" of our societies.

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They declared war, they drew blood, they took dozens of my family and friends and whether the cucks amongst us deserved their fate or not, I will never forget, I will never forgive and I reserve the right to counter attack at a time and place of my choosing. I have taken the opportunity to prepare for war and created a whole new life. Even martial law can not stop me. For this new me, I am thankful. My relationship with King Jesus has never been better or more powerful. These rat fink snakes will not end up living out their life extension fantasies so help me God. 🔥🔥🔥

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They will meet their fate both in this and the afterlife. Fret not. God is just.

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Being psychopaths they don't care about destruction even when that destruction will destroy THEM, nihlists in away, but not able to recognize it in themselves. What they seek is power and ultimately this will impact everyone, no exceptions for millionaire, trillionaires or billionaires... all must go to death and pass through those doors. If you go with God, and a strong belief, you will find your self elsewhere. If you Go stating there is no other existence beyond death, or with FEAR of letting go of mortal life, you will find there are consequences...

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So, the WEF admits COVID was about control, caused by fear. What they didn't admit was that millions of death were caused (with millions more to come) by their experiment. This is known as genocide or depopulation. The cabal works on advancing their war plan, while we are preoccupied by little skirmishes. They need to be shut down, defeated, eliminated. The time to fight is now.

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Absolutely. And they see us as ants..Elon even used that example in an interview. " they are driving along in their big truck and they aren't going to get out and move the ant hill (people in their way), they just run over them. We've seen that. This is a dangerous tyrant cult. We've seen that before. It needs to be put down forever, evil that it is.

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They are busy working on their next skirmish . . . forced biometrics of ALL . . . family in a certain middle east country, as informed me if not given by a certain date, they will loose access to bank accounts. So I suspect it'll be coming around, if not already in other places.

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Israel perhaps? They've jabbed everyone and are all gunho on Digital ID, ditto from the rare info I get in Russia.

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I pay close attention to Steven Ben-Nun, have you heard of him ?

He is a former Intel Agent. "Messianic Jew" (whatever, exactly, that really means).

Seemingly reformed zionist and intel agent, although, that isn't easy when everyone you ever knew was an Ashkenazi Zionist.

And my uncle always said "cia never retire. nor do they blow whistles.".

He runs israel365live or something similar. He shows up for a roundtable weekly on a friend's network.

I find much of what he says to be honest-to-God.

He's connected. He claims that only 25% of Israelis actually did the real hotshot. And no Ashkenazis. Mostly Sephardim.

This would jive with the surging Israeli birth rates, while the rest of the world watches birth rates plummet, post Bioweapon Injections.

He still needs coaxing to go against the fake-resistance, pro-zionist tide, but, he knows the score and what's going down, who the players are.

I'm not endorsing him, just saying he's worth my time to monitor,. Fwiw.

There is no competition amongst the UNSCP5, or, Izzy. BRICS is part of the transition and great reset awakening JWO.

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Thank you Dora, very very interesting. The Bible says (for what this is worth) that at the time of the second coming there will be only a handful of true Jews alive, the rest will have fallen to the mark of the beast... and while the Israeli Ashkenazi may not suffer from the birth rate drop, what else is in those jabs, humm? And oh, BTW all of Palestine got jabbed. FWIW.

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I'm prepping for a call, but I will respond ! If not asap, soon. Thanks

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Kuwait . . . . . and they also made everyone take that jab there too, (although I saw a small group on that one app fighting against it) or threatened job lose, BEFORE the same took place in the US.

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Well I passed the test in that I was as disobedient, rebellious, noncompliant, with a green check mark next to the word, nonconformist, resistant, dissident, defiant, and any other synonym that I could be.... 100% !!!

I saw it for what it was right out of the stall. I was living in San Diego at the time and I recall they had patrol helicopters roving around and at all hours. It was like something out of the movie Disciples in the Moonlight. They had freeway marquees with all the usual guilt propaganda. They had the spaces marked off for lines and folks being six feet apart. Outside of Walmart they had erected loudspeakers in the parking lot that barked out automated orders at regular intervals. It was the new Orwellian Dystopia. Well I would not have stood six feet apart at all if no one was looking or cameras were not all over and would not have worn a mask if you could get into the grocery store any other way without a big debacle. I never covered my nose. If anyone in charge asked me to, I only did it till I passed them and down it came again. Sure, I could have put up a fight but it just wasn't my hill to die on. The fact is; they did not have me fooled for one instant.

But here is my list of noncompliance:

1. A few months before, and by the providence of God I had gotten into another line of work. I did not know that when I came back from summer break my job would be almost gone save for a few days here and there. Over the summer I enrolled in another program and in Fall started transitioning into it and that was the lifeboat I needed as my savings was at an all time low. Well little did I know that a few months later the lockdown would come and I had moved from an 'unessential' job in education to an 'essential' job. Thus I was still employed. Sure many others collected unemployment benefits that were four times or more as high but for how long? This was the path He wanted me on and when we moved out of CA I got another job right away in that line of work. My life was basically untouched.

2. I refused the jab and that is a hill for me to die on. Yet I was not pestered about it at my job at the time. There were people in my circle who were pushing for it all around but when I talked to them I made it clear that my answer is NO. I am immune to all forms of bully tactics and it just makes me more stubborn. In fact I ran all over the internet using logic to refute that insanity and trying to wake people up about it all.

3. I stood up against all these mandates online and in person when confronted with it, with the exception of the mask guards at walmart, etc., it just was not getting anywhere. I know one lady who insisted on going in without a mask and they called the police and it was a big showdown. I don't want all the drama of that. We won't stop the beast system but we can resist it trespassing against us. I will not sacrifice grocery shopping to make a political point about masks and go without food. But I will not deny my faith for any reason or cost, or take the jab either no matter what. I have my hills to die on, and you have yours.

4. I walked around in public without a mask with crowds of people all around.

5. I stood up to bullies who tried to bully me about it in public.

6. I did go into one store and take off the mask and it was not a necessary store. I recall they all started closing in on me and I headed for the exit. On my way out the clerks mentioned to each other to remember me and not let me in anymore in a snarky tone. I had no plans to return.

7. I drove all over the place and took people with me in my car, and neither of us wore a mask.

8. I went all over and sometimes with others and we went for walks. They had closed the beaches and parks but I knew of hidden beaches and just went there instead. I went to small parks as many places had yellow tape and cops guarding all around. I went for neighborhood walks and enjoyed all the blessings of the outdoors in Springtime.

9. I went to all the usual places that I would go anyway such as grocery stores, errands, etc.

10. I had booked a vacation to the central coast just around March 20th.... and I went anyway!

11. I ate out, some places had takeout so I would get the food and sit outside somewhere and have a picnic. Later they had outdoor dining and I did that all the time too. I did not miss out at all and many things were different but good such as the outdoor dining. Albeit for absurd reasons, but I enjoyed the time anyway and kept places in business.

12. I visited friends and we had our own private parties.

13. I had no relatives in nursing homes who they could keep from me. I lived with a family member anyway.

14. All the pools were closed but in summer I booked another trip and the hotel had a pool and I made sure it was open and I went swimming in the pool and jacuzzi. ; )

15. On Easter Sunday I parked right outside a church that was just doing live stream services and sat in my car with the worship music on loud. Later I went for a resurrection victory walk in the neighborhood. If a church would have been open I would have gone in.

16. I sang, in church, in CA, in proud defiance of Newsom's orders, without a mask when they were open again.

If there was anything else, I would have done it too. I wore this with a badge of honor. I knew I was standing up to nwo dictates and setting an example for freedom. All this while 99% were hiding under their beds, peering out of their windows knees a knocking. And there I was out 'painting the town red' in total defiance and proud of it!

But as great as that was, I saw that most people, probably 90+% had fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. People all around me had been brainwashed and hypnotized by the incessant propaganda, guilting, and bullying. I saw how they had spun on a dime and turned into bullies overnight. Suddenly emboldened with a new sense of power, they found a new purpose in life; to be a Karen. The new Gestapo was on every corner. They were being recruited daily. A new sense of duty and importance had struck them like a lightening bolt and they were turning people in for noncompliance. It let all the closet bullies out of the closet with a free pass to bully in public. They would point and yell at someone without a mask and try to shame them. It revealed a deeper layer of humanity that was primal, brutish, and salivating with newfound power. It was truly an ugly scene. Then came the overnight brownshirts with the blm riots. It was a revolution for the woke army. Trying to talk to them did no good. All of that alone showed me that when it comes to standing up against the rising beast system, hope is all lost. And it will happen again with the same results. It was a test and most failed when it comes to not being manipulated and fooled by the sinister elites, evil villains, and wicked tyrants. It will only be a few of us standing against the tide of irrational evil and mindless compliance. We will not succeed in stopping the beast system and Bible prophecy proves it. But we will be successful in refusing to be a part of it if we so choose. The Bible confirms that as well. Rev. 12; 11. We can only control us, not the world. The Lord knows we cannot stop the tide of evil and He does not expect us to as only Jesus can and will do that at His return. However He does expect us to do what we can do, which is refuse to be a part of it. Also to speak out against it. We will die doing it, but that is a victory and not a defeat from heaven's perspective.


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RE: "A new sense of duty and importance had struck them like a lightening bolt and they were turning people in for noncompliance."

Ooh yeah. I remember overhearing my wife on the phone talking to a friend, who was happy to tell her she reported a man in the street for not wearing a mask, and was equally happy to tell my wife she was happy about reporting the man. I realized then that she would have had no hesitation in reporting me.

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Wow that’s scary

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I am learning that many more were trying to speak out than I knew. Many went to church anyway also. Maybe not as many fell for it as is being reported?

I'm w you. Born a rebel, I guess.

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Thank you for your testimony. I hear defeated people saying" well I can't do anything about it, it's going to be what it's going to be" b.s. just like Gideon

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It’s only the beginning, far from over. They’ve been putting mRNA in the food supply and planning the next plandemic for decades. Keep up the good fight and trust God, because He is in charge.

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Congratulations like you I didn’t live in fear during the pandemic scam I did what I wanted and nobody gave me any grief.. I was surprised that so many fellow Americans submitted to the Evil tyrants..God through Jesus gives us the ability to triumph over fear..Love harder..Think clearly and speak only truth and give all thanks to the Lord Jesus 🙏

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So well stated!! I was in Communist New York State doing the same as you! Ordered A LOT of takeout from small businesses to keep them going. DIDN’T wear masks in the stores and when they headed towards me with one I said sorry I can’t medically wear one!!! They didn’t know what to say to that. I was surprised it was the elderly that were the most vicious! One old man walked right up to me in the grocery store demanded “Where’s your mask?!?” I told him I don’t let the government tell me what to do with my body and if he was that scared to go home! I told so many people what happened to My Body, My Choice? I literally said I guess that’s only for killing babies!!

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Most churches streamed services and churches closed , told members to stream. Smaller churches that didn't stream said to go to sermon websites. Some never went back because streaming is more convenient esp. for older people that hate handshaking. Best to avoid crowds during flu season like holiday shopping. When fall stuff hits the stores, go get the best picks. I wore a mask when out because people cough and sneeze . I tried to check out at Belk, had to go to another dept. This man was coughing all over everyone in line didn't cover his mouth. People rude in public anyway.

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And after all of this garbage I am still seeing maskers. They are like zombies amongst us.

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The pinhead maskers are in the stores.

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You call people pinhead maskers but you said in your other message you said, " I wore a mask when out because people cough and sneeze." Why comply, and why comply in doing something that endangers your health and provides no protection?

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Remember that doctors that argued and tried to prescribe medications that would help people were punished too.

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Doc's on you tube advise on what vit and minerals to take for various ailments and some are chiropractors. They are not on duty but none are perscriptions anyway.

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Real doctors that argued to take ivermectin among other meds were censored, and when some of my family got covid, myself included, I followed a protocol that helped us recover quickly. The people that allowed people to die alone, not receive treatment should be charged.

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You people are unsavable, after all the exposure of the pseudoscience of Virology and that viral particles aka unicorns have NEVER been properly proven to exist, you still make the claim that i caught this , i caught that, no you didn't, you got sick via OTHER mechanisms, stop towing the bullshite line of the mass poisoning Big pharma cartels that brought the DNA altering Triple helix creating Mark of the Beast.

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Lol Good one.

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A psy-ops for installing Mark of beast later, some have said that the shot was a tracking device installed in people.

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I had a sinus issue (probably iffy head cold during COVID) did zinc, vit D and basic vit. and detoxed w/ green tea, lemon w/ ginger drinks avoid dairy, ate big salads w/ kale, and got Flonase nasal spray and did a nasal/sinus flush w/saline (both over the counter meds). This time of yr best to avoid crowds anyway. run errands early.

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We are on a zinc/vit D along w/ other vit and minerals. We used to get too much sun, but taking enough D now since we are not at the beaches as much. Have been exposed to others with Covid close contact, and seems to work. One Dr. told me that Flonase nasal spray will suppress colds, flu and Covid taken early on symptoms. I said I was using the spray for oak and pecan allergy in the spring. Glad I got that advice.

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Unfortunately Ivermectin is a fertility poison. They pushed that to trap the vaccine refusers.

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No it isn't. Michael Yeadon is a traitor. I read the studies. Ivermectin is gold.

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Ones I know taking it now (Covid in my area) are well over 70.

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Agreed. They only way to be sure it doesn't happen again.

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I do remember. And nurses crying, saying "they are killing my patients!".

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The First Amendment contains five elements:






Using the pandemic, the politicians have violated all parts of the First Amendment. This amounts to a declaration of war against we the people.

The Republic cannot be restored using letters, phone calls or Twitter storms.

The remedy can be found in the Declaration of Independence.

Won't be pleasant.

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Most people ignorant of their rights and kids today aren't taught anything about our historical documents. Religous exemptions should be understood among older generations who learned in school. Most got vaccines anyway. You cannot fix stupid or nihilism which is why my circle is even smaller than ever. We must do what is necessary.......won't be pleasant".

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Then they won't complain when we adopt an "eye for an eye" strategy. or the horrific ways we "play it out."

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Let’s not mistake justice for vengeance, though ?

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Of course. The Milgram experiment was repeatedly successful. My remembering of it is that it tried to understand why the German people followed in the steps of Hitler's folly. That said, after Hitler ended the Weimar Republic, Germany entered wars it couldn't win. Hitler's and Goebbels' psyop madness came abruptly to an end in April-May 1945 when Hitler shot himself in the ass. So, it might be interesting to note that Milgram makes sense up to a point. It might be helpful to factor in that the CCP model might not be compatible with our 2,500-year Western civilization. We are culturally not Asian submissive-minded. 


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We did study those experiments. I was shocked

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Interesting stuff. It’s important, I think, for people to remember that there are many, many, MANY more of us and only a very few of THEM! And judging by the legions of armed 24/7 security hired by Gates, Bourla and the rest of the cretins, THEY know it too!

Something to think about.

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Let's not forget about the robots.

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I wish that helped... That there are so few of them and that they have and continue to cause such great damage and there is no stopping their dumb science experiments (blocking the sun, vaxxing the world, f*cking with the soil and the air) signals to me that money can buy everything. It can probably buy me, although no one has tried (this is the extent of my social media footprint)...yet.

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I noticed that this "test" was in order to set in motion the ba-ba-sheeple precedent that brought forth--with years of preparation--their world WIDE public debut. They became glowingly transparent, and have taken advantage of this exclusive podium ever since. . . . Now I have a question: So now that we know from their own words, the Covid was test, what do we do about it?

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Ignore the next "test" like hyping shots for bird flu, etc. I won't warn anyone this time because I no longer associate w/ those people who I warned. Some pastors even pushed the shots and Trump did at his rallies on C-span after Biden took over. The elite want 6 billion people dead soon to save the planet.

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I think we really have to read the text very carefully to understand the meaning, that 'covid' 19 was a test' means this whole thing was a staging. Denis Rancourt and a team of biostatisticians have analysed all the publicly available figures over the last 4.5 years and the result is: there was no pandemic.

If there really had been a pandemic, which is not possible for other reasons (I won't go into that here), the correct wording would have been that 'the measures and reactions to Covid 19 were also a test'. But that is not what is said here.

Furthermore, we must finally agree on whether we believe the 'experts' in principle, or only some of them, or only those who confirm our narrative.

This applies in particular to Roger Andoh, the Epidemiological Director of the CDC USA. He has stated in writing that there is no way to detect viruses using current technology.

But for a test modelled on the Milgram experiment, the real existence of an independent variable is not necessary, only the illusion of it.

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Absolutely spot on, as usual. Thank you!

Leo, I would ask a favor of you, to write about the diabolical SAVE Act as I have. It needs exposure because it's being promoted as keeping illegals from voting. It does not do that. It is connected to the REAL ID and females who try to register to vote will have to go through the same nightmares of presenting your divorces and remarriages to prove you are an American citizen in the REAL ID Driver's license. The photo taken with the REAL ID is a facial recognition photo that is digitized and taken in a special way that is linked to actual international standards that come out of the United Nations. It has tracking ability which makes the REAL ID very much like the "social credit" in communist China. It is also the preliminary move to the National ID. Here is my latest article. This needs to get to every conservative congressman.


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Sharp cookie, you!

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I just don't trust any politicians...our founders told us NOT TO.

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So ashamed. I should have known that EVERY bill has a poison pill. Arghhhh!!

I will admit I see no way the "save" act will stop any illegal voting. Nefarious actors who systematically break the law have absolutely zero conscience. They're reptiles.

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I believe you are mistaken

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Me too! It will however stop American citizens from voting when they cannot get their divorce papers to prove they're an American citizen. In 1965, I married my first husband, lasted two years. I cannot remember the date of the marriage or divorce, and Cook County Chicago says I have to have that to find the divorce decree. So basically I cannot get a passport renewed because they are even asking for all that info that they didn't ask for in 2010... All that was required then was SS card and birth certificate. Once again, American citizens pay.

It's the same with E-Verify which everyone is promoting to verify citizenship to work. Problem is, if that passes, American citizens would have to prove they are American citizens in the same way and this will be tough once again for women who change their surnames when they marry, and heaven forbid you were married and divorced and then remarried. Few people understand this.

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One lady I knew had divorced, remarried had this issue for star ID. She went in person to get copies (smaller town)of marriage cert. , many got married in CT house in the '60's. Courthouses have archived old records as new buildings were build replacing some built in early 20th century. Fortunately hers were found, others may not be. May be take several copies of utility bills and star ID Dr license and show them.

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Well, at this point with what I exposed in my article on the SAVE Act, I would not want anything to do with it. And as I stated, there are 16 other ways you can get on a plane other than the REAL ID which will lead us into the National ID Card.

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I fired to get one , I am old and have been divorced twice when I was young, heavens know where all the documents are, and I contacted the county I was,married in and they can’t find the paper records. My ex doesn’t have a copy either, so Imam SOL I guess anyway.

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Please excuse the typos….fired? Lol

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😂 and when you think you corrected... lol. We're victims!!😂

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Before computers were used in county and city buildings they lost our homestead exemption forms. Taxes were real low in that county so didn't really matter as they paved our road. A friend had same issue. We refiled. when records to computer data some things got "lost". Our marriage records are in old court house in Rockville MD after new one was built. Since I already had several copies for star ID, if the CT house catches fire it won't matter. I am not getting ID's for anything again.

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Yes, this is the problem. I have a friend who was born on a reservation and they misspelled her name on her birth certificate. You think she hasn't gone through a nightmare!

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That's okay, with all I found out, you don't want one!

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I am divorced and had absolutely no problem at all registering to vote. Whose putting our propaganda? To think you aren't already "in the system" is silly- you've been for quite a long time.

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This hasn't passed both houses of congress yet. If you read the article, I said that this WOULD HAPPEN like the REAL ID Driver's License now. You accuse me of propaganda, but in reality you didn't read my article. I am praying this fails and they don't put this horrible bill in a continuing resolution to make the Senate pass it...attaching a bill they want passed to a bill that has to pass, has become all too common. I hate it. So, livinsimply, please go back and read the article...

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No surprises here. I had thought of this a few months in to the whole debacle. Still, the more this information spreads, the better. So thank you for writing it.

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