Who do these guys at the UN report to? the visible ones are never the ones in control.

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They report to a guy named Beelzebub.

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The Crown - the coalition of monarchy families that runs the world - and it is made up of the aristocratic families of bankers, billionaires, and monarchies, which I like to call the Roman Empire Cartel, and they own the International Money Cartel that runs the world Money Monopoly, and in turn they run the IBFIC, the International Banking, Finance and Investment Cartel, with the leading 3 players being BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, but also includes all the banks that are 'too big to fail' as they are the key financial institutions that own all the central banks in the Central Bank Cartel that facilitates the Money Monopoly, and the IBFIC in turn controls all the biggest corporations in the world, which they have now bought together into their Transnational Criminal Cartel, so we can see them clear as day - and that is the World Economic Forum.

And don't forget that in 2019, the little prick that runs the U.N. unilaterally signed a Public-Private Partnership with the World Economic Forum, with no mandate from the General Assembly to do so, and so it is operating as one single organization for global governance.

If you look to the board of the World Economic Forum you find the 3 groups I mentioned, bankers, billioinaires and monarchies, which are the true communists because they want to monopolize everything.

It is the richest people in the world that are waging war on us all by using the massive network of international institutions that they've been setting up for generations, but which have expanded into the monster it is today since WW2 ended - their war to do this.

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I was thinking the very same thing about Tedros. Who does this corrupt puppet take his orders from? Bill Gates?

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The dem/commie/fascist party.

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Devils, one & all !!!!

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Not going to live in fear... focus on God

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And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10

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Never be taken alive, resist till the end. UN troops are here/migrants being trained and every state as we know has detention centers.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

that creature feeds off fear.NO, I WILL NOT FEAR HIM.That is obvious add on crap not out of the mouth of anyone holy.If you are in the name of god,jesus christ and the holy spirit you shall not fear HIM in hell.They should though......He IS WAITING......

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I agree with you. I was using hyperbole at the end of the article.

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Fear always exists when evil is ...allowed to happen.

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

-Epicurus, Ancient Greek Philosopher

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It is neither. He gave the rule to man and gave man freewill. Man chose to do it his way and go his own way. God did not stand in the way. He let them have their way. If they would have chosen to listen to God, we would have none of this mess. But man did it "his way." Let it be a lesson to you. Those who choose God's way will live in God's Kingdom and make no mistake about it, God will intervene. There are purposes at work that may look bad but have a good outcome. God suffers in all of this was well. So yes the Christian is right and the atheist is wrong. Have a nice day.

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Translation, No power or will to prevent evil.

Thx 4 agreeing!

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Seattle huh? That is another sewer created by the Left.

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Large West coast cities incl. along w/ blue cities elsewhere.

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Thx again .......4 not agreeing!

BTW, Longlac, Ontario is lovely this year.

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Yes there is power. The will is there but He gave it to man to control the earth. This is now your mess, not His. So no, you don't get it yet and that is not the correct translation. You need to think outside of the box that the simpletons have placed you in. I am not agreeing. You are agreeing with folly, however. Thanks for letting me know that so I won't waste any more time on you!

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BS dodge.

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Charlie- praying for you. Jesus loves you and maybe one day you will surrender your heart to Him.

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I bet you are vaccinated too.

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translation wrong.love can prevent evil.

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Go to Gaza, North Korea, Iran, Russia, Syria, Cuba and Communist China and deliver that naive pollyanna message!

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She didn't agree. You live in Seattle so that's what's wrong with you.

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Terrible. God is above all you have quoted.

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Fuck Guterres and Fuck the U.N. ... I'll speak my mind as I damned well wish, anytime, anywhere and any place, no matter that some may call it "hate speech". Our First Amendment supposedly protects and defends all speech, especially that speech many may find objectionable or harsh, and regardless of what the U.N wants, U.S. law and our Constitution isn't subservient to any international "law" or edicts, especially when they derive from some totalitarian despotic anti-American organization such as the U.N. or the WHO.

There is no such thing as "hate speech" in America. There is only Free Speech, so long as it's not anything causing harm, like yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. And as far as anyone being hateful or bigoted, all people are bigoted to one degree or another regardless of how they may try to hide it or act as if they are not.

Aside from that, no entity can control or legislate people's feelings and emotions, and just as I have a right to love who I wish to love with all the passion of my being, I have the same right to hate anyone or anything with equal passion, especially if they promote and facilitate evil in my community, state and country. God commands us to hate evil just as he hates evil.

"Hate speech" is simply a Marxist-Maoist construct and one more way for the commies of the world to attempt to control political narratives, people and the nations of the world. Isn't it funny that as long as it's them saying any hateful thing they want, it's supposed to be perfectly fine and acceptable? Just another damned double-standard bit of amerikkan and eurotrash commie bullshit!!!!!

~ Justin O Smith

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Regardless of what they declare or command; THEY WILL NOT CHANGE TRUTH and TRUTH IS THE PRIORITY over all feelings; including hate. THAT IS THE WAY IT IS...With no apology.

Since we all know evil HATES TRUTH; it's not difficult to know

THE TRUTH AS THIS GLOBALIST MENAGERIE to be the 'Hate-Filled Hate Mongers.'

They've known they only had 4 years since the 2020 Fraud/Cheat Murder of Demoncracy in the U.S. with Uniparty Nazi's installed into the Oval and Legislature in the Sewer of D.C. as their United States Corporation TREASONOUS to the Natural Territory of the United States as both a Nation and People.



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Demonic controlled cities : NYC (UN building) Brussels (WHO Hq) Gerneva, Swit. (W.E.F.,) blue cities w/ Marxist leaders putting illegals ahead of Americans, also E.U. leaders pushing same agenda.

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Since the primary Establishment is The City of London's Bankers with the BIS in Basel, Switzerland and the EU Monarchy/Peers (Fabians out of Oxford/Cambridge)...Those MUST be the primary locations. NYC, Brussels, Geneva, Davos as well as D.C. as the International World Bank and all Central Bank Locations throughout the World are Secondary.

Intelligence is a Network primarily located in London with GCHQ/Mi5 and 6 as well as Interpol in France as International Police...D.C., Mossad, and the locations of the whole Intelligence Network in all the rest of the 'Five Eyes'.

The most certain of all the areas to remove first...The primaries are the most vital as they are CERTAIN. Never can forget the locations of all the BUNKERS they've spent trillions building in the last 75 years. THE CITIES AREN'T THE TARGET...THE PEOPLE RUNNING THE PROGRAM OF THE ESTABLISHMENT ARE THE TARGETS. We know the top 10,000...Take out the Leadership with their money and resources and the spiders/reptilians will scurry to escape and will be weak to be picked off.

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Exactly. The precise action plan that will work. Taking out the top leaders and their top dogs will magically alter the climate.

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They're at the top ORDERING those operating the HAARP Program to CREAT YOUR CLIMATE CULT causing eradic and abnormal weather to reduce land value and prices so they can STEAL IT ALL and control all food, housing and all resources they've monitized with the land...As the Kings, Queens and Peers did in the past and as Dictators do today.

As for 'precise'; it wouldn't be that difficult were the U.S. to fight to WIN VICTORY instead of act as Police to harrass as ordered by The City of London, Crown Corporation and Multi-National Corporatists.

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Funny hate speech shoujd be outlawed according to UN…unless it’s hate speech against whites or Jews.

Problem is the 1A makes no designation against “types” of speech.

Hate speech doesn’t exist. But without ppl having freedom to say what they want there is ZERO actual free speech.

It literally becomes limited speech.

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The UN has no authority over this country or other countries to make laws, but a meeting place to discuss issues which rarely get resolved. The U.S. needs to exit the UN. Since it won't, this proves we are now under world gov. making voting useless ongoing and has been since 1913 when W.Wilson became a puppet president.

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As long as we have admin that gives the UN authority over the USA, then the UN will have authority over us.

It shouldn’t be that bcuz of the Constition.

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The Constitution was the

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Amazing how Left ignores the Constitution and without much pushback isn’t it?

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Nihilism seems to be the number one "religion" of the masses now for decades.

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If we had enough patriots in the N.E. they would be demonstrating ongoing infront of the UN to leave the U.S.

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Hate speech against Jews won’t be tolerated, once the Noahide Laws have been formally implemented by the Ashkenazi-Zionist faction, whom Jesus Christ described as “those who call themselves Jews but are not.”

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I still won’t be complying.

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That's unconscienable. The U.N. can stuff it and, quite frankly, their speech is hate speech.

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Hate speech is anything that those in power do not like. What's missing from all this blathering about Hate Speech is the punishment for those found guilty of exercising their right to free speech. Given that this is part of the Great Reset, the plan is to make everyone a compliant zombie, enslave them and then mass murder them. (Them, of course means us, me, you and everyone else on the planet, except the globalists.

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Few are aware and only a small handful are informed on this reset plan. We must resist or be enslaved. All this could become reality before the election or sooner.

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First we must create more and more awareness and simultaneously demand our representatives also create awareness and craft legislation to block anything the UN might try to impose. We also have to contend with the Democrats who are for the most part the enemy of free speech.

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Politicians are like civic club leaders, church pastors, educators in universities and others active in communities. They want their paycheck and perks so they cowardly remain silent, some feel they would be called radicals, KKK or other names maybe if they spoke out against the illegals. Some feel it would hurt their business relationships. Seems in my area, retirees are only age group speaking out.

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That's true, but once in a while the voters select a good one. Sometimes they get lucky. Alternatives? Move, Organize and Resist or submit. The failure has been that of the people who did not stand up and fight to preserve our freedoms no matter the number of warnings. Now the options are a lot more painful.

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I heard on redacted that militias were getting ready in response to illegal's invasions.. The speaker was J.J. Carrell. He is on substack with updates.

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Freedom of speech was given to me by God and justified in the First Amendment. The UN can have freedom of speech as well but not to the point of curtailing my freedom of speech. As a servant of the Triune God, I do not hate anyone but no one has the right to declare that anything I say is hate speech, most definitely since I only utter truth.

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“States have an obligation under international law to prevent and combat incitement to hatred and to promote diversity, mutual understanding and solidarity. They must step up and implement these commitments, while ensuring that the measures they take preserve freedom of speech and protect minorities and other communities.”

Let's try this instead. "States (and governments at all levels) have an obligation under international law to provide the truth, foster diversity in speech, and not engaging in or promoting censorship, and in doing so, ensuring that they take measures to preserve freedom of speech for all people, because it's an inalienable right bestowed upon all by their creator."

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The DHS will deploy compliance officers by the hundreds of thousands. It will take a special group of people who have no allegiance to America nor respect for American values. They're streaming across the southern border now. Forming a hostile domestic army has been their purpose from the beginning.

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Some will be UN troops and used for roundups.

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The UN and the WEF, the current sold-out treasonous demo/uniparty are all chained together unified in their pursuit of the globalist marxist NWO. Schwab has stepped down from the head of the WEF to police the digital data end of the operation take over. All this activity is dependent on whether we as a nation will repent and turn back to God sooner than later so that our Sovereign God will show us mercy.....or judgment will continue as the time grows near to the end.

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It is the same road all dictatorships go down. Once they silence free speech and hold the population in fear, they can control and expand their plans. We saw the deal with covid. The more the word got out about the whole mess, the less they were able to get away with. I heard that the whole jab scandal made it to some world court and that is why the push stopped but don't quote me on that one. But suddenly it did die down. That was not their plan. There was censorship but not enough to curtail the truth from getting out. Next time they want to ensure that it doesn't slip through the cracks at all.

I also think that by now either people woke up or they didn't. If you woke up during covid, you will be more wary and less trusting of anything that comes down the assembly line and that the media pushes. If you didn't wake up, nothing else will help you either. Many did wake up to the globalist plots and are more savvy in general. That is the good news. A certain immunity to BS has entered the population. (Pun intended) But the bad news is next time there is a plot, it may be impossible to blow the trumpet, sound the alarm, and warn the people of that specific danger, or get a plan or message out in a Paul Revere sort of way.

We can rant and rave all we want about our rights, and yes, they are our rights. Whether they are in the Constitution or not. But don't hope in any document to come and save the day for you either. That ship has sailed and it did not come to the rescue in the past and it won't in the future either. We have the right to free speech online, sure. But they will not honor it. Facebook is a perfect example. All they have to do is shut you down, close the account on youtube or whatever, even limit or deny your access to the internet. Don't think they can't or won't either. You may say it, but it may be the last thing you say on there, so keep it in your pocket for an opportune time.

I know someone who also has the attitude of "I can say whatever the damn hell I please, whatever and whenever I want on there!" She had an account on one of those platforms. She would post Bible verses and it was those particular ones that get the wokies all up in arms. Well she ended up getting the 3 strikes, a time out, a longer ban, and then was blocked altogether. She said it but that was the last thing she was able to say on there. That is my point. The fact that is was the right thing to say, and that she had the right to say it, was irrelevant. Once they implement digital ID you can't just make up another anonymous username and log back on the horse again and ride the internet. "The British are coming!" or whatever it is. This is what they have planned. I'm just the messenger.

When it comes to regular speech from person to person it is different. It was like this in dictatorships too. People spoke their mind but were careful who they talked to. Some would turn you in for a prize. Many landed in the gulags that way. You can say anything you want in the privacy of your closet, etc. That is safe. Except for surveillance now. But you can talk to a friend you know well, that is next safest. The circles of safety go outward from there as you reach out to neighbors, co workers, strangers, etc. We can already see a mild form of this in place now. There are laws coming and here for all kinds of speech. We have all heard news stories of people being fired or fined for not using certain pronouns and such. We see the trans takeover in sports and other areas of life and the backlash for speaking out against it. We are the victims calling for justice but they paint it the opposite and that is the approved narrative in the media.

Ultimately we know the game. They are coming for us. They want to censor, oppress, persecute, and put an end to Christians, conservatives, traditionalists, patriots, and so on. That is the end game. We are in the early stages. Each must plan accordingly to his situation. I have no offspring to worry about. I have only one "hill to die on," and that is my Christian identity. I will not compromise. If one feels lead to use a loudspeaker from the rooftops or just whisper with certain people that depends on how the Lord leads you. But if they ask you, you cannot deny your faith in Christ or He will deny you. Matthew 10; 32-33. I have more leeway and will use it at the right time. I am perfectly willing to suffer for Jesus. I am, however, not willing to go to jail for any president, country, political party, mask issue, etc. I will not take any jab and if that renders me homeless one day, I fall into the care of the Lord as I am obeying Him in that matter. As Esther said, "If I perish, I perish!" But for such a time as this... I am here!

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Very nice thinking!!! I also think the same! Thanks to put it in words!

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Somebody should "Killdozer" that place into the East River.

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Kindergartners make plans too. They have backyard parties and they serve carrot and celery to sticks to their friends in pretend restaurant tables and call it steak and lobster. This is that kind of party.

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America is an off the rails banana republic and unfixable with puppet- traitors in gov. incl Congress. Shocking (to most) report: https//greatgameindia.com/how-china-controls-critical-u-s-military-technology/ I won't waste time listening to these bloviating debates between Biden and T.

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