Or Trump is part of this system himself and is deceiving the masses!

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Jesus was talking about the generation that is alive when all those things are happening. Jesus said when you see the thing Daniel talked about(The Abomination of Desolation) flee! No Roman claimed to be God when they destroyed the temple in 70 AD. Daniel’s 70th week has not yet taken place. The Jewish temple will be rebuilt in order to fulfill what Daniel spoke. We will know soon enough which one of us is correct! Shalom

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Your raise the worse fear for humanity that we are deceived to follow the Anti-Christ through thinking we are choosing between good vs bad but in reality it might be replacing the devil we know for something much worse....

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Scripture says God will remove His church before the Antichrist is revealed. You think things are bad now….it will be hell on earth. A time never seen or ever will be again. Trust the Scriptures!

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All Scripture was fulfilled by 70 AD. Christ is King. In Heaven and in Earth. Right now.

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That’s just not true. Jesus will rule with a rod of iron after His 2nd coming. Satan is the ruler of this world right now, at least as much as God allows. Revelation was written around 95 AD. We can see the beast system forming right before our eyes, just as Daniel and Revelation says it would be. Exciting times seeing prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes. I don’t believe the world would look like it is if Jesus was reigning with a rod of iron right now….do you?

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Brother Brad, many false teachers have demonized the Biblical pre-trib teaching so it has become popular for some to believe the preterist or post trib view. For those who believe this way, as even they see things going from bad to worse, what hope can they have if Pres. Trump is one of the bad guys? Pray for them, Bro.

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The hope of any Christian is in Jesus Christ, not President Trump or any other human political leader. Period.

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I know what we were taught, and what you still believe.


"I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place."

'This generation’ was THAT generation, standing there, in His presence.

The Scofieldist, Future Israel, Dispensationalist-claptrap we were fed by Darby-Scofieldists was deception straight from Cecil Rhodes and the Kabal. From the Judaizers.

The Revelation was written by the Apostle John in 60s AD, not 90s.


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When I met King Jesus as a young adult, in the early-mid 90s, I went into the largest church in my area. It was "Christian Zionist". The Lord Jesus started the process of bringing the light of truth to me after 9/11. It became crystal clear a decade ago. My Word Study, by Holy Ghost, since then has confirmed that Christ has been King, He the Head in Heaven with us, the Saints, in the earth, since Acts 2. When we start acting like kingdom people, temporal results will follow. My Word Study and Pastoral leadership has 'evolved' with brother Charlie Steward Godsendusmen.com (click Audio) and Pastor Ted Weiland Bibleversusconstitution.org (click Audio).

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I can write a book in this space about this because it's been my passion for a decade, after being in error for 2 decades. I am willing to work with you on this if you're willing to learn. I come in peace, truly. ❤

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America is energy dominant now thanks to Putin’s asinine invasion of Ukraine…so Biden achieved one of Trump’s most important America First goals as we are producing more oil and gas than any country in the history of the world!!!

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Biden's first day in office, Joe killed off 42,100 jobs by ending construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the end of construction of the Trump border wall.

After Destroying US Energy Sector Biden to Release 50 Million Barrels of Oil from Strategic Reserve


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Biden sold nearly ONE MILLION oil barrels from emergency reserves to state-owned Chinese gas giant that Hunter's private equity firm had $1.7B stake in


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Biden made America energy dominant!! Keystone was about importing oil from Canada!! You must be Canadian…sucks to be you, hoser!!

Once again, Hunter Biden conned a billion dollars out of China…that’s awesome!!!!

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US produced 13 million barrels of oil per day at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020. For comparison, that figure is more than 20 % higher than the amount of oil the US produced per day in 2021.

Energy industry expert James Wilson, who runs an oil and gas economics consulting firm, says the White House is abusing statistics to fit a narrative.


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It’s 2025, hoser! Trump bankrupted the fracking industry in 2020. Now that it is 2025 we are energy dominant!!

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Many years ago, 20+, a "foreigner" told me that the rest of the world thinks America/Americans are stupid. Sure looks like it as we muddle our way into extinction.

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As a "foreigner" transplant of 50+ years, I don't think Americans are stupid at all ! Not only that, you are fair and very helpful.

It is the stupid (D) politicians who are deliberately ruining this wonderful Nation, (D) followers are stupid.

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Did you notice how many took the COVID shots????? Now, that is STUPID

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And after 4 whole years… my pastor is still in the dark… as he watches his congregation slip into eternity one by one! He’s unapproachable on the subject! As I ask him if he was going to take it! He stated if he had to travel he would! Never to my awareness… has he said… or warned…his congregation not to take it! And more than likely he took it himself! Yes…Americans are very naïve…and still very defensive and unwilling to discuss it! Sad!

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It is late and I like your comment, but I am no substacker. Let me give you something.

There is a Pareto rule - the so called 80/20 rule - like 20% own 80% of wealth. 80% are "naive" (you are nicely educated, Lorraine) and 20% are not. In Germany the vaxx rate (at least one shot) under brutal pressure went "only" to 78%.


In WEF Klaus' book he explains the reduction of people, which was especially wanted in West Europe and Northamerica. The Deagel predictions were worst for US, Germany, Luxemburg and Britain.

You and I were planned to be dead now.


I migrated to Latinamerica, where people do not obey like Germans do. To my horror my neighbour said "We are no second class people, we want the vaxx as well!" The rich even flew to Florida to get the shot. I know of 15 dead and then there are "turbocancer" amputations.

Best wishes sister!

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Thank you…longgowhereto…for your response! I am fortunately self educated…by the grace of God! Little formal education…Highschool and some college! If I’ve any wisdom…all glory goes to the Lord! Yes…many even the very wealthy were either fooled or coerced…I have a wise daughter that saw the danger first hand and gave me a heads up…neither of us got involved in anyway! We’ve tried to warn many and yes…both of us have witnessed much death of friends and acquaintances! Right now we’re losing a close friends father… and two of my special friends from church..are dying…as our pastor did not warn his congregation so suspect many will leave us soon! It’s god awful…and heartbreaking…what so many are going through! Payday is coming for all who participated or knew and did nothing to warn others! God help us!

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Sorry. Americans are stupid.

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The Democrats are about 1/2 the voters. Stupid is as stupid does

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All ameriKan Uniparty partisans at this point are a kult unto themselves.

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I'm an American!

But I call AmeriKans......

Stupid, Fat & Lazy!

Just look at how every other country gathers to Protest something.

Even the 'Euro-trash' protests 1000 times better than AmeriKans!

It's embarrassing!

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The countries in NATO are being pushed to war with Russia and aid for the Ukraine. But like Americans also feeling pushed, the citizens don't want to be involved in foreign issues between two countries. It's the governments meddling. They want more people dead.

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BUT what exactly are 'the people' doing to counter this.


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Most men today have no backbone and have beta male qualities. Few Alpha males left in the world to take a stand for their futures. Nihilism affects over 90 percent of adults world wide.

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The incoming President said it the other day. And his billionaire sidekick's Elon and Ramaswamy said it too.

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I think many Americans believe this, but what can we do, besides vote. Even then, the person we choose is woefully deficient. It’s been getting worse throughout the years. If there is a way out of this, I would like to know.

My tendency is to side with Putin more than the sick, perverted, ways of the west. In my view, Putin has his deficiencies, but they seem to align more morally than the twisted west. With that said, I think we are in “deep doo-doo” either way.

I know the savior and I put my trust in him. God controls all and his ways are higher than mine. He does things according to his own counsel and will.

Those perpetrating evil upon others will pay the price in the end. This life is temporary and we will end up in eternity somewhere. Just make sure it’s the right place.

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Thank you…Jack! You are right on! Payday is coming!

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ukraine war is fake. game plan is to reduce both russian and ukrainian populations (especially ukraine) and turn over valuable ukrainian assets to blackrock.

russia paid ukraine for gas pipeline rights until december 2024. in other conflicts that's called trading with the enemy.

putin is globalist puppet like the rest, rolling out prison planet grid just like trump's emirati buddy and poisoning the russian population with the covid shot. what if putin had investments in blackrock? wouldn't that make him the consummate insider trader? just wondering

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STOP reading Mainstream Media.

You know something ...............US wishes it had a leader like Putin.

A question for you which I doubt you can answer.

Why is it that Russia is hated so much?

I look forward to your answer.

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russia isn't hated. ask a european who's wondering where their heat is going to come from this winter. russia has a deep and enduring culture which survived 70+ years of soviet rule and will survive this oligarch's rule as well

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Where have you been hidinng?

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Spot on. The SputnikV bioweapon was a partnership with ASTRA ZENECA and whistleblowers in the Russian equivalent of the CDC provided evidence of roughly 2.5 MILLION Russian victims by Autumn of 2023. There is nothing but Freemason CONTROLLED OPPOSITION in this deadly NWO movie.

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High surveillance and control were predicted 2000 years ago by John the Revelator in Revelation 13. The Lord was so precise in His explanation of Revelation 13 that to buy and sell would require being under surveillance by way of a mark on or in the right hand and forehead. I'm amazed how God knew Satan's agenda so precisely and what we see today clearly unfolding. If there has been any time in history for people to repent of their failure to honour Jesus Christ and surrender to His Lordship, then it's today, for He knows the past, including the future, and everything about us. He is the omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Sovereign Lord, who will ascertain eternal life for those who serve Him.

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It's not that Trump is dumb or doesn't care, he's part of the cabal

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He’s a Republican…the Fossil Fuel industry has a huge sway over the Republican Party. Because America is by far the largest oil and gas producer there is really downside to us helping Ukraine. We’ve taken Russia’s natural gas market share in Europe and when the price of oil and gas increase it makes America stronger. Putin underestimated the American fracking industry and now he’s lost the Ukraine War.

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It's the other side of the fake dichotomy. There is exactly zero opposition to world government nationally or internationally. It's we the masses vs the cabal and their mercs. Period.

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Thanks bud, blessings Maranatha Lord Jesus Christ TITUS 2 13

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WHY do the DEMONS, in the West, hate RUSSIA/Putin??........

1a) Russia/Putin are ACTUAL CHRISTIANS!

1b) The demons want Russia's Natural Resourses

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Jealousy is the name of the game here. Westerners cannot BUT admire Putin.

Look at the Western powers particularly the USA......it's a Circus. USA has NO idea about the rest of the world.

Putin can sit in his chair and give you an accurate description of everything in World History.

Western powers know nothing.

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First of all, the Data Centers began to be built with the advent of 'ELECTRONIC/DIGITAL TARGETING' during the Clinton Administration and people were allocated MAC Addresses since the 1970's under the Carter and Ford Administrations...Which was the beginning of the current escalation of data harvesting.

It is not wise to blame such silliness on Trump even if he supports this. Data Centers have existed for a very long period of time...Since the 1970's after the installation of the Trilateral Commission in the Executive Branch of the U.S. Govt.


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You clearly need to get up to speed on this issue before you spout off on it. Yes, Data centers have been around for years, but have you looked at the list of those under construction and on the drawing board? We have four new ones that I’m aware of in Georgia alone. And they are much bigger and more sophisticated than the older data centers.

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Am up to speed...There are four in my general locality. They've NOT been an installment of Trump. They've been installed SECRETLY since working for the Govt. in the 90's in this area.

People are not waking to the threat though it's existed for decades.

Do you, by any chance, have a map of the planned locations nationally?

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Lol. You trump tards are as much of a menace as the other democraps.

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Not a Trump Fan personally and still know he’s the ONLY option for President of the United States at this time.

Simple fact of there being NO Americans killed in a War Zone for four years during Trump Administration ALONE…Is enough to vote for him.

Am so sorry for you Duhra…For having truly questionable priorities for a President, a Commander in Chief, of this Nation instead going for the delusion of believing the UNELECTED DEEP STATE AGENCIES to be Democracy as the Uniparty Nazi’s are declaring. Trump does NOT believe the UNELECTED AGENCIES to be Democracy and it is not…Which is the second reason he’s the better choice. The Deep State is authoritarian totalitarianism…TERRORISTS AGAINST THE PEOPLE AS THEY’VE PROVEN THESE LAST FOUR YEARS.

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You just can't fathom the fact that the ‘opposition’ was put in place by the establishment. Your default position is that SOMEONE has to be exalted instead of “come out of her, my people, who are called by My name".

Maybe you aren't the called.

No worries; everyone's favorite ginger-headed Freemason Kabbahalist Talmudist disciple of Rebbe Schneerson will be re-installed Monday and you can play make believe, i.e. pretend, that it isn't the primrose path on to the rest of Lucifer's agenda. :sigh:

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Completely fathom those even offered for campaigns are first approved by the Establishment...And know there could viably be somebody placed who's willing to stir the pot and turn things around.

Sounds as though more prayer and fasting could benefit you. It most certainly brings peace for me and helps me maintain faith.

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Russia, China, and the US (including the Five Eyes) have been busy implementing "rules" towards Agenda 2030.

Putin is not exactly a hero, but he is set up as an enemy:


WW3 can appear only on TV, but there are a lot of other options...


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More Opinions On Wedge Issues

of some well known commentators, as far as I can tell...a work in progress


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All that these imbeciles have achieved is empoverishing Western Europe and encouraging Russia to form stronger alliances and trade with China and other BRICS countries. Genius!

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I’m an American—we can be happy we’ve achieved energy dominance. And Europe is stronger relying on America for natural gas instead of Russia. Biden allowed Nord Stream 2 to be completed and the West was happy to send billions to Russia…but you gotta play by the West’s rules! And it sucks America invaded Iraq and hit our low point in 2008…only to grow stronger than ever…but nobody said life was fair! Putin gets the George W Bush Award for being a dumbass on a global scale!! 😉

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Leo - you have fallen for the left's big con: using the fake word "gender" when the correct word is sex. There are two sexes. Plants and words have gender - people and animals have sex. Deviate psychopath John Money foisted the gender concept on the world but it was only pushed out recently: control the language and you control the thoughts of the people. Sex was replaced with the dishonest word gender precisely to enable the conversation to shift from male/female to arbitrary "whatever", hot on the heels of the deployment of homosexual marriage, another affront to civilization.

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