Why, at this point, aren't we nuking Ukraine and saving Putin the trouble? We've depleted our own military readiness to help this madman and I'm sick of watching the Biden Administration give money to Ukraine for which my great-great-great-grandchildren will still be paying. #ClownWorld

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Mr Z is a talented con man no doubt about it.

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I would rather listen to Scott Ritter, who knows what he is talking about, than the buffoon Zelensky any day of the week. He should never be in the position he was installed in to begin with. The US is responsible for this whole scam and disaster. Shame on our government for causing the deaths, diseases, disasters and suffering around the world and here at home.

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Amen!!! As a Ukrainian immigrant to America myself who WAS PERSONALLY IN,EAST UKRAINE WARZONE , Zelensky is a piece of garbage who needs to have a military tribunal OR a Ukrainian citiizen tribunal and then a justified Ak47 round between his head because he has COMMITTED TREASON AND KILLED MILLIONS OF MY PEOPLE OVER NOTHING. I pray he repents and gives his life to Jesus but if he doesn't then off with his head, because he's such an evil Dictator and now he wants TO NUKE RUSSIA WITH A NUCLEAR BOMB.

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Can't judge the man for cancelling elections during a war or for suspending any kind of Constitution defining Ukraine a Republic...Much has happened in the U.S. suspending the U.S. Constitution at such times. Problem rises in 'False Flag Operations' which NATO is historically proficient with to rationalize declaring emergencies to provide suspension as in the west, including the U.S at this time.

Zelensky is merely mirroring all leadership of the west at this time; frenetic, manic, angry, terrified and using resources to disable, sterilize, murder and enslave the people towards a psychopathic One/New World Nazi Police State to mimic CCP/China. Does the west want Zelensky out? Is Zelensky simply to be THEIR FALL GUY?

Reached the conclusion long ago of Ukraine/Russo War to actually be theft, War for Profit and Power; the same method used through all time to LAUNDER VALUE/STEAL FROM THE PEOPLE AND NATION they pretend loyalty to. When the Central Bankers of England begin to open the coffers to distribute all they've STOLEN through millennia...The people throughout the world will know there's been ACTUAL CHANGE.

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Bullshit. Abraham Lincoln held elections during the American Civil War and I don't remember any elections being suspended during WW2 or any other time. This was a power grab and Zelensky holds evidence of the Biden Crime Family's money laundering and the CIA's chemical weapons labs. This war was about hiding crimes and making the Military Industrial Complex richer and nothing else. Do I agree with you about the globalist threat and their pet bankers? Yes, but what American president arrested priests for opposing their wars? Yes, the Biden Administration shut down churches for CCP Virus but Zelensky has made the Eastern Orthodox Christian religion illegal. I can actually "judge the man" for his actions and do. I can also judge the Democrats in our own country for their crackdown on the First, Second and Fourth Amendments. Yes, only God is the final judge, but I certainly know my enemies and every globalist stooge like Biden, Clinton, Bush, Obama and Zelensky are on that list.

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Actually, it was the Trump Administration that shut down churches for the circusvirus. Trump was in office until January 2021. All that closing of churches during the virus from March through summer and again from Nov. on happened under his leadership in 2020, as well as the push for the jab in early 2021. The reopening did not occur until Feb. 2021 when it was good ol' Joe that was in office.... just for the record. These are the cold, hard facts. There were variations in the shutdown timeframes but that was the generality of it. And no, do not make the false assumption that I am pro joe biden because I am not, but that is also why I am not pro Donald. And I won't tolerate any bullies trying to tell me how to vote, I have my own mind and can make it up myself on the voting issue and I already have and no one else needs to agree with it. I will not lower my standards for anyone and all their 'threats' of what 'is to come' if he does not get in. I vote how I want or not at all and that is my right and that's where the discussion ends.

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Ma'am, I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. That's not my speed. I also apologize for not giving credit where it was due. I like to be exact and I wrote that without thinking it through. I'd also like to point out that while the left *is* violating our civil liberties, Republicans have set down and twiddled their thumbs during the left's lunacy. That means they let it happen, so nobody has clean hands here. I do like Trump's policies, but I don't like him personally. That's fine. I don't have to. If I wait for a politician that I'd use as a babysitter, I'll never vote again. I respect people's right to vote their conscience and it sounds like you've met others who don't. I'm sorry for that. It's important Americans be able to politely debate politics between themselves and we should all be a little mindful not everyone shares our beliefs before engaging. Have a lovely week, Ma'am. May God's blessings be many for you and yours.

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Trump did nothing while in office to lower the deficit. This country is unfixable anyway, and according to some financial websites, look for a market crash soon. People need to move their money out of stocks and mutuals into money market funds or I bonds, some prefer metals.

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That's one opinion. I agree spending is out of control in both parties and the deficit is of concern. What I disagree with is that the nation is unfixable. Argentina's economy was in an arguably worse state than America's and slashing the size of the federal government, getting a tight rein on government spending and whole of government fiscal conservatism has begun to show gains. I've long switched my CD's, 401K and money market out to precious metals and items for trade and barter like multiple calibers of ammunition, hygiene products, antibiotics, etc. I left my bank account alone so my retirement check comes as long as the economy limps along, but I believe America is fixable. We need to make some big changes to see it happen, but it can be done. To start, we need to cut every office of government America doesn't absolutely need for survival and defense against hostile nations. The welfare to the world needs to end and physically able bodied Americans need to work for their survival or starve. There's enough charities and churches out there who'll gladly help the small number of people who slip through the cracks. Yes, it will be hard and people will bitch and moan about it, but call a waa-mbulance for them and tell them to get a job. We need to reprioritize the family farm and end the revolving door between Big Pharma and Big Government. Only Trump has a plan for that. Back when Americans worked hard all week and had their butts in the pews Sunday morning, we didn't have all this money flowing to degenerates who want to cut off children's reproductive organs, have grown men dancing naked around little kids and calling it 'Pride.' Those folks would have known "pride goeth before a fall" and in the devil's case, it was literal. America needs a lot of work, but she's a solid fixer upper and if we roll up our sleeves and get to it, she'll be worth much more than the '69 Charger someone occasionally finds in an old lady's garage that needs a coat of paint, new seals, hoses and a battery. Plus, like the Charger, America is an idea worth saving.

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The 401k in US treasuries right before he retired. (he is retired Fed. civil svc, blue collar tech.) CD's in cr. union w/roll over interest complying w/FDIC ins. Not in stocks, I -bonds yes, we need to think about cashing some in. Barter items also stashed. If Divine judgement is "the plan" ( me and others think so) , then country won't be fixable. If Ms Cackles wins, then it is unfixable big time. We are then on our own.

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Very Good Point Lilly, that is saying it like it is! So true, Liked most of Trumps policies but the push for the Jab and letting the likes of Fauci, Birx and the rest of the thugs to dictate to him as to how to handle things was insane including his push for the jab.

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Zelensky, along with the Criminal U.S. Government and Russia are all criminals who are stealing money from the citizens of their country. No Governments are GOOD, they are ALL corrupt, only God is Good!

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This is typical mafia tactics. Grab a hostage, make an irrational threat. The damage would take out innocent victims. The threat is to coerce and manipulate an ally, not even an enemy; into giving them something; protection, that they do not deserve and the ally does not feel right about giving them unless they go against their conscience. Even start WW3. But ey, Vinny, yo.... we dun a care a abouta allof a that a! Weez a gonna a go a .... a full on rambo aona everyona because we wanna, anda weez the bullies. a.

It's straight out of the Godfather.

Well the world is on fire already with all the madness now and it's going to get worse with the election madness just around the next corner.

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That Jack-Off is a vile sexual deviant and a complete POS period. I wish Russia would just clean-sweep those ass-clowns and stop this craziness. Putin needs to completely Liquidate the ultra corrupt state of Ukraine. The End.

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Matters not what Coke-snorting-Tu-Tu-wearing NAZI SoyBoy Zelensky, the ILLEGITIMATE 'President' of the Ukraine, spews (about nukes). They do not have them, and the MORONS in that country are too fkn stupid to BUILD any!

Even IF they COULD build A nuke.....this feat would take many, many, MANY MONTHS. And Russia's SMO will be DONE, long before they'd even start that 'project'. THEE ONLY way the Uki-NAZIS get hold of a nuke(s), is if they were GIVEN nukes! And as we all SHOULD know....a nuke (the signature) is TRACIBLE! We ALL would know 'who' gave them that nuke(s)!! That being said, I don't think that any country, no matter how INSANE these FuckTards ARE, will NOT do so.

As it was said (I think by Scott Ritter)......(paraphrasing)....'Before the plane(s) that delivered the nuke(s) even have a chance to land, from where they took off from, Russia will have LET THEIR NUKES FLY!'.

And the Psychopaths in the West KNOW THIS TO BE A FACT. They, therefore, will NOT give the Uki-NAZIS any nukes.

So, it matters NOT what that NAZI spews about nukes!

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The chickens have come home to roost.

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Almost 30 years ago, NATO signed an agreement with Russia NOT to allow Ukraine into NATO

membership, since Ukraine bordered Russia. Poland was to be the boundary for membership.

This way, if any country attacked Russia, they would have time to respond.

Zelensky is no longer president, so why is everyone listening to him???

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Children playing with matches are starting a fire that we might not be able to put out.

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As a Ukrainian immigrant to America myself who WAS PERSONALLY IN,EAST UKRAINE WARZONE , Zelensky is a piece of garbage who needs to have a military tribunal OR a Ukrainian citiizen tribunal and then a justified Ak47 round between his head because he has COMMITTED TREASON AND KILLED MILLIONS OF MY PEOPLE OVER NOTHING. I pray he repents and gives his life to Jesus but if he doesn't then off with his head, because he's such an evil Dictator and now he wants TO NUKE RUSSIA WITH A NUCLEAR BOMB.

He is LITERALLY THREATENING THE WORLD that if he doesn't go into NATO (IMMEDIATE 3rd World War with Russia) or gets Nukes (immediately WW3 as well) he will keep threatening the world and begging for more money. He's an evil Satanic scum that needs to be removed NOW before millions more of Ukrainians are killed to line up his coffers!

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Ziolesnsky does not need to gather some retired nuclear scientists to build any nuclear weapon ...

He will get it/them "ready for launch" either from the UK or Israhell themselves.

Never forget: Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, and Palestine debacle are ALL the UK-elitists' brain-children !!!

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Bluffing. What is Zelensky going to do? Bite our ankles ?

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I know. Picture this on a school yard. Three boys; Joe, Jack, and Vlad. Joe is the US, Jack is Ukraine, and Vlad is Russia. So Jack wants the lunch money from Joe and grabs Vlad and threatens to knock him out if Joe does not give Jack the money. Suppose Joe does not give Jack the money. Vlad will be mad at Jack, not Joe and will grab Jack and knock the crap out of him and Joe will walk away and grab his lunch. If Joe does give Jack the money, Jack feels empowered as a bully, Vlad is glad but Joe is mad. So since Jack had grabbed Vlad, Vlad and Joe grab Jack and knock him out and get the money back and go on their merry way. They may even become buddies now. I would definitely say Joe and Jack will not be buddies anymore. So I don't see this ending well for Jack but rather back firing, as it should.

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Why don't you write anything about Israel?

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Hi Geri. There are many, many sites that focus almost exclusively on Israel that have more expertise on the subject than I. I tend to focus more on America. Having said that, it's not like I never write about Israel, because I do. My most recent piece on Israel is linked below and there are many more examples on my other website, LeoHohmann.com:


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After the Oct 7 the raids and killings, hostage taking, someone sent me numerous sites on day to day info incl Jerusalem post, Times of Israel, Haaretz, etc. and other news sites incl individual websites relating to this. Geri: i24news keeps up with whats going on day to day for those who want briefings, not tons of info. One retired pastor decided to later keep up w/ i24 site. So have I. We all have other issues to keep up with besides.

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Total nonsense. Time for a change! He needs to be removed from his unelected office.

Just as someone else should have been in 2021.

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The man is insane.

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Zelensky is a Jewish Nazi and a Jewish Clown!

And he is EXACTLY what this Global Sh-thole deserves!


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