Trump was elected on a platform of closing the border and bringing sanity back to US foreign policy but the early signs indicate Americans who voted for a man of peace could end up with a man of war.
NOBODY opposing the 'Root of this Tree of Evil' beginning London, City of London and Switzerland while cowardly hiding behind the Demon Worshiping U.N. is allowed to become wealthy to the tune of BILLIONS, nor to run for political office.
Trump behaved erratically during the first administration, opposing orders and becoming unpredictable. HE PAID WITH 2020's INSTALLATION OF THE DEMENTIA-RIDDEN, TREASONOUS PEDOPHILE and PUPPET SLAVES of the International Crime Syndicate. Wagering Trump will behave this time according to the dictates.
For well over 100 years now… the evil powers that be…have been gradually potting planning and endeavoring to gradually bring about a “New World Order” or you might call it a “One World Government”….every president we’ve had has been involved…either reluctantly…hesitantly…or wholeheartedly co-operating and going along to bring this about! Possible one President said NO….and you know what happened to him!
And the HAND that is guiding all of history TOLD US SO IN HIS BOOK! Whether we like it or not…ITS GOING TO HAPPEN!
There will be wars and rumors of wars…there will be devastation where 1/3 of the worlds population will be destroyed….and then another 1/4…these will be perilous times!
BUT….those who know the Lord…are not to fear… or be overcome… by these things! We’re to occupy and do our best…but mostly we’re to trust and keep looking up for OUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NEIGH! There’s no way to stop or change any of this….just be ready to meet the Lord…for His coming is soon!
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) was the first sell out to globalism. Then Warren Harding onward. In the '30's FDR pushed socialist agendas. The adults during that time only had access to newspapers and then radio in the 1920's, yet did nothing to stop it. Congress complied to gov. agendas onward.
What a wonderful reminder for us to remember that God is in control.
I believe the end of days has turned into hours and we must battle on until He returns or calls us home.
Until that time comes, we must continue to warn others of the dangers of this world and the ones to come in the next if one doesn’t know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
If one doesn’t truly know the Lord, I would suggest reading the book of John in the Bible.
Thank you Lorraine for reminding us what is really important and where our focus should be.
And thus we come to the heart of the real problem. Small minds think small thoughts. People keep waiting for a one world government that we already living in!
EVIL-BASTARDS-INCORPORATED conquered the American Republic with the War of 1812 then buried US in debt with Civil War and shackled US to the Crown Corporation. That one phony War in 1812 prevented the fullfilment of the the Titles of Nobility Amendment of 1810 that would have never made it possible to have a foreign controlled incorporated (UNCONSTITUTIONAL) fake BAR legal system with crooked policy makers in government instead of Law Makers!! DID YOU KNOW that the word POLICE comes from POLICY ENFORCEMENT and has NOTHING TO DO WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT?! We haven't had actual Law Enforcement in this country in 153 YEARS!
AMERICA has been ruled by a FOREIGN CORPORATION as a FAKE DEMOCRACY since 1871 then cemented in 1878! No REPUBLIC form of LAW has existed in this country since 1878 when America became part of the, now, 172 country World Corporation!
What is this Columbia that Washington is a District of?! Did you know that the phoney Statue of Liberty is the Goddess Columbia just like the woman in the Columbia Pictures logo?! Hmmmm?! We're already living in Matthew 24! But the end is not yet.
Geez' people, Trump and team are certainly not capable, experienced, or righteously based enuf to correct all the ills and evils that you can see exist. These are all new issues - only been 50+ yrs in the making, and should be correctable within his 1st week or two in office. We can certainly no longer trust anyone to do the right thing. Course, Trump has done more than any one person I've ever seen, in business or politics. He might be deserving of a grudging respect, but with an eagle eye on the lookout for errors or omissions, or unexpected change, or adjustments to meet changing needs, which nevet happens in politics.
Maybe We the People should get off our duffs and help out, hold some of the other politicians to account,view you can continue to whine and pass accusations and blame. Time for some attitude adjustments,!
People aren't going to find the real facts by rummaging through the fake news looking for real clues. There's too much bullsh!t being filter through more layers of bullsh!t. The facade of fake new is like the fake towns built on movie sets made to tell stories. You can make any story you want with any movie set in the world but what counts is who's tell the story and why. The facade is there to tell you what to believe until someone makes you question the story by calling out the fake news with different facts. Even then, people are too mesmerized to see the hologram projectors (smoke and mirrors) and wizards creating the fake news. The facade has been so perfect that even Walt Disney creations look like he was a snake oil salesman. Why do we have almost the exact same technology that existed in the 1980s? 40 years and very little has changed!! Who's running the show and who's keeping the real secrets?!!
Deep Sea schools said it was a fight between Son's of dark and the Son's of Light. So which side do you think Trump has acted in behalf of. you know them by their deeds. Mathew 7:16
Thanks Leo,always great stuff,do not trust any politicians,Trump didn't start any foreign wars but he sure was on board with the war against the American people by our own government,media,big tech, bureaucrats etc Democrats and Republicans under his watch and he's still.proud of the Warped injections as president Fauci ran the country and Trump was VP,will President Musk be president and VP Trump in round 2 we shall see,and the disgusting thing is not one person has ever been held accountable for the evil, tyranny,lies, propaganda and censorship done to Americans,very sad do not be fooled or deceived by any politicians.. Blessings
Maranatha Lord Jesus Christ TITUS 2 13
Psalm 2 Psalm 9 17 Psalm 33 12 Psalm 118:6-9 Jeremiah 17:5-7 Acts 5:29 John 3 16 John 14 6.
Completely Concur...and further (hoping & praying my perspective is NOT correct for all of our sakes), believe that Trump's "selection" was predetermined for just this point in time (noting again that the 2020 "selection" was totally "rigged" but the 2024 "selection" was prefect because "we" won) because his "followers" have so completely lost their bearings (and are all relieved and now open to whatever is proposed) that he will be able to lead them down paths that no "demoncrat" would be successful in doing en masse without extreme measures and a great deal of backlash and resistance - his "missteps" easily forgiven and forgotten (and excuses provided for him). All (or the majority) of his "picks" (probably from a list he was given) are technocrats, globalists, corporatists, zionists, pro-vaxxers (even RFKJr who keeps saying he's not against jabs, just wants testing to prove they're efficacious - which of course they're not and never have been) and of course, he has Elon who is proud to have so easily and publicly purchased himself a President -- to help him continue raking in the billions from government contracts and to further his desires for global governance, transhumanism, "climate" controls of every imaginable kind (including "carbon credits" and the wholesale overhaul/realignment of the global economic systems) while attending meetings and influencing decisions that are far from his station and place as a business person with deep (familial) history of globalist aspirations and inclinations. Our sovereignty (individually and as a nation state) and the idea of "America First" is a delusion sold to people who have been (purposefully, systematically) wearied by the constant barrage of DEI, ESG, climate folly, technological intrusion into every facet of their lives, an uncertain and unbalanced economic decline and the imminent collapse of our national ability to remain solvent (which from my perspective is now impossible), the emphasis by the experts of "scarcity" and "deprivation" (by the servant class - the elites will continue in their opulence, dictating what is to be done from their organizations, political and corporate enclaves, etc.), the redoubling of efforts by the medical/pharmaceutical industrial complexes (in tandem with the military industrial complex) to ensure the populations are jabbed, cowed, and corralled, that they do as they're told and that they comply without complaint, or else. Most are oblivious to the next stages and the real possibility that by March of the new year we will be in more peril than we can imagine -- and it will be the start of a massive hue and cry from the populace for a "government" solution -- ANY solution that gives them their six pack and easy chair and their color TV/video games/social media distractions, etc. That our government has successfully terrorized many other countries, via our CIA-arranged color revolutions, empire overthrows and international conflicts and persists is evidence that this will not change nor diminish. Iran, Russia, China (Taiwan) and on and on -- we break our promises, stir up hatred and cause wars and we then use them to further our interests on behalf of the globalists who are pulling the strings and celebrating how close they are to their one world empire and their absolute control over every aspect of human life, the digitization, inventorying and looting of every asset -- real, natural and manufactured, down to natural processes (yes like photosynthesis) -- the subjugation of humankind (those seen fit to survive post additional rounds of culling) and those deemed useful for whatever purposes they may have for while longer before AI assumes control over the majority of the administration of the affairs of running the world while we who survive recall our enthusiastic and blind acceptance of the superhero who swept the 2024 selections and promised us he'd make everything all right -- just not the "right" we all were led to believe and wanted. Our best and most certain hope is in the kingdom that is eternal and is unassailable by even the most resourceful and evil of humankind and the dark spirits animating them. There is hope in Jesus and in no other. The time remaining here should be spent praying, broadcasting the truth and asking ourselves, our neighbors and those who would "rule" over us what is more important that our eternal souls and why should we trust a construct called "government" that has for all time to present proven it is not of the people, by the people and adamantly opposed to being "for" the people. The latter stages of civilization before the final blow are like the calm before the storm, and 2025 is going to be big blow, without any doubts, facilitated and led by the orange-haired "leader of the free world" (so-called). For the short-term, prepare for the worst and pray for something less severe and merciful -- miracles have occurred in space and time and still can.
Americans have put far too many "faith" in Donald Trump. Instead of having someone like General Michael Flynn, he appoints a warhawk. The only person we can have faith in is Jesus Christ. I fear we are continuing in the same footsteps as the Israelites. At least we're following Biblical Prophecy.
I think people need to step back and take a look at the big picture. When you’re in a gallery looking at paintings if you stand very close, you can only see a small portion of that painting. Step back and you can see the entire painting, giving you the bigger picture of what it means. Trump is where he is today because of the past 15 years. Starting with Obama. Everyone talks about the first time he was president. They speak about how good he was and how he didn’t start new wars and the economy was good and all these things. There is no denying that. This sets him up for this presidential run in office. The election was stolen from him in 2020 by intent and everyone involved did nothing to stop it. This was also by design. It’s the Good cop bad cop scenario. Trump is a globalist. Because things were so bad under Biden and Obama and the rest of the chosen ones that have been president, the way was been paved for Trump to enter into the Savior status. He has become a cult. People are willing to follow him straight into hell if it means to them what they think it means. But because they are shortsighted and can’t see the big picture they will fall into the abyss. Trump is not what you think he is. And because everybody believes in him and worships him, especially his base and everyone’s looking for somebody to stop the world from spiraling out of control even further they’re willing to do whatever he wants. This is dangerous. Very dangerous!. I will not make comparisons in history because everybody will think that I am trying to paint him in a corner. But Trump knows what he’s doing, and this is his opportunity to further the one world order. If you had to pick anybody in the world right now, to actually be king and bring all the nations together and make peace. Who would it be? Think about that. This is where people have to be careful when you give the power to people like Trump to do anything they want, because they will! Everything that he is now is because what has happened in the last 15 years and he is primed and so are the people in this country and around the world for that one person to step on the stage and stop the madness. My question is…at what cost? Let me be clear. I did vote for Trump, but what choice did I have? If I did not participate in the process, then those people who have died to give us the freedom that we currently enjoy then their lives and ultimate sacrifice would have meant nothing. Step back and think for yourself and quit following the narrative and being sucked into it. Be a critical thinker. Do your research and think about it. This moment in history is here for a reason. If there is ever a time for everybody to come together and make peace and just like the old hippies in the 60s would say, make love not war. In this case it would be… make peace, not war no matter what that means. I’m done. I hope our country can return back to the roots of constitutional values. We have to be careful. May God bless you in this new year. Stay safe. We must love each other and protect each other.
I don't think I am the only one to realize that Trump was selected this time around as president (the same as Biden was selected) to be the war president; and Leo, I'm truly thankful for your analysis here. Those who idolize Trump are in for a rude awakening because he is not who they think he is. I don't want to be the sort that says, "I told you so," but I told you so. See that no man deceives you.
False hope is worse than no hope. I don't go out of my way trying to burst people's bubbles. But after watching 30+ years of political and medical reruns. I don't hope for or expect any better from technocrats, globalists or an international Nazi medical system. I'm not saying that people can't change. However, some won't and I won't be holding my breath waiting for them to.
I think Trump is too easily influenced. As long as he has Kushner whispering in his ear, he’s showing he can’t be trusted. First time around, Trump didn’t know how to play the game, but now he’s showing his true colors
Yes, and we are not the only ones to notice this. Several of the youtube channels I watch share the same observations about him. What do I think? I have a nagging feeling that there are very sinister things going on behind the scenes, plans that are waiting behind the curtains, and these things we are seeing; of which there are many, are just a few clues peeking through that curtain for now. The rest will become even more evident once that curtain parts all the way and the stage is set for his term. The goals will be very clear at that time. And the maga crowd will be very disillusioned but it will be too late. Not that there was a better choice, but it was just 'pick your poison' basically and that was what they did not yet know at the time. All the sudden elation and relief when he won, but short lived for sure.
All goings-on have to be checked against what the Bible tells us is going to happen (since to God, it’s history). Therefore, I believe we’re living in Biblical times, and life will become much more difficult (read “catastrophic). I am sad for my children and grandchildren who will have to live through the horrors, but then again, I was born during WWII. We have been blessed to live here and not starving to death elsewhere or trafficked. What have we (I) have done with those blessings.
The scripture said that things will get worse before the return of Jesus Christ. And I don’t agree with the sentiment that all we can do is pray. When Jesus was entering into the garden to pray before he was arrested, he turned to his disciples and asked Peter how many swords they had. Peter answer, we have two. Jesus said it is enough. He also instructed them to go out and buy swords. They had to do this. His meaning was this….those who come here tonight to arrest me and torture me and kill me will do the same to you. You must defend yourself to spread the gospel. You can find this in Luke. Prayer is one form of the sword. The other is your second amendment. Pray without ceasing and be prepared for all things that may come your way and participate in the process. Most Christians have sat on their butts and trembled because they were too afraid to stand up and push back against this evil. So now we’re forced to deal with it. Makes me angry with the church.
Interesting. I heard a commentary on the election that discussed Trump as the false peace maker. Scripture tells us that anti-Christ will be recognized and take over as the leader. 2Thes 2:3-12. Not saying Trump is the anti-Christ but Trump maybe the one who sets up the world peace that fails due to God's timeline.
This is the ‘big picture’ we all need to focus on. The American revolution was not easily won, and what we know is that they were willing to fight for their principles, and their principles were biblically based. Nothing worth fighting for will be easy. But a fight is indeed required.
God has been so very gracious to America…in granting us the freedom and prosperity to get the gospel out to the whole world! In one way it’s been a tremendous blessing…in another it might prove to be our curse…as we are soft…unprepared for truly perilous times of famine…possible war and devastation! But to those who trust in the Lord…. and not in material possessions…even legitimate needs like food…clean water…the basic needs…GOD PROMISES TO CARE FOR US! I believe those who truly love the Lord will be cared for…maybe not to our expectation…but to our survival…both physically but mostly spiritually! After all this world is not our home!😊
Though I voted for Trump, I'm really starting to feel we've been played like puppets once again. He's not even officially in office, yet already going back on many on his "promises" such as the H1B visa issue, that in 2016, he was adamantly against yet now for it, Trump has also had meals with two 100% proven pedophiles & murderers (Justin Trudeau & B Gates) yet did not have them arrested, now this with war. Like a podcaster I watch said "Trump is simply the other wing of the exact same bird of the Democrats" & I'm very sorry to say, it's looking like he was right.
I agree with your assessments. I do not believe things will turn out the way people think and hoped for. Trump has a lot of nominations that are questionable besides the ones you mentioned. In particular Musk and Rumusamey (sp?). Both globalists.
Musk and Ramaswamey might be exposing a lot of wasted money in the government, but after all the extra programs and money has been exposed, where will that extra money be going …?
I Q Trump's appointees mentioned by Leo. Also why doesn't Trump get us out of the UN and tell the members to go to Brussels to hold their meetings, and merge w/ the globalists in the E.U., and set up the UN there for any globalist who wants to join.
Exactly. They know who you are. And where you stand when it comes to your faith. That’s why Jesus said that if he did not intervene and shorten the days that there would not be any flesh left alive. He does this for the elects sake.
Pat? Is that you??? In Alberta? From the Ephesians 511 blog? Ha, what a blast from the past! I'm still doing the thing. But yup, there is definitely an operation with that stuff, a yellow brick road leading to the noahide laws. I could go down a long list but will refrain for now.
Yes, this is Pat who was signed up to Ephesians 511 Blog a long time ago. A young Christian African friend and I have started a website called Truth Uncensored Afrika. Check it out. I have been studying and writing for 20 years. My friend is 21 and I am 84. He is a web designer.
People will be fooled into believing these are good laws to follow especially for the goyim (gentiles). When these laws are implemented there is going to be a lot of surprises. Disobeying the laws, the penalty is death
by beheading.
Law #1: Do not profane G‑d’s Oneness in any way.
Acknowledge that there is a single G‑d who cares about what we are doing and desires that we take care of His world. [No Jesus allowed].
Law #6: Harness and channel the human libido. Incest, adultery, and homosexual relations are forbidden. The family unit is the foundation of human society. Sexuality is the fountain of life and so nothing is more holy than the sexual act. So, too, when abused, nothing can be more debasing and destructive to the human being. [Mass execution.]
Law # 7: Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world.
With every small act of justice, we are restoring harmony to our world, synchronizing it with a supernal order. That is why we must keep the laws established by our government for the country’s stability and harmony.
[The Jewish Sanhedrin will be the supreme court system of the NWO. Already these Laws are passed in the U.S., the Vatican and the United Nations. These laws come from the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah, not the Bible.
And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. Revelation 20:4.
[ 1000 isn't literal. It signifies a large quantity or an abundant measure. The number 1000 also points to God’s infinite power, glory, and everlasting nature.]
When you can find the time, I would love for you to go down that road and put that information out there. It’s what’s needed because people don’t know.
Did you notice the article spells GOD as G-D. You need to check out an article from non Jewish source. The article said singular G-D. My Bible teaches me God is three. Jesus Christ being one of them. You should check out the punishment for the Christians who break the law.
I totally agree. I said as much before he was elected. He’s part of “the club” only difference is most of them are overt but he’s covert which is very dangerous for the American people. Course the MAGA people will live in “denial” til the bitter end too proud to admit they were fooled. I voted for him but only because I didn’t want the witch. It may just be a slower burn instead of a flash bomb like she would have brought on 👹👹
Trump speaks in riddles a lot. I am glad Kamala isn't being inaugurated. Other than that I don't know what to expect. I am certain Amerare being kept in the dark.
You are correct, Leo, we (Americans) are NOT getting the total picture here. There is much to be wary of, to doubt, to hold one's breath, etc. We need the Bigger Picture, and that will come soon in 2025. There is SO much Truth being kept from us, and the Enemy's plans are going to backfire in a big way. Keep praying for God to show Himself as never before!! Thank-you.
I agree with you Leo.
The thing that really bothers me is.
If we can do the research and see who the pretenders are, why can’t Trump?
Makes me wonder, what is really going on here. Have we all been played or are there peaces of the puzzle that haven’t come into clear focus yet ???
Just asking questions.
Just not feeling reassured everything is going to be peachy keen.
NOBODY opposing the 'Root of this Tree of Evil' beginning London, City of London and Switzerland while cowardly hiding behind the Demon Worshiping U.N. is allowed to become wealthy to the tune of BILLIONS, nor to run for political office.
Trump behaved erratically during the first administration, opposing orders and becoming unpredictable. HE PAID WITH 2020's INSTALLATION OF THE DEMENTIA-RIDDEN, TREASONOUS PEDOPHILE and PUPPET SLAVES of the International Crime Syndicate. Wagering Trump will behave this time according to the dictates.
Excellent points made to be taken into account.
Thanks for adding to the conversation.
What a wicked web they weave !!!
For well over 100 years now… the evil powers that be…have been gradually potting planning and endeavoring to gradually bring about a “New World Order” or you might call it a “One World Government”….every president we’ve had has been involved…either reluctantly…hesitantly…or wholeheartedly co-operating and going along to bring this about! Possible one President said NO….and you know what happened to him!
And the HAND that is guiding all of history TOLD US SO IN HIS BOOK! Whether we like it or not…ITS GOING TO HAPPEN!
There will be wars and rumors of wars…there will be devastation where 1/3 of the worlds population will be destroyed….and then another 1/4…these will be perilous times!
BUT….those who know the Lord…are not to fear… or be overcome… by these things! We’re to occupy and do our best…but mostly we’re to trust and keep looking up for OUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NEIGH! There’s no way to stop or change any of this….just be ready to meet the Lord…for His coming is soon!
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) was the first sell out to globalism. Then Warren Harding onward. In the '30's FDR pushed socialist agendas. The adults during that time only had access to newspapers and then radio in the 1920's, yet did nothing to stop it. Congress complied to gov. agendas onward.
You are absolutely right.
What a wonderful reminder for us to remember that God is in control.
I believe the end of days has turned into hours and we must battle on until He returns or calls us home.
Until that time comes, we must continue to warn others of the dangers of this world and the ones to come in the next if one doesn’t know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
If one doesn’t truly know the Lord, I would suggest reading the book of John in the Bible.
Thank you Lorraine for reminding us what is really important and where our focus should be.
And thus we come to the heart of the real problem. Small minds think small thoughts. People keep waiting for a one world government that we already living in!
EVIL-BASTARDS-INCORPORATED conquered the American Republic with the War of 1812 then buried US in debt with Civil War and shackled US to the Crown Corporation. That one phony War in 1812 prevented the fullfilment of the the Titles of Nobility Amendment of 1810 that would have never made it possible to have a foreign controlled incorporated (UNCONSTITUTIONAL) fake BAR legal system with crooked policy makers in government instead of Law Makers!! DID YOU KNOW that the word POLICE comes from POLICY ENFORCEMENT and has NOTHING TO DO WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT?! We haven't had actual Law Enforcement in this country in 153 YEARS!
AMERICA has been ruled by a FOREIGN CORPORATION as a FAKE DEMOCRACY since 1871 then cemented in 1878! No REPUBLIC form of LAW has existed in this country since 1878 when America became part of the, now, 172 country World Corporation!
What is this Columbia that Washington is a District of?! Did you know that the phoney Statue of Liberty is the Goddess Columbia just like the woman in the Columbia Pictures logo?! Hmmmm?! We're already living in Matthew 24! But the end is not yet.
Geez' people, Trump and team are certainly not capable, experienced, or righteously based enuf to correct all the ills and evils that you can see exist. These are all new issues - only been 50+ yrs in the making, and should be correctable within his 1st week or two in office. We can certainly no longer trust anyone to do the right thing. Course, Trump has done more than any one person I've ever seen, in business or politics. He might be deserving of a grudging respect, but with an eagle eye on the lookout for errors or omissions, or unexpected change, or adjustments to meet changing needs, which nevet happens in politics.
Maybe We the People should get off our duffs and help out, hold some of the other politicians to account,view you can continue to whine and pass accusations and blame. Time for some attitude adjustments,!
Excellent points that should be considered in contemplating this topic. Especially the one about us getting off our duffs.
I will direct that point to myself.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas and adding to the discussion.
People aren't going to find the real facts by rummaging through the fake news looking for real clues. There's too much bullsh!t being filter through more layers of bullsh!t. The facade of fake new is like the fake towns built on movie sets made to tell stories. You can make any story you want with any movie set in the world but what counts is who's tell the story and why. The facade is there to tell you what to believe until someone makes you question the story by calling out the fake news with different facts. Even then, people are too mesmerized to see the hologram projectors (smoke and mirrors) and wizards creating the fake news. The facade has been so perfect that even Walt Disney creations look like he was a snake oil salesman. Why do we have almost the exact same technology that existed in the 1980s? 40 years and very little has changed!! Who's running the show and who's keeping the real secrets?!!
Bingo !!!
I think you just named the biggest problem, the MSM news. They have mislead the public and have done it on purpose as you have described perfectly.
Thanks for adding to the conversation and help bring important points to the discussion.
Deep Sea schools said it was a fight between Son's of dark and the Son's of Light. So which side do you think Trump has acted in behalf of. you know them by their deeds. Mathew 7:16
Trump donated large sums of money to the WEF and dined with them.
Thanks Leo,always great stuff,do not trust any politicians,Trump didn't start any foreign wars but he sure was on board with the war against the American people by our own government,media,big tech, bureaucrats etc Democrats and Republicans under his watch and he's still.proud of the Warped injections as president Fauci ran the country and Trump was VP,will President Musk be president and VP Trump in round 2 we shall see,and the disgusting thing is not one person has ever been held accountable for the evil, tyranny,lies, propaganda and censorship done to Americans,very sad do not be fooled or deceived by any politicians.. Blessings
Maranatha Lord Jesus Christ TITUS 2 13
Psalm 2 Psalm 9 17 Psalm 33 12 Psalm 118:6-9 Jeremiah 17:5-7 Acts 5:29 John 3 16 John 14 6.
In Patrick Wood's latest letter he described the future with technocrats in charge!
My only comment is hang on to your hats .... see
My next read💜
Amen my friend.
Completely Concur...and further (hoping & praying my perspective is NOT correct for all of our sakes), believe that Trump's "selection" was predetermined for just this point in time (noting again that the 2020 "selection" was totally "rigged" but the 2024 "selection" was prefect because "we" won) because his "followers" have so completely lost their bearings (and are all relieved and now open to whatever is proposed) that he will be able to lead them down paths that no "demoncrat" would be successful in doing en masse without extreme measures and a great deal of backlash and resistance - his "missteps" easily forgiven and forgotten (and excuses provided for him). All (or the majority) of his "picks" (probably from a list he was given) are technocrats, globalists, corporatists, zionists, pro-vaxxers (even RFKJr who keeps saying he's not against jabs, just wants testing to prove they're efficacious - which of course they're not and never have been) and of course, he has Elon who is proud to have so easily and publicly purchased himself a President -- to help him continue raking in the billions from government contracts and to further his desires for global governance, transhumanism, "climate" controls of every imaginable kind (including "carbon credits" and the wholesale overhaul/realignment of the global economic systems) while attending meetings and influencing decisions that are far from his station and place as a business person with deep (familial) history of globalist aspirations and inclinations. Our sovereignty (individually and as a nation state) and the idea of "America First" is a delusion sold to people who have been (purposefully, systematically) wearied by the constant barrage of DEI, ESG, climate folly, technological intrusion into every facet of their lives, an uncertain and unbalanced economic decline and the imminent collapse of our national ability to remain solvent (which from my perspective is now impossible), the emphasis by the experts of "scarcity" and "deprivation" (by the servant class - the elites will continue in their opulence, dictating what is to be done from their organizations, political and corporate enclaves, etc.), the redoubling of efforts by the medical/pharmaceutical industrial complexes (in tandem with the military industrial complex) to ensure the populations are jabbed, cowed, and corralled, that they do as they're told and that they comply without complaint, or else. Most are oblivious to the next stages and the real possibility that by March of the new year we will be in more peril than we can imagine -- and it will be the start of a massive hue and cry from the populace for a "government" solution -- ANY solution that gives them their six pack and easy chair and their color TV/video games/social media distractions, etc. That our government has successfully terrorized many other countries, via our CIA-arranged color revolutions, empire overthrows and international conflicts and persists is evidence that this will not change nor diminish. Iran, Russia, China (Taiwan) and on and on -- we break our promises, stir up hatred and cause wars and we then use them to further our interests on behalf of the globalists who are pulling the strings and celebrating how close they are to their one world empire and their absolute control over every aspect of human life, the digitization, inventorying and looting of every asset -- real, natural and manufactured, down to natural processes (yes like photosynthesis) -- the subjugation of humankind (those seen fit to survive post additional rounds of culling) and those deemed useful for whatever purposes they may have for while longer before AI assumes control over the majority of the administration of the affairs of running the world while we who survive recall our enthusiastic and blind acceptance of the superhero who swept the 2024 selections and promised us he'd make everything all right -- just not the "right" we all were led to believe and wanted. Our best and most certain hope is in the kingdom that is eternal and is unassailable by even the most resourceful and evil of humankind and the dark spirits animating them. There is hope in Jesus and in no other. The time remaining here should be spent praying, broadcasting the truth and asking ourselves, our neighbors and those who would "rule" over us what is more important that our eternal souls and why should we trust a construct called "government" that has for all time to present proven it is not of the people, by the people and adamantly opposed to being "for" the people. The latter stages of civilization before the final blow are like the calm before the storm, and 2025 is going to be big blow, without any doubts, facilitated and led by the orange-haired "leader of the free world" (so-called). For the short-term, prepare for the worst and pray for something less severe and merciful -- miracles have occurred in space and time and still can.
Awesome and factual commentary. Your opinion is based in reality.
Amen Richard! Many people are still asleep at the wheel of reality and need to quickly wake up.
Outstanding, thank you
Very well said , and unfortunately I have to agree !
Americans have put far too many "faith" in Donald Trump. Instead of having someone like General Michael Flynn, he appoints a warhawk. The only person we can have faith in is Jesus Christ. I fear we are continuing in the same footsteps as the Israelites. At least we're following Biblical Prophecy.
I think people need to step back and take a look at the big picture. When you’re in a gallery looking at paintings if you stand very close, you can only see a small portion of that painting. Step back and you can see the entire painting, giving you the bigger picture of what it means. Trump is where he is today because of the past 15 years. Starting with Obama. Everyone talks about the first time he was president. They speak about how good he was and how he didn’t start new wars and the economy was good and all these things. There is no denying that. This sets him up for this presidential run in office. The election was stolen from him in 2020 by intent and everyone involved did nothing to stop it. This was also by design. It’s the Good cop bad cop scenario. Trump is a globalist. Because things were so bad under Biden and Obama and the rest of the chosen ones that have been president, the way was been paved for Trump to enter into the Savior status. He has become a cult. People are willing to follow him straight into hell if it means to them what they think it means. But because they are shortsighted and can’t see the big picture they will fall into the abyss. Trump is not what you think he is. And because everybody believes in him and worships him, especially his base and everyone’s looking for somebody to stop the world from spiraling out of control even further they’re willing to do whatever he wants. This is dangerous. Very dangerous!. I will not make comparisons in history because everybody will think that I am trying to paint him in a corner. But Trump knows what he’s doing, and this is his opportunity to further the one world order. If you had to pick anybody in the world right now, to actually be king and bring all the nations together and make peace. Who would it be? Think about that. This is where people have to be careful when you give the power to people like Trump to do anything they want, because they will! Everything that he is now is because what has happened in the last 15 years and he is primed and so are the people in this country and around the world for that one person to step on the stage and stop the madness. My question is…at what cost? Let me be clear. I did vote for Trump, but what choice did I have? If I did not participate in the process, then those people who have died to give us the freedom that we currently enjoy then their lives and ultimate sacrifice would have meant nothing. Step back and think for yourself and quit following the narrative and being sucked into it. Be a critical thinker. Do your research and think about it. This moment in history is here for a reason. If there is ever a time for everybody to come together and make peace and just like the old hippies in the 60s would say, make love not war. In this case it would be… make peace, not war no matter what that means. I’m done. I hope our country can return back to the roots of constitutional values. We have to be careful. May God bless you in this new year. Stay safe. We must love each other and protect each other.
Totally agree with you.
I don't think I am the only one to realize that Trump was selected this time around as president (the same as Biden was selected) to be the war president; and Leo, I'm truly thankful for your analysis here. Those who idolize Trump are in for a rude awakening because he is not who they think he is. I don't want to be the sort that says, "I told you so," but I told you so. See that no man deceives you.
False hope is worse than no hope. I don't go out of my way trying to burst people's bubbles. But after watching 30+ years of political and medical reruns. I don't hope for or expect any better from technocrats, globalists or an international Nazi medical system. I'm not saying that people can't change. However, some won't and I won't be holding my breath waiting for them to.
I think Trump is too easily influenced. As long as he has Kushner whispering in his ear, he’s showing he can’t be trusted. First time around, Trump didn’t know how to play the game, but now he’s showing his true colors
I believe he knows what he's doing. He's following his script.
1 puppet preznit paves the way for the next one.
Yes, and we are not the only ones to notice this. Several of the youtube channels I watch share the same observations about him. What do I think? I have a nagging feeling that there are very sinister things going on behind the scenes, plans that are waiting behind the curtains, and these things we are seeing; of which there are many, are just a few clues peeking through that curtain for now. The rest will become even more evident once that curtain parts all the way and the stage is set for his term. The goals will be very clear at that time. And the maga crowd will be very disillusioned but it will be too late. Not that there was a better choice, but it was just 'pick your poison' basically and that was what they did not yet know at the time. All the sudden elation and relief when he won, but short lived for sure.
Excellent commentary! Spot on!
All goings-on have to be checked against what the Bible tells us is going to happen (since to God, it’s history). Therefore, I believe we’re living in Biblical times, and life will become much more difficult (read “catastrophic). I am sad for my children and grandchildren who will have to live through the horrors, but then again, I was born during WWII. We have been blessed to live here and not starving to death elsewhere or trafficked. What have we (I) have done with those blessings.
The scripture said that things will get worse before the return of Jesus Christ. And I don’t agree with the sentiment that all we can do is pray. When Jesus was entering into the garden to pray before he was arrested, he turned to his disciples and asked Peter how many swords they had. Peter answer, we have two. Jesus said it is enough. He also instructed them to go out and buy swords. They had to do this. His meaning was this….those who come here tonight to arrest me and torture me and kill me will do the same to you. You must defend yourself to spread the gospel. You can find this in Luke. Prayer is one form of the sword. The other is your second amendment. Pray without ceasing and be prepared for all things that may come your way and participate in the process. Most Christians have sat on their butts and trembled because they were too afraid to stand up and push back against this evil. So now we’re forced to deal with it. Makes me angry with the church.
Interesting. I heard a commentary on the election that discussed Trump as the false peace maker. Scripture tells us that anti-Christ will be recognized and take over as the leader. 2Thes 2:3-12. Not saying Trump is the anti-Christ but Trump maybe the one who sets up the world peace that fails due to God's timeline.
This is the ‘big picture’ we all need to focus on. The American revolution was not easily won, and what we know is that they were willing to fight for their principles, and their principles were biblically based. Nothing worth fighting for will be easy. But a fight is indeed required.
I agree with you 100%. The principles you talk about are based in your faith in God and the constitution. There is no gray area with God.
God has been so very gracious to America…in granting us the freedom and prosperity to get the gospel out to the whole world! In one way it’s been a tremendous blessing…in another it might prove to be our curse…as we are soft…unprepared for truly perilous times of famine…possible war and devastation! But to those who trust in the Lord…. and not in material possessions…even legitimate needs like food…clean water…the basic needs…GOD PROMISES TO CARE FOR US! I believe those who truly love the Lord will be cared for…maybe not to our expectation…but to our survival…both physically but mostly spiritually! After all this world is not our home!😊
Though I voted for Trump, I'm really starting to feel we've been played like puppets once again. He's not even officially in office, yet already going back on many on his "promises" such as the H1B visa issue, that in 2016, he was adamantly against yet now for it, Trump has also had meals with two 100% proven pedophiles & murderers (Justin Trudeau & B Gates) yet did not have them arrested, now this with war. Like a podcaster I watch said "Trump is simply the other wing of the exact same bird of the Democrats" & I'm very sorry to say, it's looking like he was right.
I agree with your assessments. I do not believe things will turn out the way people think and hoped for. Trump has a lot of nominations that are questionable besides the ones you mentioned. In particular Musk and Rumusamey (sp?). Both globalists.
Musk and Ramaswamey might be exposing a lot of wasted money in the government, but after all the extra programs and money has been exposed, where will that extra money be going …?
Those 2 evil grifters will get their fair share, no doubt.
Donald Trump belongs to the Chabad sect that promote the Noahide Laws. Trump is their man.
I believe Trump will turn on America. Most Americans do not know what the
Noahide Laws are, how everyone who believes in Jesus Christ will be killed.
I do not believe that Trump is our friend.
I Q Trump's appointees mentioned by Leo. Also why doesn't Trump get us out of the UN and tell the members to go to Brussels to hold their meetings, and merge w/ the globalists in the E.U., and set up the UN there for any globalist who wants to join.
Exactly. They know who you are. And where you stand when it comes to your faith. That’s why Jesus said that if he did not intervene and shorten the days that there would not be any flesh left alive. He does this for the elects sake.
Pat? Is that you??? In Alberta? From the Ephesians 511 blog? Ha, what a blast from the past! I'm still doing the thing. But yup, there is definitely an operation with that stuff, a yellow brick road leading to the noahide laws. I could go down a long list but will refrain for now.
Yes, this is Pat who was signed up to Ephesians 511 Blog a long time ago. A young Christian African friend and I have started a website called Truth Uncensored Afrika. Check it out. I have been studying and writing for 20 years. My friend is 21 and I am 84. He is a web designer.
Noahide Laws series
BRAVO, PAT!!!!!!!
People will be fooled into believing these are good laws to follow especially for the goyim (gentiles). When these laws are implemented there is going to be a lot of surprises. Disobeying the laws, the penalty is death
by beheading.
Law #1: Do not profane G‑d’s Oneness in any way.
Acknowledge that there is a single G‑d who cares about what we are doing and desires that we take care of His world. [No Jesus allowed].
Law #6: Harness and channel the human libido. Incest, adultery, and homosexual relations are forbidden. The family unit is the foundation of human society. Sexuality is the fountain of life and so nothing is more holy than the sexual act. So, too, when abused, nothing can be more debasing and destructive to the human being. [Mass execution.]
Law # 7: Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world.
With every small act of justice, we are restoring harmony to our world, synchronizing it with a supernal order. That is why we must keep the laws established by our government for the country’s stability and harmony.
[The Jewish Sanhedrin will be the supreme court system of the NWO. Already these Laws are passed in the U.S., the Vatican and the United Nations. These laws come from the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah, not the Bible.
And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. Revelation 20:4.
[ 1000 isn't literal. It signifies a large quantity or an abundant measure. The number 1000 also points to God’s infinite power, glory, and everlasting nature.]
Thanks, Pat! It is my understanding that the Noahide Laws are already
Law in the United States. I remember a video of Ron DeSantis, Florida
Governor, with Jewish men, officials of some sort, and he was signing
the Noahide Laws into Florida Law.
Been a few years, but DeSantis was grinning. One of the laws was very
benign, having to do with “quiet time” for children in school. He would
not have been grinning if he was reading that ‘anyone who believes in
Jesus Christ would be beheaded.’ Those in charge of this chicanery
smartly kept the ‘anti Jesus Christ law’ hidden.
When you can find the time, I would love for you to go down that road and put that information out there. It’s what’s needed because people don’t know.
In my opinion, Trump has far more allegiance to Israel, his family and Bibi who are there, than to America.
Signs in Israel said, Trump make Israel great again. He is already.
Seems favorable to live by.. Noahide Laws
Did you notice the article spells GOD as G-D. You need to check out an article from non Jewish source. The article said singular G-D. My Bible teaches me God is three. Jesus Christ being one of them. You should check out the punishment for the Christians who break the law.
Ohio Deb, Briezeeway is correct. Dig deeper concerning the Noahide Laws.
You might find info on the site, Israeli News Live. I wonder if all the Zionist
(Old Testament)Christians who so deeply support Israel, are aware of what they
are really supporting. Hmm. . . their own demise?
Thank you Carol…
You’re very welcome, Ohio Deb.
I feel very uneasy about his choices now. Red alerts are going off in me! Has he stabbed us all in the back?
I totally agree. I said as much before he was elected. He’s part of “the club” only difference is most of them are overt but he’s covert which is very dangerous for the American people. Course the MAGA people will live in “denial” til the bitter end too proud to admit they were fooled. I voted for him but only because I didn’t want the witch. It may just be a slower burn instead of a flash bomb like she would have brought on 👹👹
Trump speaks in riddles a lot. I am glad Kamala isn't being inaugurated. Other than that I don't know what to expect. I am certain Amerare being kept in the dark.
You are correct, Leo, we (Americans) are NOT getting the total picture here. There is much to be wary of, to doubt, to hold one's breath, etc. We need the Bigger Picture, and that will come soon in 2025. There is SO much Truth being kept from us, and the Enemy's plans are going to backfire in a big way. Keep praying for God to show Himself as never before!! Thank-you.
All we can do IS TO PRAY 🙏 AND PUT OUR TRUST IN GOD AND NOT IN MAN!🛐🙏👑♾️💞❤️🩹🫂🕯️🕊️🌱🧬