Trump is ushering in the NWO and the digital slave grid. MAGA cult will support anything he does.

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The problem is that Biden and the Dems are (were) ushering in the NWO, also. Both parties are on 2 different trains (or perhaps the same train) moving in the same direction.

One possibility that has been suggested is that the R’s &/or Trump believe America as a whole (to include Americans) can be at the top of that Order (some argue this is not realistic vs others who claim their version involves Elites on top)….while D’s prefer to blend America in with other countries using an Elite over Welfare version of America.

Whatever the case, read the back of the book. It sadly will happen. But only for a decently short period of time.

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One puppet preznit paves the way for the next.

(Insert George Carlin quote here)

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And that is why I did not vote in 2024.

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This is an excerpt of the video call…

Watch Live: President Donald Trump Speaks at the World Economic Forum


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The spell is strong in them. :sigh:

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The actual Cult were the WOKE (Authoritarian/Totalitarian/Communist/Fascist) JOKES...With all their sliminess and attacks upon children matching those of the Caananites of the Valley of Gehenna which was also found in Cathage in North Africa and the Aztecs in Mexico...THE EXACT SAME HUMAN SACRIFICE PERPETRATED IN THE EXACT SAME METHODS BUT WORSHIPING IN THE NAME OF OTHER GODS THAN MOLECH and BA'AL. That is a SPELL and one now using ABORTION/EUTHANASIA as worship to the same Pagan Demigod.

What in the world do you actually believe the 'Numb Skull' WOKE were doing? THEY'RE ALL PART OF THE ROOT, TRUNK, BRANCH, TWIG of this TREE OF EVIL OF DEATH?

There was/is a reason the 'Goons' PUSHED INSANITY of Grooming Children, attacking Catholics with Rosaries, INVITED FOREIGN INVASION, and the fyi about them as Ritual Torturers/Rapist/Murdering of the innocents to consume Adrenochrome.

Compared to all that heinous, unthinkable evil...Trump sounded and appeared sane, huh? THEY CONSPIRE TOGETHER AS WIFE BEATING MARRIAGE.

I voted for Trump three times and KNOW he's a member of the same Evil as the rest of the Techno-Feudal Fascist Black Nobility hiding behind the WEF, UN and any number of billionaires, NGO's, Philanthropies and other associations LAUNDERING funds from America towards their pockets including those developing China. It doesn't require a SPELL...

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The Kabbahalist spell is real. Read Otto Kahn.

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Whiplash from Biden/Harris.

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Sam Altman: Advancing AI may require "changes to the social contract."

"The entire structure of society will be up for debate and reconfiguration."

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Are you ever right on with this. A wolf in sheep's clothing. Part of the same club. Pretending to work for the people. Implement MAGA by making all countries pay for it. AI and crypto are check and checkmate. Emergency? Of course the devil knows Jesus is coming soon. The only Emergency is this: Get Right With God NOW.

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IMHO, Trump is a blow hard globalist puppet who plays the Good Guy in the "Good Guy"/"Bad Guy" Psyop!! I can read right through this clown as well as the Globalist Liberal Looney clowns! Folks start thinking for yourselves and put your faith in God, not these people! They do not have your best interest!

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1st thought: Golden Age is Illuminati speak for Luciferian Kingdom.

2nd thought: NOT 'gene therapy. It's GENETIC MUTILATION.

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Trump distracts us with closing the boarders, making America great again etc. while implementing all the things of the incoming beast system. He is not doing this gradually; it’s full speed ahead. May we keep looking up as our Redemption draws near!

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"When you see theses things rejoice as our Redemption draws near."

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I am still waiting to see what all the pre-tribulation thinkers will do when they are still here when the antichrist makes his appearance... because 2 thessalonians 2 is very clear if people would read it slowly. It says the day of Christ is at hand, then immediately after says be not deceived by any means, for that day shall not come(day of Christ) except there cone a falling a way first, and that the man of sin be revealed(antichrist) the son of perdition...there it just stated that the day of Christ won't come until 2 things happen first, one of them being that the antichrist is revealed...also I don't see people on fire for the Lord, trying to win souls for the Lord Jesus Christ... that's a minimum of what it would take to even qualify to be rapture material...enough said

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That passage (2 Thessalonians 2) is referring to the day of the Lord. The day of the Lord is another name for Daniel’s 70th week, Time of Jacobs Trouble, 7 year tribulation. The text is telling the Thessalonians to not worry because the rapture will happen before the Antichrist is revealed and the day of the Lord happens. Shalom

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One movie I would like to see regarding End Times.

"Dude, Where's my Rapture?"

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Pre trib rapture isn't Biblical. Just saying. Love ya RE !

I used to believe it. Then I studied the Word.

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There are an awful lot of passages in Revelation urging Christians to hold fast through times of persecution/tribulation. And a lot of other passages about the Christian's hope--the Resurrection of the Dead. Just like Christ Who went before us.

Today's western Christians seldom talk about the Resurrection or the

heavenly rewards those who remain faithful under persecution are promised. It shows in our attitudes.

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Well said ! Endure to the end. We already won !! We just need to finish. ❤

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cia project stargate — Yandex:found 108 thousand results


CIA, remote viewing and the Stargate Project — High Strangeness


CIA STAR GATE Files : Central Intelligence Agency




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I had forgotten about this. Thank you!

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You're welcome, Kathy

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Assuredly, the promise of personalized vaccines against cancer will deceive many. Those that took the jab will be most susceptible, failing to recognize or acknowledge that was part of the c-19 planned scam. In a desperation to survive, they will accelerate their demise instead.

AI is another facet to complete the beast system. Realistically, AI is 'anti-christ intelligence'. Since satan isn't 'omni' anything, all he can do is counterfeit. Artificial, if you will. Everything he does, everything associated with satan is FAKE.

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If the next EO is to mandate everyone to bow down to Ra we will know the true intentions. Neither Crypto nor AI have any real intrinsic value, or a basis in reality. Both are false constructs to enable the enrichment of a few.

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Over/Under on the "3rd temple" +/- 18 months ?

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I read 250 days to build. 🤷‍♀️

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I also heard it's mostly been built, prefabricated.

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Yes I heard that as well.

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Daniel 12:7 — "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand. "From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days."

In the year 598/7 BC Babylon's king Nebuchadnezzar plundered Jerusalem and carried away the daily sacrifice of the Lord's temple. 1290 years later, in 692 AD, El-Allah’s gold-domed temple/mosque, of the abomination that brings desolation, was set up upon Jerusalem's holy temple mount for Mohammad’s messianic Mahdi. And 1335 years later, close to the year 2027 AD, is the blessed Lord's Day when Messiah returns for the awaiting, wise virgins in His New Covenant Bride!

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Which also appears as a two-fold prophecy pointing to a blessing occurring 45 days after the ceasing of sacrifices at 1290 days.

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As much as I would like to believe Trump is further outing the deep state players and cabal, I can’t quite get there. Smacks of the same play as OWS, and we saw how that turned out. As you note, he has a lot of good things going to satisfy the MAGA base, but it is the other crap woven in there that is cautionary. And his Trump coin? WTH?

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This link explains why President Trump is pushing AI and Stargate:


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Many discussing where this leads, and what it means. With numerous commentators on your last three posts discussing this as scriptural last days things.

No man knows what the mark represents. But all men should know what buy or sell means.

A last generation of humanity is recorded to be sent a strong delusion that they believe a lie damning them, because they rejected truth. Many accept truth, but doctrines of men lead them astray as warned over and over again.

Rev 16:2 shows the mark occurring prior vials, due the first vial of Gods wrath being against those who’ve already taken it.

Meaning it occurs in trumpets or seals, maybe even before. All we can know is that it occurs prior vials.

“If one overlaps” seals trumpets and vials, then the mark occurs prior even seals.

Overlapping the seals trumpets and vials brings the vials of Gods wrath into the seals and trumpets. With vials being the only express reference of God’s wrath.

Worship isn’t always a bowing down to an object or person. Jesus said, you worship me in vain because your “heart” is far from me.

Also of note, many believe it’s the 1st beast of Rev 13 (who the church calls antichrist) that brings the mark, yet, it’s the 2nd beast (false prophet).

The word antichrist isn’t used in the revelation. The word is only found in the epistles of John, used to express the spirit of. Paul uses the “man of lawlessness”, 2 Thessalonians.

What it all means. Keep your eyes wide open. Things today aren’t what they appear as. Hold strong to your faith. Come out of the doctrines and teachings of men.

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The AI push for national security appears to be a replay of the 5G push. So we'll be a nation of Hiroshimas bombarded by AI data, and 70-75% of the population will fight for the opportunity to be among the first to be subject to total surveillance and draconian restrictions that digital IDs and a social credit score will deliver upon us.

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I agree that it doesn’t look good, but Trump is a lot smarter than most people give him credit for. And he is privy to a lot more information than we are. It’s possible that there is a defense purpose to what he’s doing. I don’t know; I just admit the possibility.

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So how did that work out for us when it came to "my wonderful vaccines"?? and lockdowns? Has DJT suddenly become more intelligent than he was 5 years ago?

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PDJT brought these tech/monied titans out from the Dem shadows, and into public view. I'm not thrilled with Trumps statements of support for same, but possible that the public scrutiny will lead to positive changes/directed outcomes, and he knows that. Larry Ellison's statement about mRNA vaccines and quick public treatments was volatile....time for We the People to get in the game....fight, fight, fight!

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This link explains why President Trump is pushing AI and Stargate:


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Sadly, it is becoming more likely that Donald Trump is a double agent. Whatever good he does in one breath, he tends to wipe out in the next breath. Leo, what is particularly troublesome is his use of declarations of emergency. Emergency declarations, by law and their nature, take the country out of the safety umbrella of the US Constitution and laws. This means that we are under government rule instead of Constitutional. Don't forget that we are still under a declared emergency by the HHS Secretary for COVID-19. As always, we, the people need to be informed and aware of rhe actions (or lack thereof) of the government. Trump's Golden Age is a propaganda pipe dream.

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Where were you FF when Biden was writing his Emergency Declarations?

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Dementia Joe (or his handlers) was not on our side either.

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Everyone should be able to see it now. Except for MAGA. They will continue to make excuses.

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I'm MAGA, and I can see it clearly, No Excuses. Alot of us see it but unfortunately will not be able to reach our Patriot brothers and sisters. This is not the same Trump, and honestly I questioned him before with the warp speed, and never shutting up about it, but I was supporting him for the AF policies and the working class of America. It's Blatantly Obvious,this is The Billionaire Class of America, and Larry Ellison is a psychopath Elite Globalist, listen to his 24 7 surveillance grid plans. Let me be clear, I never voted for this, I have stayed the same in my beliefs, and trust in God before man. I didn't fall for the Plandemic Scamdemic in 2020, and I'm not falling for The AI ,Data is the new oil scam. It appears God is not working through Trump as we were hoping he was, at least not the God I believe in. But I do believe he will be fulfilling prophecy, and God knows the beginning through the end.

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I certainly hope there are many more like you but it doesn’t appear that way. Thank you for your honesty.

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" "We Control Both Left & Right" -- Kuhn Loeb Banker

In a candid dinner conversation after WW1, Kuhn Loeb partner Otto Kahn was asked why the Capitalist bankers supported Communism.

He replied they both have "an identical purpose, the remaking of the world from above by the control of riches, [Right] and from below by revolution [Left.]" They are all Freemasons (Cabalists.)

Their final goal is the deification of the Rothschild banking cartel posing as

representatives of the Jewish people.

Hence we have the Communist faction on the Left (globalist, homosexual, migration, US Demonrats, Canada, EU, Sweden) and the Zionist faction on the Right (nationalist, heterosexual, US GOP, Brazil, Hungary.) Israel is at the fulcrum. No nationalist is ever critical of Israel.

"We shall purify the idea [of God] by identifying it with the nation of Israel, which has become its own Messiah. The advent of it will be facilitated by the final triumph of Israel... " "

Understanding the Cabalist Jewish "Left vs Right" Charade - henrymakow.com


Cabalist Bankster & Predatory Capitalist Otto Kahn Reveals The Whole Communist/Zionist Plot | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary


Revealed: Illuminati Bankers' Control Strategy


otto kahn world axis — Yandex:found 7 thousand results


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This is why I come to the comments, always more information there. Remember who is it we are not allowed to talk about and criticize,EVER!! Who is Larry Ellison, I think it's pretty obvious.

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Very, very obvious. What a nice comment, bless you, Sandra. ❤

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Here Is Trumps new bedfellow with cancer cure (that is not a MD BUT AI GUY) but here he discusses AI. A CREEPY GLOBALIST no doubt.


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Hopefully, they will start by doing a good job of surveilling their Hollywood, Political, Big Tech Pedophiles and everyone that was on the Epstein List and those agencies that are involved with Child Sex Trafficking, or is it too close for comfort for these perverts?

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The people that are supposed to enforce the law are the criminals so let's not hold our breathe.

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🎯That’s right, he is a Tech expert in AI. He has about zero chance nor does he want to work in Public Health. He is a billionaire and doesn’t need a job. He is enjoying the possibility of his work in AI potentially helping solve the problem of people suffering from cancer.

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MRNA shots is gene editing and not proven to cure or prevent anything. mRNA vaccines are a deadly DNA-altering, genetic-tampering nightmare that will wreck your health and possible drop you dead where you stand. Worked so well with covid let's do it again?

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You just made my point. A Tech expert in AI will not be making those decisions. Possibly RFK jr will be at the forefront of those decisions. You feel any better about it DG? Trump delegates much of the work to people he can trust. He didn’t know who that was in his first term, but he knows who he can trust now. 😘

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I not drinking the koolaid but thanks!

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Of course that is all you have to say because you are a shill on SubStack. It is getting worse than FB with all the inane comments that have zero to do with the topic of the post.

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Glad its still America at the moment where name calling shows your adult side and it is still OK. I honor freedom of speech and Thank God for it. Now, Go back to your sheeple & believe all Dr Warpspeed says! 🤣

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Ridiculous. I pity you.

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