You are absolutely not being un-Christian. And I hope and pray that the Dad will be fulky released. Mi am glad he posted bail and is home with his daughter and family 🙏 . God bless them!

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That Father should be given a huge trophy. And of course they charge him because he killed 1 of their type of scum-bags. The so called "Elites" are all demonic, sick pedophiles and various sorts of vile deviants.

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Yes…our government is riddled with these types of evil people…who are either…directly involved… in child sex trafficking…or turn a blind eye! Big filthy dirty money in this racket! Payday is coming! The fires of Hell are heating up…just for those involved in this! All I can say is…God help them….as the fires of Hell…are eternal!!!!

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Amen to what you have written. We no longer have a nation of men. We have boys who game all night in adult bodies. We have a culture that says men should never be angry. It all makes me "angry" over what we have become. As a pastor I see the same lack of manhood in the church. The bullies run the place while the men sit quietly and dutifully obey the bullies.

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Well said pastor!

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Men need to get some back bone! To many weak… docile…feminine….men! I’m reading about the Waldenses Christians in the 1500 and 1600 in Europe… who had to take up arms to protect their families and land from slaughter by RC armies….It was the only way to keep from being completely annihilated as a people! We need godly men with sound reasoning that are brave and willing to stand up for what’s right…and not be bullied into cowardness!

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Amen well said

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If and when society breaks down there will be massive crime, and people will protect their house and family if needed and are armed even now, because robberies happen anywhere, for example in walking distance from me recently in one liquor store (strip mall) and another store several miles near my credit union at another liquor store. They were finally arrested. Drug money can be motive.

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To begin with, the sleaze should not have been out of jail for what he had already done. GOD has rules and punishment for breaking HIS law. The "courts" should have handled this to begin with and since they didn't the father had every right to handle the situation. It does not sound like he just shot him as soon as he saw him as I would have done but there was something verbal between them. "Law" enforcement failed again.

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Thoughts and prayers aren't involved with the pedo, but with the family and the daughter. May true justice prevail...he saved his daughter.

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Today justice is ass backwards…we arrest the hero…defender…and rescuer of victims and let the evil…depraved…repeat offender…go free! In this case…fortunately…he won’t ever repeat this again! God be with this young girl and injured family!

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So very true...everything is upside down. We've seen the targeted injustice against both Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, Peter Navarro and President Trump, all by the weaponized federal government and their minions. Obama spent 8 years weaponizing not only the intelligence community, but the entire alphabet soup agencies. Jarrett, Brennan, Clapper and Holder were his soldiers.

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How true Kelleigh….and how many people cried and wept for joy at Obamas election thinking he would be a savior…especially blacks! Americans are so deceived! By Gods grace only…I didn’t rejoice….I saw big trouble coming!

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You weren't the only one. I spoke with a dear friend whose wedding I went to and she and her pastor husband were voting for him. I said, "How can you vote for someone who five times voted against allowing care for babies who survived abortion?" She never could answer that. I asked again, how a Lutheran pastor and his wife could support a pro-abort for President, She said I didn't understand. I understood perfectly.

He is a cultural Marxist, as are all those minions under him. Georgetown Law Center has two women planning to destroy Trump's presidency if he gets elected. Rosa Brooks and Mary McCord. I wrote an article on it after J. Michael Waller exposed it. https://newswithviews.com/legal-insurrection-through-lawfare-part-2/

And that's only part of it. What about the illegal activities of the democrats who say they won't authenticate the electoral votes for Trump.

We are living a communist takeover. My dear friends, including one General, think it started in the 1950s. We had been fully infiltrated by then, churches, education, governments, both state and federal. But it started in 1825 and by 1848, a huge bastion of commies emigrated from Germany and by 1861, the Union Army had 13 high ranking officers who were full fledged Marxists, even wrote to Marx, and Marx wrote several times to Lincoln. For heaven's sake, Marx wrote for a NY newspaper.

If we don't fight against these two communists with their limited brain activity, and they are put in, we will really be in trouble. Even Putin has said to the West, "If you're sick of what's going on, come to Russia, we've seen all of this before."

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Oh I love all these answers. I'm not one bit sorry the pervert lost his life. Good riddance to pure scum. I doubt the girl was the only victim What long term emotional harm has the pervert inflicted on her? Her father did what any father would do, he protected his daughter from further harm and acted like a man.

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Fathers or father figures have been labeled the ultimate threat to this regime because the family unit threatens its power and where it comes from. They’ll do anything to demonize a father making the ultimate sacrifice for his children.

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Completely agree with you!

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My unusual position is this. My bible says this pedo needs stoned to death. I consider a bullet from a chamber a modern high velocity stone equilavent.

I think before God, the man is innocent. Just hope fallen man's injustice system will finally find him innocent.

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Cordless holepuncher.

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Am a Christian and regardless of faith in God;

the Pedophiles, Cannibals and Vampires are


There is vast difference between 'Killing,' and/or 'Murder.'

According to any and all philosophy; including The Holy Bible,

there is justification surrounding


The reason the United States has fallen is its


protecting the evil and covering-up all perpetrated as evil

defined by The Holy Bible.




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Including those in the corrupt justice system and ones responsible for dragging out death penalty executions for years.

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Maybe; especially!

Those EMPOWERING evil in any way are as GUILTY as those on the frontline perpetrating it.

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The system is corrupt and all that are employed in this system are guilty of corruption as well especially this

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More so now with open borders, child trafficking and drug cartels who seem to be above the law anyway.

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Several years ago in KY, when I received a carry and conceal license,

The law stated that lethal force is justifiable in attempted rape either of self or another.

So hopefully he will be justified in Arkansas as well…

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By the biblical definition, this was not murder. It was a righteous killing. What this father did was correct. There are however a few questions I have. How come this fourteen year old was found in the presence of this pedophile again? How did the dad know where to go to find him? Being raped once prior by Fosler, how was he able, to gain access to her so easily again in spite of restraining order. A few things are not adding up.

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I pray the great Governor of Arkansas (Sarah Huckabee Sanders) reverses this betrayal of injustice and pronounces the Father a Hero!

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Correction: betrayal of justice.

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The father acted as most fathers would have acted.

What is missing from this report is how and why the daughter allowed herself to bear near this man. Was she wanting to meet him in spite of the court order that he had to be well away from her ?

Old Chinese saying: “Sum ting berry fee-sheee in this storeee…”

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The sheriff did say, “When we get on scene and there's a homicide, it means one person took the life of another. It's either justified or not justified. That's what the fact finding, that's what the investigation is going to find out.” So this is from initial booking, pending investigation. Which should find him fully innocent of his actions against this monster. As for the previous arrest of this pedo, with this girl, it was for internet stalking and rape. I don’t know why he was ever released for that, but it does make you wonder why the parents of this young girl hadn’t become more vigilant about her internet use. How did he lure her again???

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Yes, regardless of how much you want to “protect” your children, they can find ways around it.

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If the so-called “justice” system fails to protect the public from depraved, violent predators and said predators return to victimize the same targets yet again…then members of the public are entirely justified in eliminating the hazard to their families.

The only way to deal with sexual predators - particularly those who prey upon children - is death.

Time and time again we see they cannot be rehabilitated. They cannot mend their ways while incarcerated. Extermination of these predators is the only solution which keeps communities safe. Our laws must be updated to reflect this.

The entire point of sentencing and imprisonment is to remove predators from society and keeping communities safe from violent criminal behavior . Our society has failed to adapt to the threats inflicted upon us. This MUST be rectified.

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Yes and I am seeing more and more of this: villainize the victim and hero and make a hero or victim out of the villain. It doesn't matter if it is the youth vs. adults, students vs. teachers, parents and admin vs. teachers, illegal invaders vs. legal citizens, abusers of all kinds vs. innocent, law abiding, and good citizens, those pushing perversion vs. those who want things pure, clean, and innocent, the examples are endless, but it is always the bully who wants evil who is protected, defended, upheld, and even celebrated and the actual victims who are innocent that are abused and vilified and persecuted. Our society is totally sick.

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