We, the chosen elites, have the most powerful all-seeing, all-knowing, all-encompassing computer on our side. It is so magical that it can create anything out of nothing. It is so incredible that no human brain can fathom it. It is spelled G-O-D.
Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be King of Creation.
We really are in an amazing time.
Keep the faith. We were never promised it would be easy. But we were promised God would always be by our side to protect us in this journey to eternity.
"Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle!"
Pirate S., I listened to Altiyan Childs song 'somewhere in the world tonight'. I really like it, good performance too.
It's prophetic in a way, the wording...'take me there'. God did 'take him to a place', eventually, to speak of great dangers to the public that we need to be aware of.
Your welcome. And Thank You !!! , for telling me that the X- Factor was a musical competition, thought it was like an obstacle course or something else! LOL. So I had never bothered to look it up all these years, since first seeing his 5 hour you tube.
The song makes me happy, it's calming. (I've listened to & watched his other performances several times now too.) It has the human factor that we look forward to in others when hearts are in the right place.
I would've missed out, if you hadn't mentioned that he was musically talented.
Yeah, well, don't get your tinsel in a tangle, I don't even think DOGE is a real thing. It doesn't have to be, as long as it's being discussed in the news.
I knew in my heart there was something more to the name but it didn’t click. I’ll bet Elon thinks he’s very clever. Just like Satan. E-GOD. What arrogance .
Arrogance is how you know who they are. By their fruit.
The name is so obvious it's easy to miss. Like a snake camouflaged in the grass that you don't see until right before you step on it.
Elon's downfall will be because he thinks he's so clever. I'm sure the name "came" to him like others who describe such things and Elon takes credit for it. Credit he will pay for.
Massive collection centers? In this messed up chess game, remember, the King always has one more move...when we think the evil one has us at check mate.
I will pray that our Lord & King Jesus Christ will fling a few asteroids into these gross 'massive collection centers'. Evil men are so arrogant 😝
Aren’t they! Little do they know they are mere “Pip Squeaks” in the eyes of the Lord…and He laughs at them! Psalm 2:4 The Bible does speak of something coming out of the sky destroying 1/3 of everything on earth and in sea! When the Lord shows up…they are going to melt on the spot! Zech 14:12. Talk about technology! God has the power to disappear them in a moment…in the twinkling of an eye! Then God has the power to resurrect them and place them in a burning inferno in immortal bodies for all eternity! God help them is all I’ve got to say! They are to be pitied! They think they’re building advanced technology! They are actually building mountains and Mount Everest mountains…of judgment against themselves! And someday…. it’s all going to come crashing down on them!
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 are for Christians not unbelievers.
Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry is a solid series and ties in the Old Testament also. The Old Testament is not irrelevant, it contains information that has not been fulfilled yet, it just got put on hold bc Israel rejected their Messiah so the church age started, but the Church age is almost over and Israel will finally receive her Messiah. Sadly they will fall for the Antichrist first, but then they WILL receive their Messiah and mourn for the one they pierced Zechariah 12:10. Too many more details but a lot are in that series by Armstrong.
Honestly, Lorraine, I just ask for Jesus to unplug these massive data centers that are usurping our identities. I don't want any humans harmed in the process.
I truly want every person to have the chance to turn their heart to Jesus before its too late.
Biblically it sounds like it's during the 7 year tribulation that there is a great multitude (Revelation 7:9-17) that finally receives Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. (They get beheaded, I kind of wonder if that's where the Noahide Laws might come into play, not sure. But its Gods mercy they get beheaded and no longer suffer). It bothers me too that not many will pay attention now. It is very hard knowing what's coming and people won't listen or accept Jesus. BUT.... they eventually will during the 7 year tribulation... so that does give me hope. I just look forward to this all being done and Jesus ruling and reigning.
Yep, Noahide Laws will probably be a part of it. Also the F🔺️M🔺️'s. Top down orders, the lower minions will comply. It's going to get really ugly. People need to wake up.
Believe me Christine…they’ve had their chance! The gospel has covered the whole earth…they’ve rejected it! And the word is very clear that those who receive not the love of the truth…will eventually be deceived by none other than God Himself! 2 Thess. 2:11
There is a line of no return…there is a God who has the power to soften and harden hearts! Romans 9:18. They are at His mercy if they ever come around it will only be because of Gods grace! Really they are helpless… and totally at the mercy of the Living God! God also warns “Do not harden your heart!”…Heb 3:8…..many of those who did… in the past…ended up being destroyed!
Wow! Wonder if their consciousness is just seared from constantly rejecting Him.The bunkers they've built for themselves indicates that they know they are doing wrong.
You are right on…those bunkers are escape dens for them! The only thing is…God blows their cover…as they hide in the rocks they cry out for the rocks to fall on them and hide them from the One Who sits on the Throne! They see the Son of man coming in judgment! Rev. 6:16. There is not a man on this earth who does not know there is a God! You’re right…their conscience… is already at work…accusing them…as it does in all of us when we do wrong!😮
Some "progress," although not much, is actually beneficial to mankind. Making things better, bigger, faster generally means that things become more complicated, more expensive and more costly to repair, if possible. More advanced usually means more money for the creators. If the claim is more convenience, improved, more reliable, safer, etc., the claim is usually false. Progress in computing usually brings loss of control and freedom for the consumer. The gains benefit only corporations and governments. What has been given to us by the Creator is perfect and cannot be improved. Beware the Science. Have we learned nothing in the last few years?
Right!💡Of course! Don't they need coal for that? But they closed the coal mines here. Guess they will buy China's filthy coal (burns dirtier), not as dense as ours in US.
I know, it's like they don't really think long term about all the critical side effects of natural resources becoming scarce. Just because they figured out how to brain drain doesn't mean they HAVE to do it! They are truly deceived.
Whistleblowers Dr. Robert Duncan was suicided last year and Cyrus Parsa was suicided this past week as reported by Dr. Ana Mihalcea in her Substack yesterday.
Both men have variety of presentations to Whistleblow the dangers of this technology to the general public. This is one such video on YouTube included with Mihalcea's Post. Is worth the time to watch.
Rejoice for prophesy is being fulfilled. There are a small number of end-time Biblical students who have suggested the AI and trans-human movements are prophesized @ Daniel 2: 43.
I've been "stuck like glue to Dan. 2 since the jxx.v.i.d.Pharma.military.gov.CO.INC. scamplandemic came to shore. Uncut Stone beats Beast every time...
What is incomprehensible to me is do they not have their own lives to be concerned with and enjoy rather than some random person in Bangladeshi or Idalou, TX.
I’ve said this before, but what is happening in the world is all the proof I need that Jesus will return soon. The God who sent the great flood and disrupted civilization at the Tower of Babel is not going to do nothing as humanity is turned into digital slaves.
100% nefarious, 0% human friendly. Unless you can show me how it will benefit mankind with good paying jobs and eliminate crime, we doubt it is for the betterment of humankind.
We, the chosen elites, have the most powerful all-seeing, all-knowing, all-encompassing computer on our side. It is so magical that it can create anything out of nothing. It is so incredible that no human brain can fathom it. It is spelled G-O-D.
"Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts."
Zechariah 4: 6
Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be King of Creation.
We really are in an amazing time.
Keep the faith. We were never promised it would be easy. But we were promised God would always be by our side to protect us in this journey to eternity.
"Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle!"
Psalm 24:7–8
DOGE = E-GOD. That's what it is. Electric god. An imitation of the Living God Almighty.
Don't be confused. Find God now.
Thanks for your article.
Thank you, Jesus.
Good catch.
DOGE is not Musk and a band of boys processing information on their laptops.
They are telling the truth when they say Musk isn't running DOGE.
E-GOD is in charge.
Pirate S., I listened to Altiyan Childs song 'somewhere in the world tonight'. I really like it, good performance too.
It's prophetic in a way, the wording...'take me there'. God did 'take him to a place', eventually, to speak of great dangers to the public that we need to be aware of.
To tell us of the urgency to turn to Jesus, now.
Yes. I believe God worked great things through Altiyan.
I am praying the whole world turns to Him now.
Thanks for letting me know, Christine.
Your welcome. And Thank You !!! , for telling me that the X- Factor was a musical competition, thought it was like an obstacle course or something else! LOL. So I had never bothered to look it up all these years, since first seeing his 5 hour you tube.
The song makes me happy, it's calming. (I've listened to & watched his other performances several times now too.) It has the human factor that we look forward to in others when hearts are in the right place.
I would've missed out, if you hadn't mentioned that he was musically talented.
God works in mysterious ways.
Yeah, well, don't get your tinsel in a tangle, I don't even think DOGE is a real thing. It doesn't have to be, as long as it's being discussed in the news.
I knew in my heart there was something more to the name but it didn’t click. I’ll bet Elon thinks he’s very clever. Just like Satan. E-GOD. What arrogance .
Arrogance is how you know who they are. By their fruit.
The name is so obvious it's easy to miss. Like a snake camouflaged in the grass that you don't see until right before you step on it.
Elon's downfall will be because he thinks he's so clever. I'm sure the name "came" to him like others who describe such things and Elon takes credit for it. Credit he will pay for.
God Bless.
Exactly! Remember the snake poem Trump loves to recite? God Bless! 🙏❤️🙏
Massive collection centers? In this messed up chess game, remember, the King always has one more move...when we think the evil one has us at check mate.
I will pray that our Lord & King Jesus Christ will fling a few asteroids into these gross 'massive collection centers'. Evil men are so arrogant 😝
Aren’t they! Little do they know they are mere “Pip Squeaks” in the eyes of the Lord…and He laughs at them! Psalm 2:4 The Bible does speak of something coming out of the sky destroying 1/3 of everything on earth and in sea! When the Lord shows up…they are going to melt on the spot! Zech 14:12. Talk about technology! God has the power to disappear them in a moment…in the twinkling of an eye! Then God has the power to resurrect them and place them in a burning inferno in immortal bodies for all eternity! God help them is all I’ve got to say! They are to be pitied! They think they’re building advanced technology! They are actually building mountains and Mount Everest mountains…of judgment against themselves! And someday…. it’s all going to come crashing down on them!
They will be one more Babel.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 are for Christians not unbelievers.
Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry is a solid series and ties in the Old Testament also. The Old Testament is not irrelevant, it contains information that has not been fulfilled yet, it just got put on hold bc Israel rejected their Messiah so the church age started, but the Church age is almost over and Israel will finally receive her Messiah. Sadly they will fall for the Antichrist first, but then they WILL receive their Messiah and mourn for the one they pierced Zechariah 12:10. Too many more details but a lot are in that series by Armstrong.
Yes Julie. His study on Revelation is very good. Stephen Armstrong really did a great job teaching.
Honestly, Lorraine, I just ask for Jesus to unplug these massive data centers that are usurping our identities. I don't want any humans harmed in the process.
I truly want every person to have the chance to turn their heart to Jesus before its too late.
Biblically it sounds like it's during the 7 year tribulation that there is a great multitude (Revelation 7:9-17) that finally receives Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. (They get beheaded, I kind of wonder if that's where the Noahide Laws might come into play, not sure. But its Gods mercy they get beheaded and no longer suffer). It bothers me too that not many will pay attention now. It is very hard knowing what's coming and people won't listen or accept Jesus. BUT.... they eventually will during the 7 year tribulation... so that does give me hope. I just look forward to this all being done and Jesus ruling and reigning.
Yep, Noahide Laws will probably be a part of it. Also the F🔺️M🔺️'s. Top down orders, the lower minions will comply. It's going to get really ugly. People need to wake up.
Believe me Christine…they’ve had their chance! The gospel has covered the whole earth…they’ve rejected it! And the word is very clear that those who receive not the love of the truth…will eventually be deceived by none other than God Himself! 2 Thess. 2:11
There is a line of no return…there is a God who has the power to soften and harden hearts! Romans 9:18. They are at His mercy if they ever come around it will only be because of Gods grace! Really they are helpless… and totally at the mercy of the Living God! God also warns “Do not harden your heart!”…Heb 3:8…..many of those who did… in the past…ended up being destroyed!
Wow! Wonder if their consciousness is just seared from constantly rejecting Him.The bunkers they've built for themselves indicates that they know they are doing wrong.
You are right on…those bunkers are escape dens for them! The only thing is…God blows their cover…as they hide in the rocks they cry out for the rocks to fall on them and hide them from the One Who sits on the Throne! They see the Son of man coming in judgment! Rev. 6:16. There is not a man on this earth who does not know there is a God! You’re right…their conscience… is already at work…accusing them…as it does in all of us when we do wrong!😮
Some "progress," although not much, is actually beneficial to mankind. Making things better, bigger, faster generally means that things become more complicated, more expensive and more costly to repair, if possible. More advanced usually means more money for the creators. If the claim is more convenience, improved, more reliable, safer, etc., the claim is usually false. Progress in computing usually brings loss of control and freedom for the consumer. The gains benefit only corporations and governments. What has been given to us by the Creator is perfect and cannot be improved. Beware the Science. Have we learned nothing in the last few years?
Yes, and it going to take tons of WATER to keep these massive data collectors cool enough to stay operational.
And, don't forget the gigawatts of electricity. That amount of electric wasn't going to be supplied by windmills and solar panels.
Right!💡Of course! Don't they need coal for that? But they closed the coal mines here. Guess they will buy China's filthy coal (burns dirtier), not as dense as ours in US.
There won’t be enough water for us peasants. In addition how are fires going to be extinguished? The whole dystopian plan is absurd.
I know, it's like they don't really think long term about all the critical side effects of natural resources becoming scarce. Just because they figured out how to brain drain doesn't mean they HAVE to do it! They are truly deceived.
Very well put !
Surely they call the new matter TOTALITARIANISM.
Whistleblowers Dr. Robert Duncan was suicided last year and Cyrus Parsa was suicided this past week as reported by Dr. Ana Mihalcea in her Substack yesterday.
Both men have variety of presentations to Whistleblow the dangers of this technology to the general public. This is one such video on YouTube included with Mihalcea's Post. Is worth the time to watch.
Very sad news. 😔 Thank you for sharing this important information!
Rejoice for prophesy is being fulfilled. There are a small number of end-time Biblical students who have suggested the AI and trans-human movements are prophesized @ Daniel 2: 43.
I've been "stuck like glue to Dan. 2 since the jxx.v.i.d.Pharma.military.gov.CO.INC. scamplandemic came to shore. Uncut Stone beats Beast every time...
What is incomprehensible to me is do they not have their own lives to be concerned with and enjoy rather than some random person in Bangladeshi or Idalou, TX.
(What they do to others will not escape them.)
I call BS on quantum computing. Quantum Computing is the next "progress" that won't come to fruition. It's the next "nuclear weapon." And if you're know about "nukes," it's a big falsity: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/lies-not-discussed-within-the-truth
I’ve said this before, but what is happening in the world is all the proof I need that Jesus will return soon. The God who sent the great flood and disrupted civilization at the Tower of Babel is not going to do nothing as humanity is turned into digital slaves.
“Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”
The Canadian government has one of these computers and input all the data of 42 million Canadians.
Apparently the cure to all our problems is to elect Mark Carnage and to get a booster covid shot every 3 months…..huh who knew🤷🏽♂️
(This message brought to you by the liberal party of Canada and Moderna)
So sorry Canada 😭
Microsoft? Calling bull…. on this one!
It seems the rapture is so near. I so look forward to talking directly to Jesus and being with Him. Very surreal.
100% nefarious, 0% human friendly. Unless you can show me how it will benefit mankind with good paying jobs and eliminate crime, we doubt it is for the betterment of humankind.
Zee final solution