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Do not comply to any of this. This is all so insane. Think about it. A small amount of rich techies who made a killing in Silicon Valley who are not even elected in any capacity, are taking over the country to bring AI in to control us. Of course Bill Gates will handle the depopulation end of everything with the new and improved mRNA shots. Klaus must be very happen to hear the great news that Trump is going along with the plan.

You can’t make this stuff up…

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They coming like an “angel of light”!

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There are a few Biblical scholars claiming the events foretold @ Revelation 12: 9 will shortly take place.

Revelation 12:9 describes the expulsion of Satan from heaven. According to the verse, the great dragon, referred to as the ancient serpent, the devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world, is thrown down to the earth. This expulsion includes his angels as well. The passage is significant as it marks a pivotal moment in the narrative, indicating a future event where Satan and his followers are cast out of heaven to the earth.

Revelation 12:12 states, "Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”

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This is the setting up of the Beast system. We have not yet stepped foot in the Tribulation. But it is fast approaching.

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Well we aren't in Revelation yet. It goes in order. I have seen many people do this by saying it's this or that part of Revelation, but God is a God of order and Revelation has an order to it. Check out Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry. Solid study and you will have a great understanding of it. I love #4a in his series but probably good to start at the beginning. Much hope though, you will see as you get a solid teaching of it. There is much confusion in this area and it shouldn't be that way. You will see.

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How do you know we're not in revelation yet?

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And there are literally people that dedicate every working moment on The Agenda. Sheesh. Generation after generation...

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Turn to Jesus and live! Acts 4:12 NLT — There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.”

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I am Canadian but I thought that MAGA meant fixing decrepit bridges, supporting industries that manufacture useful products, not implementing a digital prison. "Citizens will be on their best behavior because we're constantly recording and reporting everything that's going on. And it's unimpeachable." Larry Ellison, Oracle

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Yes I think most of us thought so too. What a bait and switch he pulled. He’s keeping his promise on some things to keep the masses happy but at some point the mask will fall and even the biggest Trump supporters will see through the lies. It’s sickening.

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Like wrapping poison in sugar...

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Wild that you said this. It's exactly how the covid vaccine ingredients are assembled. The polyethelene glycol the mRNA and other goodies (poisons) are wrapped in taste sweet. Like sugar. In the first days of the injections, they tried to persuade people the mRNA, etc., was actually wrapped in sugar.

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Not only sickening, but it's too late. The press conference made that clear.

People idiotically put this man in power and the deal is done.

The Art of The Deal, indeed.

Find God now. Time is up.

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What they voted for... and what they got.... are two very different things.

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Beware! Votes for Trump....why didn't anyone with an ounce of discernment figure out that the buddy-buddy between Trump and Musk was a warning?

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45 / 47 will deliver the US into the beast system

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Yup, he's ushering in the NWO.

Interesting that he's 45 and 47 when you add the digits gives you a 9 / 11--I'm not into numerology, but the psychopaths who rule over us are.

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Whoa! Now THAT is interesting!

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Ohhhh ho ho 😳

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He is doing so right now. We are nearly there.

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Assuming the flu shots and other viral type shots are all mRNA now, best to avoid them. Flu shots are useless, I had the flu and others did recently, they were sicker than me with the shots. My fever was low grade, bodyaches and headache for a few days, no appetite. It was H3N2.

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Welcome to the Trump Surveillance State. All we need now is the Revelation 13

“Mark of the Beast,” which will send anyone who takes it, to hell.

Way to go, Trump. This is positively creepy.

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And he posed as a Christian to win votes. He’s far from it. He converted to Judaism. It’s all been an act.

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No, Trump never converted to Judaism. Thats hogwash. He isnt a religious person.

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Right. That ties right in with all the other stuff I said in another place here. He even denied being a Christian in a public speech around summer or Fall.

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'I'm Not Christian.' Donald J. Trump :Did Trump Covert To Judaism In 2017? For He States I'm Not Christian - SQ:IF HE CONVERTED TO TALMUDIC JUDAISM HE HAD TO RENOUNCE JESUS - IS THAT WHY HE DIDN'T PUT HIS HAND ON THE BIBLE?


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There is no such sect called "Talmudic Judaism".

There is no conversion to a sect of Judaism called "Talmudic Judaism".

Do you realize that is just garbage that Jew haters make up? There is only Orthodox Jewry, Reform and Conservative. A small 8% OF Jewish people are Talmudic scholars.

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Shalom :-)

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"The BLACK AWAKENING is a time not seen before, a time unique in history. And, as Ahriman-Satan the Antichrist continues to manifest his presence here on Earth, the degree of chaos will inexorably increase in all spheres of existence and all on all levels between the physical and spiritual.

A time when the physical processes of the Earth will become more restive and perturbed and great, cataclysmic changes occur that greatly increase the fear of all. Antichrist comes to the godless, the unwise and the uninformed as the "Prince of Peace," the long-awaited Messiah who comes to bring eternal peace to the world at the time of its greatest need.

The foisting of this counterfeit Christ upon a desperate humanity is intrinsic to the success of the Dark Gods' meticulous plans and their minions in the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies. The very ancient Great Conspiracy to establish the Kingdom of Antichrist on Earth.

The Great Conspiracy against God is orchestrated on Earth by a few Evil men who are the Occult Hierarchy, the Black Adepts in the Cult of Evil, who hate God and Christ and the idea of freedom for everyone but themselves.

The Chosen Ones, the Soldiers of Satan are people completely dedicated to the cause of the Cult (to the Family, to the Brotherhood, to the Order, to the Illuminati, or whatever the Cult of Evil calls itself) which is nothing less than the establishment of their "Golden Age," their "Olympic Age," under their "Great Leader."

This entity is the future leader of the planned World Empire who is in fact two entities: the Great Dictator and the False Prophet of the New World Order ... who are verily the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse.

The two entities are the Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, incarnate in human form who have come to claim their kingdom on Earth and demand to be worshipped as gods.

The False Prophet of the New World Order, the leader of its One World Religion is Secret Societies' "Masonic Christ" who is the Antichrist of the Holy Bible.

Gentle reader, the "Golden Age" of the Illuminati is verily the Kingdom of Antichrist on Earth."


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Yup. So many don't get that. The whole dominionism/kingdom now of the NAR, or golden age as referred to by the occult groups, or golden dawn, etc. is nothing other than the kingdom under the reign of the antichrist. Jesus brings the kingdom which only He can do at the end of the tribulation in His timing and sets up the Millennium. Most are so deceived they will take the beast system as God's kingdom. As far from a restored paradise as one could get but that is how blind they are. All of these, instead of having faith in God, put their faith in the works of man and the muscle of his flesh in a human potential fantasy on steroids to usher in a kingdom that they will claim is of God.

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I came to the conclusion that the Kingdom of God, with Christ the King in charge, He the head in Heaven and we, the saints, the feet here on earth, has been “in earth, as in Heaven”, since Acts Ch2. The Kingdom has been here a long time. What king doesn't have a kingdom ? :-)

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: )

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This one has levels to it. Jesus is at the right hand of the Father and is definitely king of kings and has power over all as it says. There is the kingdom that is 'in our hearts' only as Christians via the Holy Spirit, Jesus said 'the kingdom is among you.' There is also the kingdom He sets up after the end times, namely the millennium rule of 1,000 years. At His return he takes hold of this authority that He won at Calvary and begins to reign on earth. In Rev. 11 it talks about how at that time He takes dominion and begins to rule and reign in that special way and the devil is bound for that amount of time. The devil has his counterfeit so all he is setting up now with the beast system is a counterfeit kingdom.


One world government, religion and economy under one kingdom on earth

All seeing eyes, all knowing, all powerful... surveillance

Utopia on earth

throne in temple in Jerusalem


Are all things that will be the case during the millennium and the devil wants to set up his counterfeit before that.

Under God it is all a good thing but not under the devil... it all depends on whose management. Then there is the false trinity of devil, AC and false prophet. It is truly a puzzle and there is the real under God and the reflected counterfeit under the devil.

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Check out verse by verse teaching Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Versebyverseministry.org

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Give this a listen, if you would, when you can ?:

322 Click to Listen 1-19-2025 - What's Next?


Every now and then I feel like God has laid an extra-important message on my heart to preach - and this message is one of those.

The message of futurism - a future kingdom - a future "coming messiah" - the "second coming of Christ" - is a belief system that has doomed millions of people to eternity without Christ. The Gospel is The Gospel of the Kingdom - that's as clear as can be from our Bibles.

If a man believes in a future kingdom - then his "gospel" is also future. It's a denial that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. A man can say, "I believe in Jesus, or Yeshua" until he's blue in the face - but if he believes in a future kingdom - he's lost. Doesn't matter how kind he is. Doesn't matter how many times he says the sound j-e-s-u-s or even y-e-s-h-u-a - understanding and believing the Gospel of the Kingdom is the Gospel that has the power of salvation. And most people do not get it.

Please ask all your friends and loved ones to listen to this message. All those that you care about - that are futurists - desperately need this message. Their souls depend on it.

PDF >>> Message notes in text form:

God Send Us Men Ministries


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I know. But... what IF all prophecy has already been fulfilled ? What if His 2nd coming was in 70 AD ? What if the Apostle John actually did write the Revelation in the 60s and not the 90s ? The deception by the evil clan didn't start with covid.

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The answers are all in the Bible. God didn't leave us without the information. Check out this series, verse by verse teaching. Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Versebyverseministry.org. It's all there and understandable. It will bring you much peace and hope. Nothing to fear when you understand it.

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Christian Nationalism is the American poison.

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Well stated Dora. Lots of good info. This must be why Trump kept referring to this now being the Golden Age.

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; )

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This script we are living in lines up with that, for certain.

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I’m convinced Trump has no idea what’s going on and is just the guy signing things. He’s no sleepy Joe and has a little bit more sense of things — but you can’t be this contradictory

With all this talk about vaccines and AI, it’s looking too fruitful for RFK JR to get that nomination becuase he would / could hinder vaccine uptake

Last, with Stargate, Mars, Elon and SpaceX, there’s a weird UFO connection here. I’m just here to remind everyone we never went to the moon: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-big-three-how-false-flags-shape

I’ll be touching on that Stargate/UFO connection in a couple of articles as this is an interesting choice of words to put into the public zeitgeist

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I'm convinced he knows EXACTLY what's going on.

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He knows! He's a smart man. But his ego is gargantuan. He may see this as a chance to make himself the greatest man ever....like a messiah.....He knows!

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Absolutely TERRIBLE ideas. This must be stopped. Haven’t they killed enough people woth operation warp speed? WTF, more deadly injections and tighter survellience!? Insanity, stupidity, and certainly demonic.

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What’s been done is done, can’t be reversed. Anything else is all smoke and mirror shiny objects.

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We already live in a surveillance state. The only difference is that now they are openly planning & talking about it. Doorbells & cameras that people install where everything is stored in the cloud; Siri & Alexa; smart phones & TV's. Smart thermostats & meters; flock cameras & traffic cams. All marketed as the latest & greatest. Progess! And people willingly participate in their own enslavement & ultimate demise.

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Trump spent 3 hrs. with Bill Gates of Hell. His closest advisor is Elon Starlink Musk pushing his brain implants. And now... What an act from some (marxist) heads of state and the rich pukes at WEF discussing how destructive Trump will be to their agenda. Trump is now advocating for the fake crypto. All an act, folks. It is our duty take back control. Time is fleeting.

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This will destroy the Trump legacy just as fast as war with Russia would. Cut Ukraine off completely and stop the vaccine and surveillance madness! What is Trump thinking???

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Great show tonight on Brannon!

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I am listening to 2nd hr Rense.com YIKES !

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It's starting to look a lot like China.... everywhere you go...

There's a camera on every pole...

A robot at every corner...

Soon santa will have all the data

on you and me.....


Well he didn't waste any time did he?

How much ya wanna bet those data centers will be gathering info. on a certain group of people in particular? (Hint: And it won't be the alphabet community. Or maybe only at first.)

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