“Americans seem to be completely unaware of just how close we are to nuclear war with Russia.”

They seem to be unaware of anything that is happening that is crucial for our survival.

But they sure are aware of sports and how many likes they get on Facebook and what the coolest new trend is etc. etc

I bet our founding fathers are spinning in their graves.

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Don't worry, Americans are not alone in their lack of awareness, Australians are also blissfully ignorant of what is going on. It's frustrating, sad, angering and bewildering - all at the same time

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Australians gave up their firearms. Game over.

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The man is the head of the house, yet is not since they gave up the guns now are wussified beta males and don't give a hoot about their family and security.

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Granted; men have become neutered and , in part, due to feminism as we/they do not know how to conduct ourselves in the presence of women, anymore; lest we be labeled as misogynistic, creepy etc. etc.

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Many are busy following gossip sites or social media on celebrities, other well known people, etc. They have no idea about things really going on and destruction of society, economy.

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I echo this very sentiment all of the time on some of these sub stacks.

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I think they're trying to start a conflict before Trump gets in because he'll stop it and there's too much money in arms sales, and legislators are also benefiting. Sure, there could be the prelude to chaos breaking out here and affecting elections... They need a larger conflict to cover for what is planned here.

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…or they’re looking for an excuse to cancel/postpone the election. If it means they rule over radioactive ruins, they don’t care; power is the only thing that matters to them.

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What you're saying isn't necessary.

This Link came as part of another Substack wrote by a very multi-dimensional writer, activist, conservationist out of Arizona. I knew nothing about this bomb detonated by Russia called 'Housatonic'.


This was the Substack of Kyle Young, 'Secular Heretic' presenting this piece...Very interesting with hidden history.


Our most advanced weapons on Earth do not destroy Earth...They have the capacity to utterly OBLITERATE IT FROM THE SOLAR SYSTEM.

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Sorry.....Ukraine has been a psyop from the start. An excuse to destroy the US dollar as reserve currency as called for by globalist/WEF shrill Mark Carney at Jackson Hole 2019. Putin was called upon to invade eastern Ukraine, which allowed sanctions, removal from SWIFT, vast money laundering. We are being set up for a NWO....and look out American citizens your life is going to get a lot worse for everything you import....but don't worry because a social credit Chinese system is coming to save you...LOL

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Yes...They do so love making Earth into their 'Home Base' of Hell.

Prescribe chaos, crises, suffering, misery to bring humanity to its collective knees in BEGGING

for peace...Feeding the Demonic Master's NEED to be worshiped as the gods.

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Gov. doesn't need to "start anything" chaos has already started: https://substack.com/@carrell/p-148559991

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If you don't live within 100 miles of a strategic military base (guards silos, small nuclear packages or other devastating long range weapons or is used as a base of operations), get online and buy potassium iodate (anti-radiation therapy). Even small children can be given a dose *before* a nuclear strike (one tablet for adults/day and half a tablet/day for children 1 month to 3 years old - newborns take 1/8 to 1/4 a tablet/day) and the same dose every day for two weeks. It will protect your thyroid from radiation sickness as long as you're not in the direct path of the blast. Even if you are, take it anyway. It can't hurt and if the worst happens, the Red Cross ain't coming to save us.

Also, the EMP from the blast is going to knock out power for, at the very least, two years. Download directions on how to store food without power as many people will die from E.Coli and other food borne illnesses. Stock up on hand soap, because you do *not* what to die of typhus or cholera. Good hygiene and hand washing will save as many lives as ammo and defensive gun usage after a nuclear strike.

Take *nothing* for granted. Everything and everyone will be trying to kill you after a societal collapse. Roving bands of military and police will likely use authority they no longer have to take what they want from those less powerful. DON'T BE LESS POWERFUL!

Remember prayer is more powerful than any gun and God be with us all.

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We won’t have water with on electricity… what good is the soap supply for hand washing?

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If you don't have a rainwater collection and purifying setup already, order or build one one *NOW*. The internet is a gold mine for stuff like that. I fear if you wait until the day after the election, you'll be in serious trouble. If you find yourself in a position where water is so scarce you need to save it for drinking, wipe debris from your hands and use a metric 💩-ton of Purell before you cook or provide first aid. A beginner's book for prepping on a budget might be an excellent investment for you too. If you have pine trees nearby, you can tie a ziploc baggie over branches in the morning and it will collect condensation for you within a few hours for emergency drinking water too. Good luck and God bless.

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Thank you Leslie.. it was a serious question! Thank you for the prepping information too!

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I hope I helped. I'd grab some LifeStraws while you're at it. You can drink out of a mud puddle about 1,000 times with them if you have to. They're fairly inexpensive on Amazon in packaging of three or more. You should have one in a Go Bag for every household member in case you're separated after being forced from your home. Keep the bags near the front door out of sight and for Goodness sake, do *not* tell anyone outside of your immediate family you're prepping. Impress upon your family this is the difference between life and death in an emergency of any kind. There are lots of good prepping books about how to build an effective Go Bag.

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Hubby and I will not be forced from our home unless it is a weather emerg. We will go down fighting if necessary. Others say likewise I know. We didn't prep to just "up and leave our stuff". We will defend what we got.

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I understand but you're assuming thieves, gangs, government and/or mentally unhinged people won't burn you out. I'll go down swinging if I can reasonably do so in my own home, but I'm not going to let unprepared freaks who are just insane burn me to death, because they can't get to my supplies. The whole point of this is *survival* for you and your family and I promise you, there's going to be a target rich environment on your front lawn waiting for you to be forced out. Your best bet is to split your supplies between your home and multiple hidden locations. I bury guns, ammo, food and equipment in as many places as I can without compromising my home's safety and I've never lost a cache. Use common sense in determining your burial sites and that will protect them from 2/3 of the population by itself! Wrap oiled guns, ammo, etc. in 3-4 duct taped lawn bags and you'd be amazed at how well protected they come out. Stock up on gun and knife oil and fine sandpaper and you can bring just about any weapon back to working condition with a little know how. I have a cinder block and stucco home I can defend in case of fire, but most people don't. Give yourself and your family as many opportunities to survive as you can. Run drills on different scenarios. For example, would your children know where to meet you if you were separated and do they know the backup location if the first location is compromised? I understand wanting to defend your home, but will your children survive in a hostile world without you? You are your children's best chance for survival education, skills and continued life. Education and pre-planning now will mean survival later. Good luck and God bless regardless of how you prepare. Every family must make their own hard decisions suiting their desire for how they want their lives to look should the poop hit the fan on November 6. My prayers are with you.

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…..and pray! Thank you again!

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If it will take several months to complete the transfer, then like it or not you better hope and pray Trump gets in the WH. I dont think he would poke the bear. Although he foolishly left nukes in Turkey in 2019.

I kinda have a feeling Israel will finish off Hamas by the end of the year, then live in relative "peace and safety ' for a couple years before the soon coming Ez war. Im thinking WW3 will come a little later, perhaps as seen in Rev.9.

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Time to remove the 'Adrenalin-Adrenochrome Addicts' feeding from their 'High Risk Lifestyles' forcing sadistic misery onto people making Earth into Hell...INDICT, TRY and EXECUTE for TREASON/SEDITION/CRIMES AGAINST ALL LIFE ON EARTH.

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Whatever Russia does, I will NOT hold it against them!!

It will NOT end well, for the Psychopaths in the District of Criminals!!

Do what ya gotta do, Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sorry.....Ukraine has been a psyop from the start. An excuse to destroy the US dollar as reserve currency as called for by globalist/WEF shrill Mark Carney at Jackson Hole 2019. Putin was called upon to invade eastern Ukraine, which allowed sanctions, removal from SWIFT, vast money laundering. We are being set up for a NWO....and look out American citizens your life is going to get a lot worse for everything you import....but don't worry because a social credit Chinese system is coming to save you...LOL

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I think that you're very wrong about Putin/Russia.

Clearly, you have zero clue about Russia. If you did, you would know that Russia IS Russian/Eastern Orthodox Christian. Russia's VALUES are FAMILY FIRST/PROTECTING CHILDREN/(REAL) CHRISTIANITY. These are the complete OPPOSITE of the NWO, and the Globalists Agenda. The Russian Values that I'd just stated, is THE REASON why the Globalists HATE Russia and want to END THEM. So, this is NOT 'Theatre'! This is NOT a 'PsyOp War' that Russia is participating in.

What Russia is engaged in, is for their VERY EXISTENCE/SURVIVAL! They are literally fighting the NWO/Globalists! And I am 100% behind them!


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Well being Serbian Orthodox I surely hope you are right....my theory is not a theory though and everything points out to a NWO/Evil set up. Whether Putin is in on it...I am not as confident as you. Take care and God bless.

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I AM very confident!

The man's (Putin) WORDS and ACTIONS line up. It's just one of the reasons why I respect Putin.....the man is NOT a LIAR! lol And he IS, SANE; unlike the Psychopaths in 'the west'.

Putin/Russia say what they mean, and mean what they say.

It's VERY refreshing to see a country filled with HUMANS! (lol)

I wish that I could live there.

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Well you are in luck and in case you haven't heard: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/russia-to-offer-sanctuary-to-refugees-from-neoliberal-values/3307891

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Yes; I KNOW this. The problem IS......affording to GET there, and then buy a home. :)

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Washington is driving the world into the last stand... The peoples of this world, together, cannot prevent Washington from starting the final nuclear war!!!

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A society that systematically refuses to recognize that its physical survival is in imminent danger and that takes no steps to save itself cannot be described as mentally healthy.

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We are lacking alpha men of fighting age in this country, likely less than three percent. Older folks will have to pick up the slack incl moms and granny's. Otherwise there will be mass genocide.

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Die Weltmacht USA hat fast 1.000 Militärbasen weltweit, die Jungen Amerikaner sind Kanonenfutter....

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? This goes for the E.U. also, they need to fight back as Muslims forming a caliphate. Ireland and the UK is flooded w/invaders. Other countrys are being "flooded" w/ invaders over there. They are not armed like Americans either.

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Islam is not coming to Europe to enrich, but to conquer! This

is one of the reasons why predominantly young men of fighting age

come. Muslims believe that the whole world belongs to them. That's what Mohammed

promised them. Yet Muslims are allowed to murder all those who think differently.

people who think differently. Islam has declared war on the West, but no one here has really heard it yet!

nobody has really heard it yet! In Islam, however, it has been recognized today that a

warlike conquest of the West is no longer possible. It simply lacks

military strength. They have therefore resorted to “peaceful” invasion.

The tactics are always the same:

- Immigrate,

- keep quiet,

- multiply,

- build mosques,

- establish Islamic associations,

- enter politics,

- take over...

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You just spelled it out perfectly and accurately.

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Hopefully, Muslim female are kept home and not shipped to Europe? So they cannot have a new generation of destroyers ?

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Family reunification is supported by the government,

There are families consisting of 3 wives and 18 children, the repopulation cannot be stopped. Islam will take over Western Europe by 2050.

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The people in UK, Ireland and elsewhere incl the U.S. as Muslims are coming here also ignore the problem or they just don't care.

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The invasion cannot be stopped, the so-called "Global Pact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration" signed in Morocco on December 10th and 11th, 2018 by the member states of the United Nations (UN) has entered into force. At its core, this pact puts migrants of all types, regardless of their legal status, on an equal footing with genuine refugees enjoying protected status.https://refugeesmigrants.un.org/sites/default/files/180711_final_draft_0.pdf

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Though most Americans don’t know, our government is a CCP subsidiary. Putin and Xi are dividing up the spoils. If we were really provoking Putin he’d have acted long before now. They have their 45 million man proxy army in place here. But the game is world dominion. September 18th is just 2 weeks away.

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Exactly where are these troops staying? perhaps on vacant military bases or warehouses sitting empty? I rem. the late 90's several of us (informed for many decades on issues) discussed this scenerio.

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100% correct Bruce....Ukraine has been a psyop from the start. An excuse to destroy the US dollar as reserve currency as called for by globalist/WEF shrill Mark Carney at Jackson Hole 2019. Putin was called upon to invade eastern Ukraine, which allowed sanctions, removal from SWIFT, vast money laundering. We are being set up for a NWO....and look out American citizens your life is going to get a lot worse for everything you import....but don't worry because a social credit Chinese system is coming to save you...LOL

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Hopefully it will remain just sabre-rattling... The machinery of destruction is ready for action, ready to be set in motion at the slightest opportunity, just waiting for some obsessed or deranged person to press the "button" or for a defective computer chip to unleash the big fireworks. Surprisingly, however, very little thought is given to this. Millions of people know that their existence is subject to a constant, immediate threat, but accept this without contradiction. Only if the angry protest of people all over the world forces those in power to change their ways can the nuclear catastrophe be averted.

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We are headed for WW3 if they send long range missiles to Ukraine. Because Russia is gonna have enough.

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Wow look out people. If they do start WW3, then they can suspend the election indeffinetly.. Don`t be surprised if Harris steps up and makes herself President later this month even, marches into war and stays in power. Hope not, but it could happen

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Let the Third Judaic World War begin soon!

Get rid of this Satanic sh-t!

Nothing worth saving on this planet!

The sooner all these morons are gone,

the sooner the Dinosaurs can come back!

Now, THEY had brains!

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“Que sera, sera, Whatever will be, will be The future’s not ours to see Que sera, sera What will be, will be”. We can't stop it so why worry.

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How much does the Biden-Harris administration have to do with what actually transpires?

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