The Daily Mail suddenly wakes up from its journalistic coma and reports an actual factual story about Covid death shots
Where has this kind of reporting been for the last four years as people have been dying and getting sick after submitting to the injections?
The British tabloid the Daily Mail has for four years promoted the Covid shots and refused to criticize or investigate any of the obvious health risks they pose to the billions around the world who have received them.
But in recent weeks the Daily Mail seems to have had a sudden change of heart, a jolt of journalistic inspiration, and is running articles that report the actual facts about the dangers of the Covid jabs.
In the latest dose of “alarming” truth, we learn that “experts” from Yale University have discovered a troubling syndrome linked to the mRNA Covid vaccines.
The previously-unknown condition, which has been dubbed “post-vaccination syndrome,” appears to cause brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus and exercise intolerance.
Exercise intolerance? Is that why so many young healthy athletes have died suddenly and unexpectedly while practicing their sports in recent years?
This article is actually a limited hangout, meaning it admits SOME of the truth while ignoring the bigger more serious reality.
Forget about myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), strokes, and sudden death to the previously young and healthy and focus on brain fog and dizziness. Are you kidding me?
But wait, there is more. Some sufferers, the Daily Mail informs us, also show distinct biological changes, including differences in immune cells and the presence of coronavirus proteins in their blood, years after taking the shot.
Of course, myself and others have been reporting this since 2021 (check out my other site,, and we were called conspiracy theorists. Better late than never for this British tabloid to join the ranks of the truthtellers.
The Daily Mail article goes on to report that the shot’s blood-altering condition also appears to reawaken a dormant virus in the body called Epstein-Barr which can cause flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes and nerve issues.
The full results of the “small study” have not yet been published, and the Yale experts emphasized the results are still preliminary. Nothing feels “preliminary” to those poor souls who suffer from these debilitating jab-induced diseases.
The Yale findings suggested more research on post-vaccination side effects is needed, independent experts told the British outlet. Ya think?
After years of exhibiting zero interest or curiosity about the stories of injection victims, the British news outlet is also now asking to hear from its readers who have experienced some of these dreadful symptoms.
Makes you wonder who called up the Daily Mail editors and gave them the green light to start dribbling out the truth about the toxic Covid death shots, the same truth they have covered up for four years.
Let’s pray that other media join the fray and also start to catch up with real journalistic sites like this one, which have been giving the news to you straight right from the beginning of the whole Covid scam.