They think they are in control but in reality, they are NOT. GOD is sovereign over all human history. HE allows wickedness to prosper for a season in order to fulfill HIS purposes for humanity. These evil people will be accountable for every action, thought, inaction and motive.

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I believe He is disciplining His children now.

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Exactly. He uses evil for good in the end. I am tired of arguing with atheists over this issue, they think they know it all but can't think outside of the 4 walls and 2 other sides of their box. Those with spiritual insight get it. Have a great day!

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This needs to be brought to court then hopefully 💪 by the usual powerhouse justice firms.

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Good Luck with that! The same Judges that Obama appointed turned down Mike Lindell when he had documented proof that the election machines were literally rigged!!

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And don't forget: Immediately after the 2020 election Senator Ted Cruz represented 18 state attorneys general to petition the US Supreme Court to challenge the election results in four states and the Supreme ruled the 18 states did not have standing to carry the case forward.

Texas v. Pennsylvania, 592 U.S. ___ (2020), was a lawsuit filed at the United States Supreme Court contesting the administration of the 2020 presidential election in four states in which Joe Biden defeated incumbent Donald Trump. Filed by Texas State Attorney General Ken Paxton on December 8, 2020, under the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction, (Art. 3, Sec. 2) the lawsuit alleged that Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin violated the United States Constitution by changing election procedures through non-legislative means – thus violating the independent state legislature theory. The suit sought to temporarily withhold the certified vote count from these four states prior to the Electoral College vote on December 14. The suit was filed after about 90 lawsuits arising from disputes over the election results filed by Trump and the Republican Party had failed in numerous state and federal courts with Obama judges.

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What many people don't know is that most of the world's media belong to 8 Jewish family clans !!!

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Please take your anti-Semitism elsewhere

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51-jews-biden-gv-1680243951.5931.jpg (1000×1232) (wp.com)

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I was unaware of this. I’m contacting all of our congressional reps to urge an investigation and, if possible, impeachment of the rogue FCC commissioners who approved this sale.

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He's a horrid old goat, thank God time and tide wait for no man.

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He has two sons that make him look like Mother Teresa!

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That’s what I heard and believe it. Isn’t the oldest son with Huma Abedin (sp)~ Hillary’s sidekick? 🤷‍♀️

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Demon controlled like Claus Schwab and others of their ilk.

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I strongly suspect that Operation Cyber Polygon will occur about that time too. Probably shortly after a repeat of what happened on the eve of Election Day in 2020. They want us angry and confused to start a huge civil war for them.

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That’s right Rachel. That’s the globalists’ desire for America, to devolve into chaos and civil war.

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Oh, just stepping across the lines of where the law resides... and breaking the law... in order to get their way.... as tyrant bullies do.... oh, nothing new there! This is exactly why I am baffled when people fall back on what is on paper and say things like; "Well that will never happen, this won't turn into a tyranny like it did in so many places in history... because... we have a Constitution... by golly gosh darn!!!" Okay, we'll see how that thinking turns out for ya....

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That is just the nature of the bully and beast, since when did they ever care what the law was, what the civilized thing to do was, or the right and fair thing?

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The love of many has grown cold. Lawlessness abounds.

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The one that controls the information can control the perspective of reality.

Seems like that is what they have done and what they are doing.

Now just kicking it into high gear and leaving no stone unturned.

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These particular stations have been blackmailed and paid off. Sickening

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The Communist/Fascist global control cabal continues its march. At this pace, it won't be long before the First Amendment is a note about times past. The cabal does as it wishes without nobody or nothing to stop them. Except the citizens. The question is: when will the patriotic citizenry rise up to stop the destruction of free human life? Will it be in time to save the world?

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Take a look at who governs the USA....

51-jews-biden-gv-1680243951.5931.jpg (1000×1232) (wp.com)

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THIS can be reversed.

The Uniparty Nazi Demon Worshiping Pedophiles really do believe themselves Gods and do whatever they wish regardless of Regulations, The Constitution and The Bible. THE PEOPLE HAVE MUCH TO FIX IN THIS POWER GRAB FOR THE DEMONIC.

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And just how is that going to happen? Is the military going to come marching to the rescue as so many were led to believe by a socialist psyop for MONTHS?

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What U.S. Military? THERE IS NONE.

The U.N. Peacekeepers owning foreigner-populated NATO are now 'THE MILITARY.'

This will be a responsibility of 'the people'.

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It all sounds good but unless this mass of people are organized and united, nothing will come of it. Unions have learned this principle as well. All you get otherwise is the grumbling about how things 'need to change.'

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Right, besides people are more divided than ever over various issues. Some patriot groups have parted company over issues in the past and started their own groups.

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Right and then we have fragmentation as the result. I also think we are so far along that even if all these folks were united and did something about it, technology is so far along now and they would just pull a grid down on that area or something like what happened with the truckers in Canada. I keep thinking of that Bible verse... I know it applies to something else but can be seen in an abstract sense as well and thus applying to this situation.... something about seeing the thief coming and not letting him break into the house. I mean, just look at Europe, now the trojan horse is on our shores as well.

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It's best you remain ignorant to the actual facts or organization.

There's more formal unity among the variety of fragments within

the interior than general society imagines...Especially, the ding dongs

in cities imagining themselves gangs or BAD.

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Some don't grumble. There is more organization than most know.

There is more happening among those within the interior than most guess.

There is a reason the enemies haven't already began the attacks on 'the people'

and it has less to do with arms than it does the ones organized outside the usual


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Why are these communists allowed to continue to break ask of our laws and no one does one thing to stop them? If Trump wins, can all these things be undone and ppl put in jail?

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In a fairy land. It is time to stop viewing Trump as a psuedo-savior. He isn't. He had 4 years the first time. How did that go down when he filled his cabinet (remember Mike Pence?) with CFR demons? Judges will still be in their seats. Obama appointees will still be in their seats. Our uni-party will still be in control.

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We have a nation that is no longer for real. America has been decapitated and overthrown. Mayors now have no control over cities, as government pushes illegals into their cities that are not sanctuary cities or have resources for that. Governors unlikely have any power to control this.

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Not to forget under his last watch he also gave us all the same covid stuff and pushed the jab...just a taste of things to come if there is a next time. My take is that they are all puppets with the strings being pulled by the same puppet master. They play their roles but at the end of the day it all turns out the same, whatever puppetmaster wanted.

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All points taken. Trump isn’t a savior, but the best available option. I worry about the ppl he chooses and yes he can’t just fire a ton of communists that need firing. I’m hoping he learned some things from his first term. Another issue is that he has just no support from the Rinos.

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I don’t disagree, but too many people engage on Trump worship. Just reading comments on the Breggins’ Substack. You will see it plain as day there. He still won’t have support from the RINOS. We only have a uni-party in this country.

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I know, it is nauseating!

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There’s so many weird things being said, one is that what’s happening is all a facade. I’m just sick of it all.

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My only Hope is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings. While I respect Trump for his courage and tenacity, he is only a speed-bump allowing time for the on-going separation of "wheat and tares" and the sifting of the wheat.

I have no faith in the federal government.

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Me too!

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Of course they did.

Nothing unusual here, huh?

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