Keep this going!!! People need to know exactly how OUR MONEY WAS USED WITHOUT OUR KNOWLEDGE!!!

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Is anybody out there still wondering why so much of the rest of the world hates the United States?

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From the immigration numbers, yes, I do.

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I finally learned in 2008.

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The way the msm is trying to cover for the USAID is beyond despicable. We live in dark times but hope has returned. MAGA

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If Vance wins in four years and continues the same agenda, maybe people will wake up and take a stand. It is up to the younger generations now to lead the way it is their futures. Otherwise there is no hope for them and their children.

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Leo, thank you for exposing these horrible truths! So much has been hidden from us.

It helps me better understand the book 'World Order' by Henry Kissinger. It was quite rambling but by the end of the book, it seemed as though he thought Islamic rule would be best for a world order.

Now I see how they have been been aiding Islam against all other religions even more than what I saw under Obamas 8 (12?) year reign. His claim that Islam was a religion of peace, among so many other lies.

Kissinger groomed Obama to be president for nefarious reasons.

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There are no proven truths in the article. Only "allegations".

I need proof before I start claiming gossip is truth.

Christianity has perpetrated its fair share of violence and mayhem. Should it also be labelled as a violent religion?

All presidents are groomed for nefarious reasons by the rulers if this world.

God Bless.

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I hear you Pirate S., free speech comes with responsibility. B.O. saying that Islam 'means peace' was for P.R.

Islam actually means submission. A pure and active submission to the will of Allah.

The word sal'm, or salam literally means peace though. The idea is that a person 'gains peace' through submission to Allah and the Koran, when they practice Islam to the fullest.

Generally speaking, Christians are taught to love God and love one another as Jesus Christ loved us. I would not label it as a violent religion. Christians are the ones getting slaughtered in many places for 'not submitting' to another belief.

I myself have met Muslims that I continue to care greatly for. I deeply miss a wonderful Muslim woman that was murdered, just a few months before her sons graduation from High School. She was not killed by a Christian or a Muslim.

True Christians are filled with love and embrace all people, that is my personal view, you are entitled your view. Even awful people that do horrible things, I pray that they will come around and give their hard hearts to Jesus, repent of their sins and gain a heart of love.

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I want to be clear. I never said Jesus taught us to use violence as a solution.

I said Christianity has been a violent religion at times and by that I clearly mean the religion, not Jesus. They are not one and the same.

I am speaking of The Inquisition, The Crusades, The Salem Witch Trials, The Christian concept of Manifest Destiny which was used to justify the genocide of the Native Americans, etc.

Plenty of violence in those examples perpetrated in the name of Christianity that used scripture from the Bible as justification for horrific violent actions.

We are all sinners. Submission is a lesson Jesus taught as well. Submission of self to God. Self will to God's will. Submission of the flesh to a life in the Spirit.

Jesus Himself is recorded as submitting His own will to God's in the Garden of Gethsemane the night he was arrested.

I don't know anyone who's heart is always filled with love and always embraces all people. If that's what defines a True Christian, I guess I've never met one.

I strive toward that as a follower of Christ, but admit my lack of perfection, pick up my cross when I stumble and follow Him again.

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When you mentioned 'Manifest destiny', that gives me the creeps but that is a free mason term. George Washington was our 1st free mason president. Not exactly Christian if you learn more about it. Quite the complete opposite. Also, 'the new Golden Age' we keep hearing about with our new president, same thing. Free mason term. Look into what Manly P. Hall and Albert Pike (free mason titans) state about those two terms.

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I know some of what you're saying and agree with it all. I'm not saying Manifest Destiny IS a valid teaching of Christ's rather that people have used Christianity and all religions to nefarious ends at various points throughout history.

I think I read all but two presidents were Freemasons beginning with Washington. There are videos of Trump in Masonic regalia at Lodge meetings.

I had some strange personal interactions with Manly P. Hall that disturbed me greatly and I've avoided knowing much about him after that, but I just found a pdf of his book about America that I've been meaning to read for some time now thanks to you bringing him up.

I grew up in a generational Masonic family and it was a nightmare. I'm finally at a point through the strength of Christ I can begin looking into it for myself.

It has disturbed me greatly that Trump used both those terms, manifest destiny and the golden age, knowing some of what they truly mean. Especially as he used them during his inauguration with Melania dressed like a woman funeral director. I even found a photo of lady funeral directors and they dress exactly like Melania did that day. It's chilling.

I appreciate our conversation. Very much. Thank you.

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Pirate S., please watch if you can and get back to me about any thoughts you might like to share afterwards, if you have any. The title to look up on you tube is:


Believe me, you won't regret it. It's from Oct 4, 2021. 1,862,626 views. Very important, please share with others if you agree.

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Wow! Thank you for the additional info. I am in complete agreement of so much of what you have written.

I've never seen pictures of Trump in F. M. dress. Oh my my. Melania was decked out in pure Saturnalia outfits the day of the inauguration.

Yes, these many things God is alerting us to are indeed chilling! There is so much more to learn about, but especially Gods word. I'm pretty inept but I'm trying.

Thank God you made it out of that secret society, one of the many.

There is a you tube I saw, it's about 5 hours long, but we'll worth the time. It's a former F.M. telling his journey to Jesus Christ. It to is chilling. I'll look it up and get back to you on the title.

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You're right, the love tank will be shouting 'near empty' when you see a person actively harming another. Anger, distress rises first, a call to action. It's not that any Christian is ever perfect, can't happen!, it's just that well inside that doesn't run completely dry. A well of appreciation for life and life in Christs love. We are His hands & feet. We can love others by giving a helping hand, showing compassion, and empathy.

He is the vine. We are the branches from that vine and we are known by the fruit we bear. Good or not so good.

Because He lives in us, we can stand up to alot of things through His strength when we may be losing our own.

No matter what religion or belief a person has that I meet, it's just nice to get to know the individual...if we have the time, I'm just a curious person, then at some point I share about my belief in Jesus and why. See where it goes from there.

A few people I've known did receive Jesus as Savior, one man, his name is Krishna. Just by discussions, we can plant the seed. May God bless you this fine day.

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Apparently the US government has spent billions of dollars funding terrorism around the world to justify spending hundreds of billions of dollars to fight terrorism around the world.

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Thank you Leo for exposing this evil.

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This article is based on hearsay derived from the mouth of a Nigerian politician.


The Nigerian politician "alleges" monies funded terrorism. ALLEGES. Not fact. Not proven truth.

The monies may have very well funded desperately poor Africans as another alleges.

This same Nigerian politician claims an UNNAMED US CONGRESSMAN has "confirmed" his allegations. Who is this ANONYMOUS US CONGRESSMAN?

Bring the receipts. Show me. We deserve the TRUTH. Not "allegations".

Until you have proof of such a horrific claim, this is nothing more than gossip. GOSSIP.

I understand people desperately want to believe Trump and Musk are draining the swamp, but keep your heads, People.

We are being deceived. Get ready. Find God. Trust in Jesus and no man. God help us all.

Including poor Africans in need.

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We were told in the US in 2001 that they (terrorists) hate us for our freedoms. Sure, the freedom to be wicked and cause all types of carnage world-wide.

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Simply despicable! But not surprising anymore.

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Government shouldn't see another penny from Any or us!! Discusting!!!

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LORD, have mercy on your people I pray! May your mighty hand destroy the evil doers who work to harm your people!

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The United States who call herself a "Christian" Nation'. They brag on it throughout the world, they say things like God chose this man to lead us, even the very wicked ones. Then they go and plunder the nations. Their gold, their silver, their minerals, and even their fields, and the men and the woman who slave in their factories. They murder their babies and take more drugs than any other nation. They have caused us to stink, and they have trampled the Holy One Of Isael. God is not mocked. I would be in fear of judgment!

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Leo, you may want to look into the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) - a “soft” version and seeming amicable, “clean” replacement for CIA activities. History confirms that the only path to supremacy for empires is through exploitation, murder, killing, and destruction.

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I was also thinking that the things USAID is being accused of are the same things that the C I A has been historically accused of. Is this some kind of a scape goat or something? I have never heard of the NED which may also serve this purpose, but it is possible I could be totally off base.

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NED has a website. When you explore it, you will see things paid for via USAID. You will also see familiar names.

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You stated it correctly when you said "accused of". This article is based only on allegations. There is no proof offered to confirm it as truth.

We all need to keep our heads and hold until actual proof of allegations are produced.

Otherwise it is a violation of God's 9th commandment. Do not bear false witness.

See the deception? God Bless.

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Exactly, if we have learned anything from what has been going on the last few years, it is to wait for all of the info to come out before passing judgement.

God bless.

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An interesting read is The Avalon Project: Hamas Covenant 1988. The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement was issued on August 18, 1988. Look it up at https://avalon.law.yale.edu. or Wikipedia: 1988 Hamas Charter. There are 36 Articles in the Charter.

Article 2 defines Hamas as a "universal movement" Article 8 states this, The Hamas document reiterates the Muslim Brotherhoods slogan of "Allah is the goal, the Prophet is the model, the Qur'an its constitution, jihad its path, and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.

The Muslim Brotherhood made hundreds of visits to the Obama White House, meeting with top administration officials. Why?

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These are VERY serious accusations. I want proof that this is what the UK and the US are actually funding or if it was sent to the governments and then they distributed it to these Islamic terrorist groups.

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Yes it may have happened like that, with a wink and a nod from the US deep state.

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I pray this was not acceptable to my government or the UK government.

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Why wouldn’t it be? Our government created Al-Qaida and ISIS to begin with! Also, have you ever read about what happened to the 3 million Christians in Iraq as a result of the U.S. invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Saddam Hussein?

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Does Nigeria have oil or rare earth metals that the US wants?

What is the reasoning behind funding both sides?

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Yes, Nigeria has oil.

It's not just the US engaging in this type of behaviour.

China is doing the same sort of thing utilizing their Belt and Road Initiative. When China builds something for another nation, it is considered part ownership. As such, China's national policy is to keep troops near its assets. This is why Chinese troops are on the ground in Canada....watching over a Chinese asset.

It is why this situation in Panama at the Canal is critical. Michael Yon has been reporting on this for some time.

Russia is also on the African Continent. There is a contest to see who can acquire the rare earth metals this new tech requires.

It is also part of the race to see who will become top dog of the 4th Reich/ New World Order/ Globalist government.

But, God has another plan. Trust God and walk in peace.

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Seems to me we're ignoring a rather major player in Islam.

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Hmmm and here I thought when Michelle Obama gave the heart hand gesture (save our girls) that she took care of that situation.

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