You may know already but the UN MIGRATION COMPACT requires unceasing steady continual MIGRATION. It requires that the settling country provide jobs accommodations etc. Its a no borders world they want.

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Great piece, Leo! These NGOs are a joke! They don’t care for these immigrants! All they are concerned about is the money. So, they get our tax dollars to bring them here, and then dump them on the taxpayers to take care of them. Stealth Invasion is a great book, and I would also encourage you to read Shepherds For Sale by Megan Besham.

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I assume these NGO's are run by leftists that don't care who they help bring in. The church groups involved are members of the National Council of Churches that have been promoting this activity for over 70 years.

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The situations and environments that lead to "refugee resettlement" initiate with the CIA and other intelligence agencies and organizations both foreign and domestic. They install brutal, puppet overlords (presidents) and undermine the spiritual, financial and social fabric of source nations for refugee resettlement.

Personally, while I would relish the opportunity to be pleasantly surprised, I don't see #47 doing what needs to be done. He was (s)elected to take the baton from Diaper Joe, and continue to destroy the U. S. from within. He's already backpedaling on exiting the WHO, as if that meant anything, anyway. With "One Health" policies deployed in each state, the WHO has been nationalized.

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Words that come to mind: human trafficking, slave labor

I read a book once years ago that the elites were running such an operation of oppression to get immigrants here to do all the manual labor and they ended up just being exploited. This was back in the day it was mostly from European countries. Then they shifted south and to other countries. Some more words that come to mind: Irish potato famine

But examples abound.

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The Anglo-American Alliance is behind this and everything that attacks Western civilization/Christianity. Demoncrats attack lower paying jobs with illegally importing people from countries destroyed by the CIA and their cohorts in other intelligence agencies. The Globalist Owned Puppets (GOP) legally import individuals to suppress compensation for higher paying jobs, via visas. We the people are continually squeezed in the middle!

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Great comment, Arthur. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you! Thanks for your column.

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Withdraw from the UN, WEF ban NGOs and defund every think tank, university, tax exempt org, philanthropy, religious org, advocacy org , USAID, and ban foreign lobbying.

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Yes Gail you are correct. Thank you.

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Thank YOU, Carl! For my life, I cannot fathom how many hideous , treasonous acts have been perpetrated over the past fives decades without anybody being held accountable. Everybody’s still hung up on Watergate and Clinton/Monica Lewinsky, which are nothing within the scheme of things. I no longer believe the Watergate spiel happened as were told to believe. After what we’ve witnessed since Trump won the 2016 election, I’m inclined to question whether Nixon was set up. All I’ve heard since childhood during Nixon’s presidency is how corrupt and terrible he was. I know now that much of it was baseless. Racist,antisemitic, on and on. Because he was wiretapped and the tapes were selectively edited to focus his rants solely on Jews. What was cut out is that he included the entire Democrat Partg and every minority and the white majority and Communism within . The difference between Nixon and the Dems is that the Dems expressed every imaginable racist and antisemitic sentiment using disgusting slurs and weren’t just venting. They meant it. And acted on it. Only to learn Nixon who stepped up to give Israel the necessary weaponry to win the Yom Kippur War against the “ advice” of the “revered strategist-diplomat”Kissinger, a horrible bastard.Nixon brought Pat Moynihan in as an advisor. Moynihan was the last of the truly great Dems.And he too was later maligned and sabotaged by the Deep State..primarily orchestrated by Panetta,,Kissinger,Brezinzsky,Baker..it had been going on for years.

Carter and Brezinzki should have been hanged for treason before Carter finished his term.Like all naive for way too long Americans who grew up in a Jewish Democrat household, I chalked up Carter’s loss to being a well-intended, benign person who was naive. The aw shucks peanut farmer. It wasn’t until my mother remarried in 1999 that I learned otherwise. And in the years since, I’ve learned he was an absolute monster. As were Brezinski and his other pal, Kissinger was even worse than what I’d already known. Wherever a tyrant with ideological psychosis antithetical to all things American, Carter abetted, promoted and enabled.Working against the people who would suffer the consequences. Pol Pot,Bin-Laden,Mujahideen(Taliban), the Iranian Revolution led by the Marxist/Islamist Khomeini to overthrow the Shah,Kim Jong Il,Castro,Somoza,Noriega,Papa Doc Duvalier,Marcos,Idi Amin,Mugabe,Castro,Chavez,Maduro,Pinochet,Yaya Sinwar, Solemaini ,Arafat,Xiaoping and my favorite, Jim Jones /Jonestown- All made possible by Dhimmi Carter, and I haven’t even laid out how and what he did. Or the truth behind his selling out America by giving away the Panama Canal.Or the despicable Mariel Boatlift.

Reagan with Iran Contra and blanket amnesty and the Salvadoran/Colombia drug trafficking.. you know, “ Just Say No” and the drug war that that he exacerbated to cover up the Iran debacle. Bush and the Irag WMDs, Clinton with NAFTA, Somalia, China, first WTC Al-Qaeda attack.. W with the Anthrax Mailer, giving Fauci the green light for GOF research, Stem Cell research and appointing him to a newly created secret department within the DoD to weaponize virus for biowarfare to create vaccines and then lying about the anthrax with Cheney/Mueller/Rumsfeld framing Hatfill and Ivins with complicity in the cover up from Pence, Mitch et al. Issuing visas to Pakistanis to perform research at Ft Detrick and disappearing when the anthrax went missing.

It goes on and on and Fauci continued failing upward. Gee, I wonder why?

And the “ Hero”, John McCain. Another one who should have been hanged. Owned by Soros to make matters worse.

All of them in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Note the phrase that was oft repeated by Bush Sr, Clinton, W, McCain, Obama, Biden, Ryan, Romney and all the globalist acolytes: “ the new or liberal World Order”

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I wrote about this very thing, over ten years ago, if from a slightly different angle:


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"Many of the refugees being resettled by these agencies come from countries that hate us — Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Uzbekistan, etc." <<< ??????

I'm sorry, did I miss something??

And just WHY do they 'hate' us??

Might it be that the United States Corporation.....INVADES, BOMBS and OVER THROWS their country/government???

So-called 'AMERICANS' really need to take a GOOD, HARD LOOK in a MIRROR!

ENOUGH with 'American Empire'!

(who THE HELL does TRAITOR Trump think that he IS......going around THREATENING and 'SANCTIONING' other countries, until they BEND to the USSA's WILL?! How VULGAR!)

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Did you vote for cackles?

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Hillary and Kamala were cackling leftist agendas everytime they were pushing their agenda. Another evil cackler is Sen Warren opposing RFK Jr. 's position.

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Are you insane?!?!?! lol

No; I vote for the ONLY NON LIAR.......Dr. Shiva.

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What you are referring to is the root causes of refugee movements. I go into that in great detail in my book. I can’t cover every base in a single Substack post.

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Yes and I saw a yt video once that looked very solidly documented that all of these NGO's were backed by one main one at the top which was Jewish run. I don't recall how to find the video now, this was last year sometime. But whatever it is, it is not good.

Exactly, you cannot serve the Lord while with the other hand go against His Word. The Great Commission is His command to share the gospel with EVERY creature. It has no expiration date, there are no exceptions, we don't need anyone's permission (to obey God), etc. The lies of the emergent church have ushered in apostasy in that area as well.

Personal story: When I was living in San Diego I went to many churches for various reasons. At one church that was supposedly Evangelical, the pastor spoke gushingly about some program the church was involved in to go to the airport and pick up refugees or what have you and drive them to wherever they were going and he went on about what a great 'service' to the Lord this program was... imagine that! He never once mentioned sharing the gospel with them. I have been a researcher myself for quite some time. So I picked up one of those brochures about it and when I got home scanned it and I found an email so I emailed them and asked them direct questions. One of my main questions was that if I was to engage in this activity of airport shuttle, do they have any rule about not sharing the gospel with them? Aha, now is the moment of truth... here we go! There was some going back and forth as they had to ask or something and then they finally got back to me and gave the 'green light' about it. I think they were trying to look good, or they were worried about me suing over a breach of the freedom of speech right or something like that. But it just had that feeling about it. One trick I noticed was that even if a group is doing something illegal, they won't say it is illegal but they will solicit compliance anyway and the unsuspecting lemmings agree to comply and then they sign the form and later they can wave that paper around.... ah yes, but YOU agreed to go along with this rule regardless! So don't fall for that one.

Since they knew I was asking pointed questions they probably didn't want to put all their practices on the table under the light. I was just investigating and would never agree to not share the gospel. I also would not participate in that program. But this way you find out stuff.

Lastly, I am against that anyway. I feel that the country should first make sure its citizens are all well cared for (jobs, healthcare, etc.) before recruiting more people. If you can't take care of those you've got, don't bring in any more! The principle applies to many things. If you can't pay for what you already bought, then don't buy more stuff!

So that's my 3 cents of it all. : )

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Thanks for corroborating what I had from reports from Real Voice America. These organizations have been pulling in piles of taxpayer money parading as religious organizations. America's arch enemy, George Soros and the UN (our money) have provided transportation to the US by way of Panama and Mexico. What an operation-- slave labor and kiddies for adult perverts.

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I have validated what you are saying here the hard way. I volunteered locally with one of the major NGOs, and one that you certainly named here. I knew by observation that the gospel was not being shared directly. It has been a number of years now (pre-2020) and my memories are a little fuzzy, but there were parallel overlapping missions that presented gospel opportunities, and two of those that I also worked with are ongoing and doing well as missionary outreaches.

As for the NGO, when I fully realized what they were up to, rather recently I'm afraid, I discontinued all contact. The staff I had known and worked with had already turned over and gone, and the people now running the local office are strangers to me. That is all I could see to do.

The giveaway for what they were up to was present right there in the volunteer training -- they didn't lie directly -- and I didn't see the lie because I didn't understand the UN then the way I do now. Hearing more recently about the mass migrations, I intuited that this particular NGO was involved, and not in a good way, but I couldn't see how. And then one day it came to me. The refugees they were receiving had been, all along, vetted by the UN! Why did it take me so long to make the connection?

This is hard to take. It's not hitting me now -- it already hit -- but that was a wonderful time in my life after I semi-retired and began working directly with refugees, children and adults, in several different settings, including NGO activities, local missions, and my own direct outreach (in association with other independent women volunteers) in cooperation with the church I belonged to at the time.

I had to end my direct outreach in 2019 because of my own growing safety concerns -- there was insufficient supervision and dangerous things were happening right in front of me that shouldn't have been -- and my church at the time took over soon after that, continuing to work with the NGO. I had already finished or was finishing my work with the NGO at that point (I had two jobs there), and I had been just working with children, on the church grounds after school or on weekends. And then 2020 happened, everything stopped, and I busied myself with working out what that was all about. Fortunately, I already could spot an overt psyop when I saw it, and there was nothing subtle about that one.

I don't think all that much about the NGO now. I see how it presented itself, and I see the lies. (Not everyone I know does.) But I remember the people, the refugees I met and worked with, and I miss them, though I have no idea what became of them. The children must have all but grown up by now. I do have contact with two of the missionary groups that I was involved with, and I am a member of a prayer team for one. And they too are having to deal with safety issues. That is to be expected.

Many lessons learned. The way -- the path -- is indeed difficult.

This post has helped to validate what I had already come to see, and that is actually quite a big help. Thank you!

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Leo I whole heartedly agree on your point but I would like to add maybe another reason. To hide the affect of the covid jabs and the high injuries and deaths resulting from them. And again since voting districts are based on population: Redistricting:

"Congressional district boundaries are redrawn every ten years following the U.S. Census to account for changes in population and ensure roughly equal representation based on population shifts."

They could change these boundaries to their favor. That is unless what Trump said holds true as this was our last sElection. Just a thought.

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"To hide the effect (not affect)....

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They’re all heinous. As are all things Soros, Rockefeller related, CAIR, Christian Children’s Fund, Feed The Children, Red Cross, Habitat For Humanity, La Raza, UNICEF, Oxfam, USAID, Amnesty International, Jewish Voices For Peace,Pilgrim’s Society,Legal Aid, ,Human Rights Watch and the fake Pope.

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Take away their millions of $$$, and let's see how much compassion they have then.

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I agree that the U.S. has a major problem. If what you said is true, and the NGO’s are in it just for the money (and not for ministry purposes,) that is a big problem.

For 25 years, I have been building and designing commercial playgrounds. I have had a very hard time trying to find people I can trust, and who can do the job given to them. They want big bucks and very little work. They want to stay home and come in whenever it is convenient for them, which is not very often. As a result, we remain small and are mainly a family business. I can only imagine how it would be for meatpacking plants and other undesirable jobs.

Who do you recommend we get to do these jobs? As far as I am concerned, this is a very real problem. Maybe if the government didn’t give away boatloads of free money we wouldn’t have this problem. In any case, the problem is really deep.

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Also we must ask why... why are they putting all this money behind this program to bring these people here? They won't do it without a motive! I would bet my bottom dollar that the motive is not truly about helping people and that they are so good from the bottom of their heart that they care so much about others... no, it is always a selfish motive that serves a selfish purpose! It just looks good on the surface.

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You are correct Lilly. It’s not about helping people, it’s about the breaking down of nations and national sovereignty.

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If we put the able body welfare slackers like women living off the system (living in projects) having kids out of wedlock in working manual labor jobs, there would be no need to bring in foreigners. Let them earn their keep. If men have work visas then they need to hold lobs or be deported. Otherwise gangs form and more crime.

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Exactly. They have these invading armies going in all over the West and it's not for any good reason other than destruction and globalism, etc.

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This revelation is similar to the strange glasses the main character in the old movie, "They Live" put on. When he looked through them he could see 'the matrix' - the scam 'brainwashed' world was revealed. He could also see people in an entirely different light - quite evil-looking in many cases. Same with this article. All the "do-gooders" (NGO's) are bought and paid for by global PTB - and are somehow 'permitted' (by whom?) to aid and abet illegal aliens through the process of entering our country without permission. It's a crime they commit freely because they are following (protected?) orders from our would-be globalist conquerers This blatant attack on American sovereignty is against the will of the people and must be brought to an end. Thanks for helping that cause go forward!

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One of the Creator’s foundational works was to separate humanity into related groups through different languages. The Author of the Bible never later said that he had made a mistake or wished to change things into a melting pot. Those who say that there is no difference between people groups other than color are like those that claim that there is no difference between the two genders. This kind of thinking is simply incoherent.

How shameful and disgraceful that so called Christian “leaders” lead the charge to rebuild the Tower of Babel. And make no mistake: the UN and the EU are both of them Luciferian as their basis for being globalist.

The Creator loves variety but the Enemy desires his own version of “unity” which is totalitarian tyranny. The enemy also knows that there can be no passing down of legacy with unbridled intermarriage.

So many people are convinced that they know Christianity, yet they do not know the Bible nor the God of the Bible. They think that they know better than the Creator. They are incompetent to edit a small book but edit God’s book regularly.

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Splendid post, Leo.

Purchased 'Stealth Invasion' before Amazon banned it and it's a fine piece of work.

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