You nailed it, Leo!!! Excellent. Thank you.

What a shock these mega-rich, power hungry will have when they find out that not only

is Jesus Christ real, but that they will stand before Him.

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Leo Hohmann: My name is Carl L. McWilliams. I am a 76 year old serial entrepreneur, a self-employed sociologist and I have been involved in renewable energy, disruptive technologies and regional/local economic development for over forty years. In 2012, I began a personally funded socioeconomic inquiry into the energy transition from the carbon-based industrial revolution economy - into the low-carbon renewable energy infrastructure of Alvin Toffler's THIRD WAVE. This is a Google Docs link to a working draft manuscript of my on-going scientific inquiry and is a work in progress:


That said, I would like you to become aware of a discovery I made in my socioeconomic research into the THIRD WAVE. FYI: The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement does not include the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Entropy) in it's climate change modeling. Please be cognizant; the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement is silent on entropy and that is illogical to me. Ignoring the Second Law of Thermodynamics in global warming science is the equivalent of ignoring Newton's Second Law (f=ma) in rocket science

However, the reason this entropy discovery of mine is of national importance is because the 2nd Trump Administration is unaware of the fundamentally flawed 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and are subsequently now making energy policy decisions based upon the flawed science of the Paris Climate Agreement. The major fundamental flaw in the Paris Agreement's modeling is the ignorance that man made CO2 is not a GHG, but instead CO2 is an energy carrier. Accordingly, these three AI-ChatGPT postings of mine regarding the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement are available for public viewing;




Carl L. McWilliams

Glenwood Springs, Western Colorado

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“…the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement is silent on entropy and that is illogical to me.”

Not at all! When an organization has an agenda, they don't want to be diverted from their course by something as inconvenient as the facts.

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Thanks professor but for those of us with a working brain, we knew it was all a hoax since the beginning. Never let a manufactured crisis go to waste.

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Are you implying I do not have a brain? Please explain your comment.

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Thank you Carl!!!

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Have you passed this information on to Geoengineeringwatch.org?

Thank you for presenting this information here.

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No I have not Carol. Perhaps you would forward? Thank you.

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And it won't go well for them!

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1.) Climate Change Hoax

2.) COVID Hoax

3.) Fake Money Laundering Ukraine War Scam

4.) USAID Money Scam

Doing what the DemonRats and RepubTurds do best, fleece American Tax Payer's; in the name of taxation without Representation. How much longer can We the People take this BS?

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AMEN, Leo! Bingo...Again. Keep it up, brother. The Sane Ones are behind you!! Thanks a bunch.

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With CO2, the planet is a green, growing garden, & plants, animals, & humans thrive.

Without CO2, the planet is a desert, & plants, animals, & humans suffer.

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Exactly. I think the dems sit around smoking pot and come up with these absurd ideas just to laugh at the idiotic public

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they're getting kickbacks. it's all for the money

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No, they make smoking pot legal so that more of the public will become lazy and idiotic. Then those will more likely go along with the idiotic made -up schemes!

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Leading Astrophysicist Destroys UN Climate Agenda with Explosive Research C02 starvation [5 Sigma confidence]. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/leading-astrophysicist-destroys-un

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You’re right on! Without carbon dioxide all we humans all die!

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The Global Warming/Climate Change idea is a decoy. It distracts attention from something else, which is declining oil reserves. Sure, plenty of people make a lot of money off of the Climate Change idea, but greed isn't the controlling state of affairs. TPTB know, better than anyone else, that oil reserves are declining, in the first place, and in the second place the remaining oil is both harder to extract and less energetic, overall. So they seek to limit oil usage by us so that there will enough left to maintain technological society in general and also support lavish energy use by themselves. Also, it goes without saying, that when they tender these alternative energy sources (wind, solar, etc.) they are very careful not to discuss the situation quantitatively, and instead wave their arms about green energy as a realistic alternative. But they aren't alternatives. There is no substitute for oil.

In the meantime they try to sweep discussion of declining oil reserves under the rug as much as possible, and they also float these phony abiotic oil arguments, which have the effect of convincing people that oil reserves aren't declining, and there will always be plenty of it. But nature is what it is, and unfortunately, there is no substitute for oil; so one way or another there is going to be a population decline starting soon (since oil energy is converted to food which is converted to people). It makes you wonder about all these population suppressing gambits they're coming up with (such as self-amplifying "vaccines") that taken together reduce the population. Maybe they want to manage the inevitable die-off in order to favor themselves, yes? The swine.

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You are right! The planets resources are dwindling…but our bibles told us this long ago! God would one day do away with this planet…and create a new one…for His redeemed people! Of course they don’t believe in God…or His word…so they have to try and make these resources last forever…that means getting rid of us….useless eaters…and energy users! That I believe… is what a lot of this is about! Along with experimenting on us they’re also trying to create… a way to live forever…down here! Boy…do they have their work cut out for them! And it’s all for nothing! And they’re going to wind up getting all the energy they can stand…forever! Eternal fiery everlasting energy! And they deserve every bit of it!!

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You said it, Lorraine. . .”and it’s ALL FOR NOTHING!!!”


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The Cost of Net Zero: A Luxury Belief Europe, Canada, and Australia Cannot Afford https://gather2030.substack.com/p/the-cost-of-net-zero-a-luxury-belief

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Great article Doreen. Paul Marshall's speech, well said!

And look at the damages done to some of these huge solar farms, tornadoes, floods, etc., all the unretrievable toxic materials spewed for miles.

And flocks of migrating birds get fried flying over them. Or the panels in some become obsolete, and (or) the solar company goes bankrupt, what disasters they are!

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Hello Christine. The dark side of solar panels. https://www.emfanalysis.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Dark-Side-of-Solar.pdf

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So we don't have to kill yourself to save the planet

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That's the reason they go to Davos meetings. They need to hear what the power players in Gov.

are going to mandate and require of business. Davos is basically advising the attendees just where they 'may' want to invest. And these days it always evolves around climate change.

At the last meeting it was conveyed that the word 'sustainable' was the green light to be considered as complying with the Globalist. Notice all corporations brag about sustainability in their 'core mission'.

Problem is that so many build their business plan around Government regulations that are just around the corner, it would hurt many to just delete the Endangerment Finding.

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Yep most genuine scientists agree we are only at 0.04 going up 0.1 in the last 30 years it’s definitely all a con.

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Ending the Endangerment Finding is a no brainer and should have been one of the first EOs. Anyone in authority who still professes to believe in all this hoax climate change emergency nonsense is suspect. Certainly people like RFK Jr and Elon Musk are not stupid.

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Dr Dr. Edwin X Berry, has provided the evidence on the IPCC fraud. He says the climate scam is based on three invalid assumptions and shows why.

This is worth looking at. https://edberry.com/

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We've been saying that for years. GLAD THEY FINALLY ARE DOING IT. WHAT A BUNCH OF BS!

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People, we have another big fish to fry. To all my Christian friends and all of any faith or no faith at all... PLEASE check this out concerning the Noahide Laws. Trump may be ushering these in internationally at some point. A Global Noahide Court in the Making on YouTube


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