Commie WEF takeover in plain sight

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'CONTINUITY OF GOVT. is the current WOKE TERMINOLOGY of the GLOBALISTS to define anarchy based in regulatory suspension of the U.S. Constitution practiced at this time. It's also the GLOBALIST rationalization surrounding the NGO Organized/Funded 'Fraud/Cheat Machine', 'Mostly Peaceful Protests' of the NGO Organized Militia and constant LIES, LIES, LIES to cover the CRIME NETWORK LAUNDERING U.S. TAXPAYER $$$ to flow to The Central Bank of England for the Crime Syndicate now maneuvering to OWN and POLICE THE WORLD.

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"Commie?" Who are the Commies?

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FYI: Barack Hussein Obama, Valerie Jarrett and Kamala Harris are all the children of Communists.

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Either a bunch of them(congressmen) have already been arrested or worse, or they’re planning another false flag attack. Either way, this is a Big Hell to the No!

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They are planning a LOT more than another false flag, and they can get started any moment:


There is a law for the enablers and the enforcers, and another for the commoner. The usurpers will never be arrested.

As much as I agree with you on the "NO!," nobody is asking you or me about our extermination:


For comic relief, here is a picture of a cop:


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Looks like a Fedboy

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They haven’t been arrested. Time to stop believing in fairy tales.

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You’re probably right, more than likely they’ve been EXECUTED. Have you even noticed that a bunch of them don’t even look the same anymore? C’mon man

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This is an invitation for a three letter agency to assassinate a group or a single politician of either party who stands in their way (think Sinema and Manchin standing against Schumer's leftist attack on the filibuster) on any issue and have them replaced by a state representative of their choosing by coercion or threats against a governor of that state. It's not a stretch. The CIA killed JFK, who wanted to clean house in the CIA, and when Johnson stepped in, that idea was never mentioned again. Do you really think, with all of today's technology at their fingertips, they couldn't create another Matthew Crooks, John Hinckley or Lee Harvey Oswald? They'd have it arranged by breakfast and spend the rest of the day watching C-SPAN toasting each other's complete lack of integrity and morals with taxpayer funded Döm Perignon. Call your Representatives and Senators both State and Federal and demand they refuse to back this authoritarian Amendment to the Constitution.

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Derren Brown is a hypnotist and mentalist from England. He explores the extent that people can be manipulated, or controlled.

This is a double episode. The first is to see if someone can be "programmed" to kill someone without their even knowing it. Sirhan Sirhan killed Robert F Kennedy (Sr) and later claimed he had no knowledge of doing so. Derren sets out to see if this is possible.

The second is an experiment as an audience dictates what happens to just an ordinary guy. Sort of an over-the-top Truman Show episode.

There are some disturbing things that we see.


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I've had a few therapists back when I was a teen, attempt to hypnotize me (not to make me cluck like a chicken, just to create a relaxed atmosphere for my subconscious and get to the "root of my behavioral issues") and it *never* worked. Even when I made the effort to *try* and be hypnotized, wrongly believing if I made the effort "to be good," my mom and stepfather would stop abusing me. There's no doubt people can be propagandized and it's obvious it's easier to fool someone than convince them they've been fooled, but I do *not* believe you can program a human being to do something so completely against their nature and against their will and have them completely forget it afterward. Sirhan Sirhan was a "Palestinian" who are taught to deceive, lie, play dumb and use violence against their political/religious opponents from the cradle. He was lying and hoping for a "innocent by mental disease or defect" ruling and if he'd shot a presidential candidate today, he'd have even odds of that working. I appreciate the idea, however, we have enough problems without buying into the delusions of the left or conspiracy theories with no hard evidence behind them.

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Exactly my thoughts! A simple way of eliminating any opposition in completely destroying the country.

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It's such a tinderbox here now that violence can almost be expected, no matter who "wins" the election in November. Add to that all the other threats and it's frightening to think about. As I heard on the Steve Deace Show today, even if Trump wins, we've just given ourselves a little more time to try to make a lasting difference. I don't know if it is possible. There's no hope other than trusting in Jesus.

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People just don’t want to accept we are under God’s judgment now.

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I believe that, and we are certainly deserving. Still, I believe that God has spared Trump's life for some reason, so could it be that He's giving us a second chance?

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Repentance, for sure.

Not sure of anything beyond that...

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

Franklin D. Roosevelt 👆 🤔

Matthew 10:26 KJV

Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

Mark 4:22 KJV

For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

Luke 12:3 KJV

Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

⚖️ God's Justice is Coming ⚖️

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Well IF there is a God she/he is wicked!

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No, but you are!

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You stupid religious people.........

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No, but you are.....

What all these intolerant atheists don't know is that maybe we know something they don't. And.... we do! The joke will be on you, only it won't be funny.

If you can't handle it that there are religious people in the world, and can't come to a comment section and behave in a civilized manner, without insulting people merely for being religious, which a been a thing since the getgo, then maybe you should not be here. Just saying.

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You really think they “know” that a mass attack on congress is evident? Bwaaaa!!!! Open borders would close quicker than Harris can flip-flop if they were truly concerned. By the way, bipartisan support is a ridiculous concept. There are minimal differences now when it comes to Dems vs Rinos. Where are the real conservatives lining up for this Constitutional change?

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I believe they're not only trying to control the presidential election by trying to assassinate Donald Trump, they're also trying to take over Congress and the Senate and maintain control in any way they can. They have no problem taking human lives, even those on their side, to forward their deranged agenda. I think they know their days in power are numbered.

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Sounds like a Tom Clancy novel I read where a renegade Japanese pilot flies a jumbo jet into the capital during a State of the Union address which results in Jack Ryan becoming President.

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They are like a gambling casino. Stacking the deck, putting the odds in their favor, making it harder for us to win.

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

This is to be the backup plan for congress to be able to pick the next president. When individual congressmen/women are killed, or die. Conservative congressmen/women in states with a liberal governor should be worried about this effort.

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This surely raises a red flag.

According to my estimate, the globalist plan is drawing to an end:


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Thanks Leo always good stuff, blessings

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All but one congress-members have Zionist "minders"...

Just let them slip onto the vacant seat ...

It won't make any difference to the gullible tax-payer ...

and won't even be noticed in public considering the recent advances in artificial human skin-like masks ...


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Hmmm 🤔 - Seems to most of us that there is already large swathes of the nation that are already unrepresented… but, hell to the no!

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Hell No, They will change the second Amendment & you won’t be allowed to own any gun maybe a single shot black powder muzzle loader. Worse yet, we will have a total ban on firearms like England/Australia/Russia/China/ Central African Republic/


/Eritrea/Fiji/ Guinea/Bissau/ Maldives/Mali/Marshall Islands/ Myanmar/Nauru/North Korea/ Palau/Seychelles/Solomon Islands/ Somalia/Timor Leste and Vatican City.

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I believe 3/4 of the states (38) must ratify any amendment. Congress sends the proposed amendment, approved by Congress, to the governors of each state who either send the proposed amendment to their state legislatures or a state ratifying convention.

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They sure are getting a lot of measures in place for "mass casualties," aren't they???

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