One needn't strain his/her eyes to see the puppet strings attached to U. S. politicians, British politicians, selected leaders of NATO, the U. N. and the W. H. O., etc. etc., etc.

Zelenskyyis allowed to play dictator because he was handpicked to be a puppet in Ukraine. As corrupt as Ukraine has been, it couldn't have been that corrupt without the even more corrupt governments of the U. S. and Britain.

I agree that Trump is pompous. That is a key reason he is a candidate. He triggers emotions on both sides of the deliberate divide ..., as does Harris. This keeps everyone riveted upon the quadannual charade known as the Presidential (s)election. His inner circle was delivered to him by those who have been controlling the U. S. government from outside the U. S. government for generations. Personally, I don't see this changing for #47, regardless of who is #47.

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As for Trump, since it's rare to find both in any human being, which would you prefer, style or substance? I have seen more substance from Trump (just the man - over decades) than I've seen in the collective entirety of Congress in most of my 8 decades. Arguably (convince me otherwise), the acting POTUS today is Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock, who has already iced trillions of dollars in contracts in Ukraine and stands to lose most or all of it if Russia prevails.

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And Vanguard...

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This war ends soon with Re 6:8 "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

2 billion dead. Nice job democrats!

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Wonder what his Frequent Flyer Miles are up to now??

Tu-Tu-wearing NAZI SoyBoy!

He'll end up just like all of the CeeEyeA's FAILED Patsy's!!.........DEAD! lol

If he BELIEVES that he'll 'retire' from this, and live 'High On the Hog' from all of that $$ that was MONEY LAUNDERED from Taxpayers.......his BELIEF'S are extremely DELUSIONAL ('Delusion' is a MENTAL ILLNESS)!

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I would be willing to allow the little rat bastard live out his life in peace if it would stop the killing yesterday. Even his henchmen. I would be willing to let them all go off to wherever in order to stop this insane killing and destruction. But hey, that's just me.

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What you, and probably MOST people, fail to understand, is that this has been going on for well over a 1000 YEARS.

So, if DEMONS are not ELIMINATED, from this planet, such things WILL CONTINUE!

What people ALSO, fail to comprehend, is that DEMONS WALK AMONG US! And I DO mean that LITERALLY! And that demons are NOT HUMANS!

People need to ask themselves this question......

'Would I let SATAN 'off the hook', if he 'promised' to leave me alone?'.

The correct answer, if one is HUMAN, is.......NO!!!

So, then, WHY would ANY HUMAN let Satan's 'demon minions' 'off the hook'?

If one looks back on (REAL) History, for 1000+ years, they'd SEE (if they weren't LYING TO THEMSELVES), that these 'SAME DEMONS' keep doing THE SAME EVIL SHIT......OVER & OVER & OVER & OVER, AGAIN!

So, NOPE!......NOT having it! Send them ALL.......BACK where they CAME from......HELL!


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Because, quite simply, first, we humans have a track record over over-generalizing who are demons and who are not, and secondly, because I don't want the ongoing crime called war to continue, and am willing to pay a high price to stop it, including allowing some Bad Actors to escape with their lives. The highest priority must be to stop the needless killing of common people who want nothing to do with this war--both those on the front lines and civilians alike. To get the criminals out of power, even if they live out their lives in peace, is an acceptable price to my eyes if it achieves these goals, for my ego and my anger cannot get in the way of the higher object called immediate peace.

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You really don't understand. These 'criminals' that you speak of, that you want 'out of power', to then 'live out the rest of their lives in peace'......is NOT going to happen. Will NEVER HAPPEN. Psychopaths (demons) do NOT THINK AS HUMANS do. NEVER have, and NEVER WILL. Your 'wishful thinking' is DELUSIONAL, at best. They NEVER GIVE UP POWER. And IF they should lose their power......they ALWAYS COME BACK.

And, no......it IS quite EASY to tell just 'who' the DEMONS are.

As Humans.....we should show NO MERCY towards EVIL.

We are in the 'Living Hell' that we now find ourselves......BECAUSE WE PUT UP WITH EVIL!!!! It IS 'OUR' FAULT! And now......we need to rectify it, or go extinct.

MOST of the worlds population is already dead/SOON-TO-BE-DEAD, because of the 'CV19' Bio-weapon Injections. And THESE deaths will supercede ALL DEATHS from ALL WARS, up to this point in time.

Unless we eradicate EVIL.......it will NOT STOP! There is only ONE WAY to 'get the criminals out of power'. Then, and ONLY THEN.....will the World have PEACE.

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So you think, and I fully understand why you do. *However,* as I mentioned, those with such convictions have a hell of a track record of killing innocents and getting out of hand. Don't blame me, blame history. Therefore that general path is a bad idea, no matter how frustrating it may be. On the bright side, however, as a general trend worldwide 25 percent of us with solidity rejected the injections, no matter the pressure. Some nations were worse, some better, but if you break it into basic regions, that's the outcome, and this is good, because it means we aren't alone, by any stretch. Work into that estimate how many got a placebo before they smartened up and didn't take any "boosters," and those who for X reason weren't harmed, and we have a lot to hope for in that realm

I wish you well good sir. Peace be with you.

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"..... have a hell of a track record of killing innocents and getting out of hand."

Again, I am not talking about the 'innocent'. I speak of KNOWN demons.

A few examples......

Child molesters/PEDOS

Those who love to torture animals

Those doing what they are doing to the People of Palestine ('Ring Leader'/Satanic High Priest Netanyahu).

The Bush Crime Family

The Clinton Crime Family

DICK Cheney & Crime Family

Barry Davis (aka 'Obama')

John Insane McShame (who is already rotting in hell)

EVIL Bill Gates

Klaus Schwab

George Soros

Henry Kissinger (also burning in hell!)

Zbigniew Brzezinski (currently burning in hell) and his DEMON WHORE daughter, Mika (and her 'husband')


and so on......

People SHOULD BE NOTICING......that the DEMONS have MADE THEMSELVES KNOWN; they've come into the light. We now KNOW THEM, by NAME.

Pretty much anywhere where ones sees 'PSYCHOPATH'!

Psychopaths possess ZERO Human Qualities. (throw in Sociopaths, too!)

Just because one LOOKS Human, does not make them Human.

(The Devil is a TRICKSTER!!)

There was NO 'placebo' shots; it's that some viles/lots were less toxic. The outcome ('Died Suddenly' or death via 'Turbo Cancer') will STILL happen, in these individuals. Every REAL Doctor that has looked at all of the evidence have all come to the same conclusion......if an individual has taken the shot, they will be dead within 10 years, IF they do not do anything to try and repair that MASSIVE damage.

I am not a 'sir'; I am FEMALE......Dawnie (ie DAWN).

And just an FYI.....I am NOT a 'religious' wingnut. So-called 'religion' is MAN-MADE, and, therefore, FALSE.

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These people (Zelensky, Our Feckless corrupt politicians the RepubTurds and DeonRats) do not give a shit about lives lost in wars or bio-weapon injections! They have such a lust for money and perverse behavior that they are not going to stop! The sad thing is they are taking us down with them! They are all a bunch of liars, politicians, media and the rest!

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I know, man. I think you're right. Stay cool, continue to do your best, and strive to not make things worse. Hey, like that oath portends to say, "first, do no harm." Works with fixing a water facet, works when approaching a political problem. But I agree with you, strongly. It's frustrating. All we can do is our level best, and have a little faith, I guess. That's all I can do, anyway. This globe is a mess.

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DemocRats Are Once Again Reinstating A Military Draft – News With Views


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This is exactly why I don't jump to conclusions and fly off any handles. Most of the sleepwalking masses watch the news, get brainwashed, have all their buttons pushed and wires triggered, and next thing you know they are wild eyed fanatics, fists flying, machine gun firing on a swivel and ammo in arms ready to go full on Rambo mode on everyone the media tells them is 'the enemy.' We have seen it over and over in different scenarios. But cool heads prevail while fools rush in. There is nothing I can do about the fools, I can only control me and try to educate. Anyway another thing is people are all aiming wrong when it comes to peace. I know it's not a perfect parallel but when you study what God told Israel you see the same thing over and over.

If they: 1. Got very involved in the political process and got up as far as they could in politics.... 2. If they voted, especially for a Trump like figure.... 3. If they maintained a really strong and large army.... 3. If they had a lot of weapons and kept their armies in shape.... 4. If they stockpiled plenty of national wealth in their treasury.... 5. If they had really good defenses that included at their borders... 6. If they remained at diplomatic terms with all their neighbors..... and so on....

they would have the victory, they would have peace, they would have prosperity.... right?


Tricked ya, it was none of the above. What was the deal? God would protect them, provide for them, secure them in peace and give them the advantage over their neighbors, enemies, make them the head and not the tail... and so on if..... (drumroll.....) they would....

HONOR HIM! How were they supposed to do that?

By not harloting themselves with other gods (1), and by living a righteous life (2) that included caring for the poor and oppressed in the land (3) and (4) repent if anything is not being done as it should be in these things. I have seen this in my own life too. That was their end of the deal and the Promised Land was theirs without thorns and strife if they kept their end. Of course history showed that this was a little problem for them and trouble followed. The OT cycle of this is a merry go round over and over. He did deliver them and the cycle repeated.

His arm is not too small that He cannot do these things but it depended on their fulfilling their end of the deal. Today everyone recites that one Bible verse about 'healing our land' if 'we' repent. It applied to Israel but the principle is applicable to some degree. It is a surety that if a nation goes too far into sin, His judgment and wrath will fall just like Sodom, or would have in Nineveh, etc. so it applies in general. Well that verse has made the rounds and I don't think much has changed. Many want to apply it all to the church and point a finger. We have sinners of every shade outside of the church who will not go unpunished. We have those inside the church who claim to be Christians and are in varying degrees of sin as well. Some have repented while others have not. And some of us are living a righteous life. We cannot control what others do, we get the message out, and we will not be punished for their unrepentant sin. However when a country falls it will affect us too. We are not spared persecution anywhere and that comes in with many of these national changes as history shows. So am I worried about a nuke landing on my head since I am not under His wrath? No. I am not even worried about the coming persecution since He told me it was coming over a decade ago. I am concerned about a church who is unprepared for these things when they hit, and as always for the little ones and I pray for these things often. We are at the end of the line for human history and we will see how it unfolds in the details.


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I had a dream about this whole thing back in 2017. In the dream God told me not to despair but think of His Kingdom when the world around me was burning and my nearest and dearest died.

"My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives."

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That is beautiful! And true. The world is obsessed with.... the world and its affairs. All of it will pass away and we are almost at that time. Before the dawn breaks is the darkest hour and that is almost here. It will be 'apocalyptic' in every way. He will sustain us through. I feel He has a ministry for us during that time to those around us. As long as we are willing, surrendered, and remain humble we can be used. He is still a God of miracles. There are just as many stars in the sky during the day. But in the darkness of night they shine the brightest. Be open to what His will is during this coming time. His Kingdom is around the corner and all tears will be wiped away. We will reign with Him in the Millennium as a reward for all of this according to Revelation. The goal is to serve and honor Him the best we can while we still have the chance. Love to you.

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What a shame that the Ukrainian people are being systemically destroyed. They are basically a good people who didn't ask for or cause this. As Ukraine becomes more aggressive, the likelihood of their continued existence shrinks. Mr. Fink and BlackRock have the franchise to re-build Ukraine, but the Ukrainians will find the cost too hard to repay. Maybe, Zelenskyy thinks he will be saved. He will have no place where he can hide. Although Putin is not a sterling example of a fine human being, who can blame him? After all, the US war machine has been plotting and planning since WWII to destroy Russia. The fools that are instigating this war (banker cabal, US/NATO, military-industrial complex) have not seriously considered the ramifications. After the nuclear Holocaust, the planet will not be habitable for centuries to come, at which time the human race will have been destroyed.

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Since Mr Z is also a puppet of the elite like other leaders elsewhere, and told what to do, etc. our gov. needs to ignore him and not get involved in any fighting against Russia. Our national debt is off the rails.

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I don't care for President Trump on a personal level, but newsflash, I don't have to. I'm not voting for a saint. I'm voting for many of his policies. Do I think he surrounds himself with too many yes men who inevitably stab Trump, and through him, Americans in the back? Absolutely. Do I think he should consider interest rate controls on credit cards? No, but these things can be mitigated. What cannot be mitigated is mass immigration and American demographics, government censorship, high government spending and fiscal irresponsibility, cheap energy independence, the weaponization of the justice system, attacks on the Electoral College and the Supreme Court, the end of election integrity, murdering the unborn up to the point of birth and refusing medical care to babies born alive from botched abortions and the massive growth of the Federal Government to the point it's becoming one of America's largest employers. These things effect Americans daily lives and are threatening the existence of the American middle class which holds nearly the entire American economy on its shoulders. If you vote for Komrade Kamala Harris and Tampon Tim, you're basically saying you do not care about any of these things, because both of these communists have told you who they are and what's important to them and its *not* what's important to the average American citizen. Vote accordingly.

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The only thing holding back Putin from a serious response has to be the hand of God!

Maybe this is a good sign for November we will have to wait and see.

But there is no doubt this demonic Admin is trying to provoke a response so the elections is

delayed or cancelled. And no one is DC has the balls to stop this political terrorism.

Friends we are on our own! Trust in the Lord, and be ready for anything.

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Excellent post, good sir.

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On a recent podcast, I heard Eric Weinstein say "I don't know if Trump will be allowed to win." Stop and think about the dual ramifications of that. First, the concept of "allowed" in what is supposed to be a republic with free and open elections. Second, that there would be a group dedicated to seeing that one of the candidates not make it to the finish. Having failed to keep him off the ballot and to imprison him, the cabal is now trying to kill Trump. There are reports of multiple plots involving both domestic and foreign actors. It sounds like what one might expect of an out-there spy thriller, but here we are.

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I also heard he was being flown around the US on Air Force planes.

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How real is any of this? A lot of men, women and children are really being killed because the leaders of nations want war. That's for certain.

Incidentally these officials were installed by super wealthy idealogues who think there are too many people on the planet and want a one world government. Looks like they found a way to do take over the world without openly declaring war on the rest of humanity. Us little old nobodies.

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Why is it that Hilary Clinton screams about Russian interference to US elections, but then Zelensky is allowed to attack J.D. Vance? This is an obvious meddling in US elections. Is the Democratic Party incapable of rational thought? Or is it that the Democratic Party (and to a lesser degree that Republican party) aware that the average American has lost the ability to think critically? Personally I think that both parties treat the average American as if they are a subservient 2nd class caste, and to be despised, mocked and abused.

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Zelensky an A-1 Con Artist Hustler! Played the Piano with his Penis before going into politics (See Video Scroll down 3/4 the way down the page of this link https://thecovidblog.com/2023/09/21/part-ii-u-s-finished-as-country-illegal-aliens-asylum-seekers-have-achieved-protected-privileged-status-while-ukraine-remains-highest-priority-for-u-s-government/ fleecing the American Tax payers along with our fake and corrupt politicians RepubTurds and DemonRats! Disgusting where we are at in this Country! Has been a house of cards built on sand and it is collapsing right before our eyes!

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